- Adams, John Couch, 42, 135
- Albert, Prince, 63
- Alcott, Bronson, 49
- Algebraic notation, 1
- Alison, Archibald, 32, 124
- “On Spring
- “On the Encouragement to Active Duty
- Ancient mythologies and theologies
- Boole’s interest in, 20–26
- Buddhism, 99
- Druidism, 24, 90, 101–102
- in Egypt, 91–95
- Greek and Roman, 100–101
- Heathenism, 25, 51, 104
- Hinduism, 23, 25, 26, 98–100, 104–105
- paganism in, 25, 87–88, 98
- in Persia, 88–90
- Anderson-Pelham, Charles, 9
- Antinaturalism, 38
- Aristotle, 1, 29, 50, 81, 181
- Arnold, Thomas, Principles of Church Reform, 32
- Assyria, 24, 102
- Astronomy, 78–79, 135
- laws of, 167–168
- Newton’s contributions to, 84–85, 107
- planetary atmosphere and, 109–110
- and the possibility of life on other planets, 116–118
- Atmosphere, Earth’s
- air in, 112–113
- compared to other planets, 109–112
- volcanic energy and, 113–114
- water in, 110
- Babbage, Charles, 5
- Bacon, Francis, 20, 165, 166
- Bailly, Jean-Sylvain, 22
- Barrow, Isaac, 34, 124
- Barry, James, 62
- Benson, John, 60
- Bentham, Jeremy, 43
- Berkeley, George, 38
- Biographie Universelle Ancienne et Moderne, 18
- Biot, Jean Baptiste, 18
- Bird, Golding, Natural Philosophy, 136
- Birkbeck, George, 9
- Bonaparte, Napoléon, 22, 98
- Boole, George
- advocacy for leisure, 8
- beliefs regarding saving mission of Christianity, 26
- childhood of, 3
- on claims of science, 14, 52–59, 163
- “Claims of Science, The,” 3, 14, 163
- on the continued exercise of reason, 2–3
- contributions to mathematics, 1–2
- contributions to the information age, 1
- on education, 3, 45–52, 147
- education of, 4
- egalitarian views of, 46
- on extraterrestrial life, 27–29
- as a generalist, 69–70
- on the German model, 43
- on the Great Exhibition, 1851, 54
- on happiness, 44
- on happiness of children, 47
- on the human mind, 57–58
- on inductive reasoning, 42
- interest in ancient mythologies and theologies, 20–26
- Isaac Newton and, 16–19
- Laws of Thought, The, 2, 11, 70
- on learning by experience, 47–48
- on learning of history, 39–40, 131–132
- on leisure and self-improvement, 3, 8, 10, 38–39, 127
- Mathematical Analysis of Logic, The, 11, 50, 57
- on moral development, 39–40, 44
- on naturalism, 43–44
- “On Belief and Its Relation to Understanding
- “On the Character and Origin of the Ancient Mythologies,” 3, 21, 87
- “On the General Method in Analysis
- “On the Genius and Discoveries of Sir Isaac Newton,” 3, 73
- “On the Question: Are the Planets Inhabited?,” 3, 10, 107
- “Plea for Freedom, A,” 3, 123
- on pluralism, 27–29
- on political and religious freedom, 30–34, 123–126
- public education movement and, 8–9
- on pursuit of knowledge as activity, 65–66
- at Queen’s College, Cork, 12–14, 52–53, 67
- on rectitude of intention, 43
- religious beliefs of, 33
- remaining artifacts of thinkers including, 66–71
- research program and correspondence of, 11
- “Social Aspect of Intellectual Culture, The,” 3, 14, 59–66, 185
- structural comparisons by, 24
- varied interest and methods of, 3
- views on laws and authority, 26
- Boole Transcriptor, 71
- Boulanger, Nicholas Antoine, 21–22
- Boyle, Robert, 19
- Brash, Richard Rolt, 60
- Brougham, Henry Lord, 30–31
- Brewster, David, 17–18
- Britain
- Education Act of 1870, 10
- Egypt and, 22, 24
- Factory Acts of 1833, 7, 37
- human suffering and the poor in, 4–7, 46, 56
- India and, 23–26
- leisure time in, 8
- limited suffrage law of 1832, 7
- literature of, 5–6
- New Poor Law of 1834, 7
- public discussion in, 10–11
- the Reformation in, 31, 41
- religious and political freedom in, 30–34
- social aspect of intellectual culture in, 59–66
- Ten Hours Act of 1847, 34–35
- British Association for the Advancement of Science, 5
- British Museum, 130
- British Register, 69
- British Statesman, 131
- Broad Church Anglicanism, 32
- Bromhead, Edward, 30
- Brown, Thomas, 161
- Bryant, Jacob, 20–26, 94
- New System or an Analysis of Ancient Mythology, A, 20
- Buchanan, Claudius, 23
- Buddhism, 99
- Buffon, Georges, Histoire Naturelle, générale et particulière, avec la description du Cabinet du Roi, 68
- Bunyan, John, 5
- Butler, Joseph, Sermons, 70
- Byron, Lord, 28
- Caesar, Julius, 39
- Calvinism, 31
- Cambridge Mathematical Journal, 11
- Capitulation of Alexandria, 22
- Carlyle, Thomas, 43, 50, 141
- Carroll, Lewis, 2
- Cases of Conscience, 137
- Casuistry, 137
- Catholics, 31, 53, 60
- Ceylon, 24, 99, 102
- Chalmers, Thomas, 48, 52, 58, 124, 128, 138, 161
- On the Power, Wisdom, and Goodness of God, as Manifested in the Adaptation of External Nature to the Moral and Intellectual Constitution of Man, 58
- Champollion, Jacques-Joseph, Dictionnaire égyptien en écriture hiéroglyphique, 22
- Champollion, Jean-François, 22
- Charge of the Light Brigade, 59
- Charles I, King, 16, 39
- Chartist movement, 36
- Chasseboeuf, Constantin François de, 22
- Children, happiness of, 47
- Christianity, 22, 25, 140, 161
- Boole’s belief in, 33
- civilizing mission of, 26
- in education, 51–52, 125
- fall of the Roman Empire and, 41–42
- pluralism and, 27
- Christian literature, 51, 157
- Church of England, 31
- Cicero, 176
- Clarke, Adam, 139
- Clarke, Samuel, 34
- Classical studies, 156–157
- Clement of Alexandria, 99
- Cohen, David, 33
- Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, 50
- Comets, 120
- Communism, 45–46
- Comte, Auguste, 24, 25, 57
- Conant, James B., 55
- Condorcet, Marquis de, 55–56, 57
- Sketch for a Historical Picture of the Human Mind, 55
- Conduitt, John, 17
- Constructivist theories, 48
- Contributions toward a Fauna and Flora of the County of Cork, 61
- Cork Literary and Scientific Society, 61
- Corn Laws, 36
- Cowper, William, 26
- Craik, George David, 39–40
- Crimean War, 59
- Cuvier, Georges, 61
- Cuvierian Society, 14, 60–61, 63–64
- Cyclopaedia, 131
- Dante, 53
- Dargan, William, 63
- D’Aubigné, J. H. M., History of the Reformation, 131
- Debus, Allen, 71
- Deductive reasoning, 181
- De Morgan, Augustus, 11
- De Rouvroy, Claude Henri, 15
- Descartes, René, 77
- Dewey, John, 48
- Diagne, Souleymane Bachir, Boole, L’Oiseau de Nuit, 70
- Dick, Thomas, Celestial Scenery, 28
- Dickens, Charles, 5, 60
- Disraeli, Benjamin, Sybil, 38
- Divine Mind, 190
- Dodgson, Charles Lutwidge. See Carroll, Lewis
- Druidism, 24, 90, 101–102
- Dualism in nature, 181
- Durity, Anthony, 70–71
- Duty and virtue, 129
- Dymond, Jonathan, 138
- Early Closing Association, 8–9, 36
- Economist, The, 53
- Edinburgh Review, 5
- Education, 8–9, 10, 38. See also Knowledge
- Boole on, 3, 45–52, 147
- Christianity and, 51–52, 125, 140
- classical studies, 156–157
- constructivist theories of, 48
- English composition, 153–154
- grammar, 152–153
- history, 39–40, 131–132
- inductive method and, 48
- language, 142, 155–156
- mathematics, 151
- moral, 39–40, 44, 131–132, 157–159
- pedagogy, 48–49
- versus learning by experience
- widespread resistance to, 46–47
- Education Act of 1870, 10
- Edwards, Jonathan, 32, 125
- “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God
- Egypt, 22, 24, 102–103
- religious system of ancient, 91–95
- Egyptian hieroglyphs, 22
- Elements of Moral Science, 43, 137
- Elements of Physics, 136
- Eliot, George, 20, 21
- Elizabethan Religious Settlement, 31
- Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 43, 141
- Encke’s comet, 120
- Engels, Friedrich, 6, 45–46
- On the Condition of the Working Class in England, 6
- English Civil War, 1640–1647, 39
- English composition education, 153–154
- Enlightenment, the, 5, 22
- Etruscans, 90
- Etymology, 94–95
- Everest, Mary, 17, 33
- Evils Which Are Produced by Late Hours of Business, The, 37
- External Nature, worship of, 24
- Extraterrestrial life, 27–28
- Factory Acts of 1833, 7, 37
- Female industrial movement, 62
- First Report of the Directors of the School of Arts, 8–9
- “Fits of Easy Reflection and Transmission
- Fitzgerald, John, 70
- “Fluxions
- Foreign Quarterly Review, 18
- Forster, William Edward, 131
- Freedom, Political and religious, 30–34, 123–126
- French Revolution, 61
- Froebel, Friedrich, 47
- Gadsby, William, 38
- Galileo, 20, 53
- Galloway, Thomas, 18
- Geography, 132–133, 148–149
- Geometry, 80
- German Romanticism, 50
- Gibbon, Edward, 25, 41–42
- History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, 41, 103
- Gnostic philosophy, 140
- God, 29–30
- accountability to, 128
- as Divine Architect, 173
- greatness of, 44
- meaning of truth and, 140–141
- philosophers on, 34
- and the possibility of life on other planets, 116–118
- will and intelligence of, 138, 189–190
- Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, 44
- Göttingischen gelehrten Anzeigen, 40
- Grammar education, 152–153
- Gravity/gravitation, 76–79, 107, 135, 168
- Great Awakening, 32
- Great Exhibition, 53–54
- “Great transformation
- Gregory, Duncan F., 11
- Grosseteste, Robert, 62
- Guicciardini, Francesco, 39
- Guizot, François, 39, 132
- History of European Civilization, 132
- Hall, Marie Boas, 69
- Hall, Samuel Carter, 35–36
- Happiness, 44, 129
- of children, 47
- moral perception and, 175
- Harvey, J. R., 61
- Heathenism, 25, 51, 104, 156
- Heeren, Arnold Hermann Ludwig, 40
- Heffernan, James, 62
- Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich, 6
- Herodotus, 23, 39, 89, 91
- Herschel, John, 18, 28, 29
- Herschel, William, 29
- Hill, Frederic, 9
- Hinduism, 23, 25, 26, 98–100, 104–105
- History
- biographies, 132
- geography and study of, 132–133, 148–149
- moral development through study of, 39–40, 131–132
- philosophy of, 132
- Hoare, R. C., 101
- Hodgskin, Thomas, 16
- Hogan, John, 62
- Horner, Leonard, 8–9
- Howard, George Frederick, 60
- Human mind, the, 57–58, 166
- laws of science and, 170–172
- truth in, 141
- Human suffering, 4–7
- philanthropy for, 144–145
- political thought on, 4–5
- portrayed in literature, 5–6
- Humboldt, Alexander von, 69
- Hume, David, 39
- Humphreys, J. D., 61
- Hutcheson, Francis, 48
- Hyde, Edward (Earl of Clarendon), History of the Rebellion, 39, 131
- India, 23–26, 98–100, 102, 104–105
- Inductive reasoning, 42
- Industrial Revolution, 4
- Intellectual culture, social aspect of, 14, 59–66, 185–195
- Intelligence of God, 189–190
- Intelligent design, 29–30
- Ireland, 12–15, 36. See also Cuvierian Society
- Irish Examiner, 59
- Isis, 91–95
- Jones, Richard, 5
- Jones, W., 139
- Journal des Savants, 18
- Jupiter, 112–113
- Justice, 159–160
- Kane, Robert, The Industrial Resources of Ireland, 13, 64–65
- Kant, Immanuel, 38, 44, 50, 57–58
- Kelland, Philip, 68
- Kelvin, Lord, 68
- Kepler, Johannes, 78
- Kircher, Athanasius, 22
- Knowledge. See also Education
- claims of science and, 52–59
- desire for, 172–173, 176–177
- methods for imparting, 148
- pursuit of, as activity, 65–66
- science as increasing system of, 164–165
- self-improvement through
- social aspect of intellectual culture an, 14, 59–66, 185
- specialization and, 69
- Labor laws and movements
- Factory Acts of 1833, 7, 37
- retail store hours and, 34–37
- Ten Hours Act of 1847, 34–35
- Lagrange, Joseph-Louis, 18
- Lamarck, Jean-Baptiste, 61
- Languages, study of, 142, 155–156
- Lardner, Dionysius, 131
- Laws and authority, 26
- Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm, 1, 18
- Leisure time, 8, 34–45
- Le Verrier, Urbain, 42, 135
- Liebig, Justus von, 61
- Life
- characteristics of, 108–109
- water as requirement for, 110
- Light and color, 74–76
- Limited suffrage law of 1832, 7
- Lincoln Mechanics’ Institute. See Mechanics’ Institute
- Lincolnshire Chronicle, 10
- Lincoln Topographical Society, 27
- Literature, English, 5–6
- Locke, John, 21, 34, 124, 139
- Locke, Richard Adams, 28
- Logic. See Mathematics and logic
- London Horticultural Society, 62
- London Royal Society, 5, 71
- Macaulay, Thomas Babington, 35
- MacDowell, Patrick, 62
- MacHale, Desmond, 70, 71
- Machiavelli, Niccolò, 39
- Mackintosh, James, Dissertation on the Progress of Ethical Philosophy, 138
- Magiian priests, 88, 89–90
- Malthus, Thomas, 4, 5
- Mannerism, 141
- Mars, 109–112
- Marx, Karl, 4, 45–46
- Mathematics and logic, 2, 50–51, 57, 69, 182
- education, 151
- in question of life on other planets, 118–120
- Maurice, Thomas, 23
- Mechanics’ Institute, 3, 10, 15–16, 20, 34, 42, 125, 126
- Boole’s “On Education” lecture at, 45
- political and religious freedom and, 30–31
- study of physical science at time of establishment of, 135–136
- Metaphysics, 57
- Metropolitan Drapers’ Association, 37
- Michaud, Joseph François, 18
- Michaud, Louis Gabriel, 18
- Mill, James, 22–23, 25, 47
- History of British India, 23, 105
- Mill, John Stuart, 5, 22, 24, 50, 105
- Autobiography, 47
- on education, 47
- Logic, 57
- Milman, Henry Hart, 42
- Milton, John, 31, 39, 53, 60, 63, 177, 185–186
- Monotheism, 25
- Monthly Magazine, 69
- Moore, Keith, 71
- Moral development, 39–40, 44, 131–132, 157–159
- Moral perception, 175
- Moral philosophy, 136–138
- Müller, Karl Otfried, 21
- Naturalism, 43–44
- Natural Philosophy, 67–68, 136
- Natural Truth, 107
- Naturphilosophie, 68
- Naturwissenschaft, 68
- Neander, August, Life of Jesus Christ, 70
- Newman, John Henry, 31–32
- New Poor Law of 1834, 7
- Newton, Isaac, 3, 11, 15–17, 34, 139
- birth and education of, 73
- Chronology of Ancient Kingdoms Amended, The, 24
- compared to Aristotle, 81
- David Brewster’s biography of, 17–18
- death of, 83
- geometry and, 80
- impact of contributions to astronomy by, 84–85, 107
- interest in gravity and astronomy, 76–79
- interest in light and color, 74–76
- later life of, 82
- as Master of the Mint, 82
- moral character of, 83
- “On the Genius and Discoveries of Sir Isaac Newton
- Opticks, 20, 74
- power of generalizing, 80
- Principia, or Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy, 77–78
- Nichol, John Pringle, 28–29
- Niebuhr, Barthold Georg, 40, 131
- Ó Doibhlin, Crónán, 70
- Oriel College, Oxford, 31
- Osiris, 91–95
- Ottoman Empire, 59
- Owen, Robert, 5
- Paganism, 25, 87–88, 98
- Paley, William, 137
- Peacock, George, 1
- Pedagogy, 48–49
- Peel, Robert, 41
- Pelham, Henry, 9
- Periodicity, 108
- Persia, 23, 24, 88–90, 102
- Pestalozzi, Johann Heinrich, 44, 48–49
- “Peter Bell, a Tale
- Peterloo Massacre, 30
- Philanthropy, 144–145
- Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, 11
- Physical science, 133–136
- Pictorial History of England, 39–40
- Planetary systems. See Astronomy; Atmosphere, Earth’s
- Plato, 19, 77, 176
- Pluralism, 27–29
- Plutarch, 77, 92
- Polanyi, Karl, 6
- Polytheism, 20, 25, 97, 103–106
- Pope, Alexander, 44
- Portlaw Cotton Factory, 62
- Portlock, Joseph Ellison, 61
- Power, T., 61
- Practical Theology, 137
- Primitivism, 23
- Protestant Reformation, 31, 41
- Public discussion, 10–11
- Puritanism, 32
- Pursuit of knowledge, 65–66
- Pusey, Edward Bouverie, 32, 125
- Queen’s College, Cork, 12–14, 52–53, 67
- Quetelet, Adolphe, 5
- Summary of a Course of Natural Philosophy, 67
- Refraction, 74–75
- Ricardo, David, 4
- “Right Use of Leisure, The,” 3, 8, 10, 127
- Robertson, William, 23, 131
- History of Charles V, 131
- Roche, James, 61
- Rogers, Henry, 32
- Romantic movement, 28
- Rosetta Stone, 22
- Rousseau, Jean-Jacques, Emile: ou, de l’Education, 47
- Royal Cork Institution, 60–61
- Royal Society, 20, 74
- Ruhmkorff, Heinrich, 61
- Russell, Bertrand, 2
- Saturn, 113
- Scepticism, 175–176
- Schelling, Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph von, 68
- Schiller, Friedrich, History of the Thirty Years War, 39, 131
- Schröter, Johann Hieronymus, 29
- Science
- claims of, 14, 52–59, 163
- desire for knowledge and, 172–173, 176–177
- the human mind and, 170–172
- indefinite human progression with, 178–179
- laws of nature and, 166–170, 193–194
- Sedgwick, Adam, 5
- Senior, Nassau William, Political Economy, 70
- Shelley, Percy Bysshe, 28
- Sismondi, Simon de, 39
- Skinner, Cyriack, 185
- Smith, Adam, 23–24, 34, 44, 46, 124
- Snow, James, 30
- Socialism, 4–5
- Society of Friends, 138
- Socrates, 193
- Spinoza, Benedict de, 34
- Stewart, Dugald, 47
- Structural comparison, 24
- Sullivan, William K., 61
- Sun, The, 28
- Sunday School Teachers’ Magazine, 38
- Supreme Intelligent Cause, 176
- Symbolic logic, 1–2
- Tacitus, 39
- Tait, Peter Guthrie, 68
- “Task, The
- Taylor, A. J. P., 59
- History of Modern Civilization, 132
- Taylor, William Cooke, 41, 124
- Factories and the Factory System, 41
- Ten Hours Act of 1847, 34–35
- Tennyson, Alfred Lord, 59–60
- Thévenot, Melchisédech, 23
- Thomson, William, 12
- Times (London), 59
- Treatise on Natural Philosophy, 68
- Trinity College, Dublin, 53, 74
- Trollope, Anthony, 12
- Kellys and the O’Kellys, The, 12
- Macdermots, The, 12
- Truth
- discovery of, 174
- independent existence of, 38
- meaning of, 140–141
- moral, 96, 104, 106
- of morals and politics, 65
- natural, 107
- religious, 51, 53
- seeking of, 21, 23, 43, 128, 138–139
- Turner, Martyn, 10
- Twomey, Emer, 70
- Tytler, Alexander Fraser, 41, 131
- Elements of General History, 131
- Universal History, 41
- Unitarianism, 31, 125
- University College Cork (UCC) Library, 67, 70, 71
- Vaughan, Edward Thomas, 32, 124
- Venus, 109–111, 114
- Vericour, Raymond de, 53
- Vico, Giambattista, 24
- Victoria, Queen, 63
- Villiers, George William Frederick, 52
- Virchow, Rudolf, 67
- “Life Full of Work and Toil Is Not a Burden but a Benediction, A
- Virgil, 177
- Volcanic energy, 113–114
- Voltaire, 21, 39, 131
- Age of Louis XIV, 39, 131
- Walsh, John, 62
- Ward, William, 23
- Wardlaw, Ralph, 70, 138
- Watt, James, 16
- Wayland, Francis, 43, 137
- Weber, Max, 69
- Whately, Richard, 124, 140
- Whewell, William, 5, 18, 50
- Thoughts on the Study of Mathematics as a Part of a Liberal Education, 50
- Will of God, 138, 189–190
- Wills, William Gorman, 62
- Wordsworth, William, 28
- Young, Thomas, 68
- Young Men’s Christian Association, 36
- Zoology, 68
- Zoroaster, 88–89