Symphytum officinale
Comfrey loves to mend — skin, bones, soil, there’s so much to do! She dives deep, magicking molecules, rebuilding broken chains, restacking cells into tissue and tissue into muscle. This is joyous work for Comfrey, so she tends to work quickly . . . sometimes too quickly! Her boldness can border on recklessness, and in her mad-scientist exuberance she can get ahead of herself and forget first steps. Comfrey is a reminder to work systematically, starting with the deepest layers and working your way out. Even creative endeavors need to be built on a solid foundation. If Comfrey appears, ask what needs mending, and then pause to assess and plan before diving in.
The flip side of mending is breaking. We’re trained to appear strong and often feel guilt or shame when we break. But unmaking is as much a part of the cycle as making . . . and breaking can be incredibly liberating (if you’ve swung a sledgehammer during a home renovation project, you know this is true).
What you’re going for is the moment when your mind stops chattering and you simply release.
It’s easier to break something than it is to repair it. And yet there’s a rare release in breaking — in dissolution — that we seldom let ourselves feel. Think of the caterpillar that turns into DNA soup during its time in the cocoon so it can emerge as a butterfly.
When real metamorphosis has begun, we run into a welter of “dissolving” experiences. We may feel that everything is falling apart, that we’re losing everyone and everything. Dissolving feels like death, because it is — it’s the demise of the person you’ve been.
Martha Beck