“We’ve run out of chairs for our party,” blustered Dodgy Dave, trying to explain the large box, and pointing at his collar.
“We found this in the skip,” added Badger.
“I’ve got a passport now,” said Lennie proudly.
“Come and join us later if you want,” braved Top Dog, hoping the big boots could still spot his micro-chip tag in the fog.
“Be on your way then, and I might drop in after I’ve finished my patrol,” said the Dog Catcher.
They sighed in relief as the boots trundled on down the lane.
A persistent knocking started up from inside the box.
“Ignore her,” said Top Dog. “We have to get her back to the party as quickly as possible.”
They reached Badger’s garden and released Pickle. The box juddered and exploded into a million sparkles. Soon Otto the Fez was back on top of Badger’s head and the box had vanished.
“Awesome!” said Hamish in utter disbelief.
“Right, thank you, Otto. Pickle, get yourself into my shed, please, and stay there until I tell you that the coast is clear. There’s toast and warm blankets and you can watch from the window,” ordered Badger.
For once, Pickle did exactly as she was told.
The others spread themselves between the garden and the lane and continued to party. The alley cats pumped up the volume as the midnight hour drew closer.
A few minutes later, they heard footsteps clomping towards them. It was the Dog Catcher, and he was smiling.
“So, have I come to the right place? Is this the party? I’ve brought you all some tasty slaverpalavers and slobberstix as treats.”
“Come this way,” drooled Dodgy Dave. They welcomed their old enemy into the party and he looked around for a chair.
“Where’s the big box?” asked the Dog Catcher a little puzzled.
“Oh,” said Badger, thinking quickly on his paws, “my Big Folk needed it, They’re having a party indoors too.”
The Dog Catcher knelt on the grass and ruffled their heads.
“I know we’ve not always seen eye to eye, but I’m only trying to do what’s best for dogs without homes.”
“But you’ve got a big scary net,” said Lennie.
“And huge boots,” added Snif.
“That’s only because you can run so much faster than me,” smiled the Dog Catcher. “Whenever I catch a dog, I take it to the Dog Home, where there’s food, a nice clean bed, fresh water, and company.”
“But we heard that when dogs go there, they never come back,” whispered Top Dog.
“But you came back, Top Dog, and look at you now with Big Folk to look after you.”
“Yes, but to be truthful, I escaped … as did my friend here, Dodgy Dave.”
“I know,” sighed the Dog Catcher. “You both gave me a fright when you disappeared. Usually though, dogs aren’t quite as cunning as you two, and we find them all homes with Big Folk who can’t wait to look after them, and give them lots of love.”
Suddenly the shed door burst open.
Pickle stood in one of Dodgy Dave’s spotlights with her paws raised above her head.
“That all sounds good to me. Take me in now, Dog Catcher. I’m giving myself up.”
The Dog Catcher spun round in surprise.
“Pickle?” he said, “I thought you’d left the lane ages ago to go with Pogo Paws?”
“No, I’m afraid I chose to stay here, but now I’m ready to go to the Dog Home please,” she said, pushing her neck forward ready for the Dog Catcher’s collar and chain.
Lennie stood up. “But she’s not a stray,” he said. “She’s with us.”
Dodgy Dave joined him. “Actually, she’s on tour with us.”
Snif then rose to his feet, and added “She’s got a part-time job at PLOPP, so she can’t come, because we need to train her up.”
Top Dog stepped forward and said “Our Big Folk took Pickle in this very night, so she’s got a home.”
Pickle’s eyes glistened. She could not believe how her old gang were sticking up for her.
Badger looked from the Dog Catcher to Pickle, and back to the Dog Catcher.
“I think you can definitely strike Pickle off your ‘most wanted’ list. Is that correct, Pickle?”
Pickle nodded, unable to speak.
“Well that settles that then. Have a good night, you lot. I must be on my way before the bells chime in the New Year,” said the Dog Catcher.
Pickle waited until he was well out of earshot, before hugging each of her old friends in turn.
“I can’t believe, after everything I’ve said and done, that you’d still all defend me like that,” she said, trying not to cry.
“That’s what friends are for,” said Badger wisely.
“Have some of this magical mead, Pickle. We know you still miss Pogo Paws,” offered Lennie. Pretty soon, Pickle was enjoying herself and dancing gleefully with the others.
Otto smirked. His added ingredients to the mead were starting to take effect, but none of the revellers had noticed yet.
Over by the shed, Badger picked up the scent of a freshly delivered p-mail.
It was from Pogo Paws, and it simply said: “I’m on my way”.