It was dawn on the first day of the brand new year. All was quiet, but for a few dull beats still bumping on the Meowzik Maker’s turntable. The food was finished and the mead had been drunk dry. A few of the party guests were slumped — half-snoozing, half-purple, half-spiky — around the lane and Badger’s garden. The alley cats stretched and yawned.
Louie nudged Lennie gently from his slumber. “Come on, brother. We have a flight to catch.”
Lennie woke with a start, scratched his head and spotted Otto the Fez soaring happily above. He remembered his vow to train the pesky hat, and take him with him on his travels, and groaned.
Cheryl already had her curlers in, and was adding the finishing touches to her lip gloss. She tugged at Dodgy Dave’s collar, who was snoring deeply. “Get up, you. We’ve got a show tonight.”
The Earl lay fast asleep with an eye mask and ear plugs.
Top Dog, Snif, Hamish and Timmy started to clear up.
Badger was busy teaching ’Chief his best boomerang spell.
“Boomerangs always come back, ’Chief. So I want us both to know this spell inside out. I’m not risking losing you again,” said Badger gently.
“But I wasn’t actually lost, Badger, and I did come back. I’ve explained why I couldn’t tell you. However, if boomerang spells make you happy, then let’s do it,” said ’Chief folding itself into a big smiley face.
Pogo Paws and Pickle woke up in the shed together. Pickle rubbed her eyes in disbelief as Pogo Paws turned towards her smiling.
“So you’re awake then. It’s just like the old days,” yawned Pickle, who hadn’t slept a wink.
“I’ve missed you so much, Pickle,” said Pogo Paws gently.
“I know,” said Pickle. “I’ve missed you too, my old pal.”
As Badger and the others waved goodbye to Lennie, Louie, Cheryl, Dodgy Dave and Otto, the mischievous fez, Pickle started firing questions at Pogo Paws.
“So, how did you get here? I thought the only way you could reach your circus was through a portal in the enchanted forest.”
“Correct!” said Pogo Paws.
“But I thought it had to be at a solar eclipse, and last time it involved a minotaur and an enchanting exchange,” added Pickle.
“It did … last time. But this time, ’Chief helped,” said Pogo Paws, tapping his nose knowingly.
“So does this mean you can’t return?” said Pickle hopefully.
“Not entirely. ’Chief showed me how to get home, but only if I’m not on my own,” said Pogo Paws shyly.
“Not on your own? Why, who are you taking with you?” barked Pickle.
“Well, I was very much hoping that would be you,” grinned Pogo Paws bashfully.
An incredible rumpus erupted from the shed as Pickle jumped up and down in glee.
Badger, Timmy, Snif, Hamish and Top Dog all looked at each other in delight. Even the Earl awoke with the excitement in the air.
“Looks like Pogo Paws has given Pickle some good news,” said Top Dog.
“Maybe he’s back for good,” said Hamish hopefully.
“Or perhaps, he’s taking her with him,” said Snif.
Back in the shed, Pogo Paws was mapping out a plan for Pickle. It involved Badger’s Wim-Wim.
“You see,” said Pogo Paws, “here’s what we have to do. Now let me try to remember what ’Chief said. Yes, that’s right: our wish to get back to the circus together must be really strong enough to drive us forward, and then the portal will open. What we think about, we bring about … or something like that.”
“So are you asking me to definitely come with you, Pogo Paws?” asked Pickle.
“I’m definitely asking you to accompany me on the greatest adventure of our lives,” said Pogo Paws seriously.
“Then, I’m in. I’m ready. Let’s go,” said Pickle breathlessly.
They burst out of the shed to a round of applause from the others.
“About time, you two,” grinned Badger. “Now, let me get the Wim-Wim ready for departure.”
Badger filled the travelling machine with a gallon of haboba juice, and patted it on the side. “Do your best my Wim-Wim for a wowser to wind the weather up on a wet day. You know where you need to go with these two honoured guests.”
Pogo Paws and Pickle climbed the ladder and jumped aboard. They waved their cheerios to the others, and waited for lift-off.
Hovering above and waiting patiently was Nippy Nimbus who was still smiling … sort of.