Omelette aux fines herbes

3 medium eggs

1tbsp single/light cream

Salt and black pepper

½tsp chopped chives

½tsp chopped tarragon

½tsp chopped chervil

½tsp chopped parsley

1tbsp unsalted butter


Omelette pan or non-stick frying pan/skillet

This is a gloriously simple Sunday night supper, and also the sort of thing you could make in a tiny kitchen while on holiday – so long as you have a good non-stick pan, you need little else. This goes from ingredient to plate in a matter of seconds, so make sure you already have a glass of wine poured before you start cooking.

Serves 1
1. Crack the eggs into a bowl and give them a really good whisk with a fork, until there are no remaining streaks of yolk or white. Add the cream and whisk again. Season with salt and pepper.

2. Place your chopped herbs, your bowl of egg, your fork (or spatula) and your serving plate close to the hob. This will all be over in a matter of seconds, and you don’t want to be dashing around trying to find anything.

3. Place your pan over a high heat, and add the butter. Swirl the butter around so that the pan is well greased, but don’t let it brown. Tip the eggs in and leave for a couple of seconds, then start moving the pan around vigorously, as you stir the eggs with your fork. Keep everything moving, until the bottom layer starts to look set, but the top is still liquid. Sprinkle the herbs over the top.

4. Tip your pan at a 45-degree angle, allowing most of the (still runny) omelette to slip down to one edge. Fold the top half over the bulk of the omelette. Turn off the heat.

5. Grasp your pan handle in your dominant hand, with your thumb on top and palm below. Hold your plate in the other hand, almost vertically, then bring the pan up to meet it. Tip the omelette onto the plate – the set underside will become the top. Eat immediately, while it’s still warm and at the point of runny inside.