
The Wim-Wim soared into the sky on a fresh breeze, purring and gurgling its joy at its first assignment of a brand new year. Pogo Paws and Pickle looked down and caught a last fond glimpse of their friends. As the Wim-Wim turned towards the duck pond, they saw Badger, Top Dog, Snif, Hamish and Timmy clearing up after the party.

“So how was Pogo Paws able to get back to here?” asked Hamish. “I mean he was there, then he was here, and now he’s going back there!”

“And how is he able to return now with Pickle?” added Top Dog.

“I thought there was a portaloo involved,” said Hamish.

“A portal, Hamish,” giggled Badger. “And you’re right. Last time, it required my most powerful magic, plus a little help from Captain Bravebark.”

“Captain Bravebark from the Ring of Brodgar?” remembered Timmy, “I’ve met him, haven’t I, Badger?”


“That’s right Timmy, a long time ago. What an adventure that was!”

Above them, the Wim-Wim circled once more before shooting off for its destination.

“Goodbye, old oak tree. Goodbye, lane. Goodbye, duck pond,” shouted Pickle.

“Goodbye everyone!” added Pogo Paws. Back in Badger’s garden, lots of Happy New Year p-mails were arriving. Badger sat down, feeling a little flat. It was always the way after a party, when the guests had nearly all gone.

“Cheer up, Badger,” said Top Dog. “Look, there’s a confidential p-mail here just for you.” Badger plodded over to the fence, where he sniffed the p-mail. It was from Pogo Paws.

“I arrived at your party last night empty-handed. So, I feel it right that I make amends. I’ve made a reservation at the Delish Deli round the corner. I’ve booked a booth, so whoever is still around can join you. Please go, enjoy it and have a feast on me.”

“Wow!” shouted Badger to the others, licking his lips. “Is anyone else hungry?”

Top Dog, Snif, Hamish, Timmy and the now totally awake Earl all followed Badger to the Delish Deli, and took their places in their very own VIP booth.

As they ordered their various favourite dishes, Badger raised a tumbler to their absent friends and said: “Should auld acquaintance be forgot.”


“Let’s drink a cup of kindness here,” added the Earl, smiling at them all.

“For Auld Lang Syne,” they all sang together.

They feasted on a buffet of Beefy Brutus Wellies, Pure Fishcake Belly Timber and Savoury Shoot Stew.

For a while no one spoke, until Top Dog said:

“The truth is, without you, Badger, and all your mystical ways, we wouldn’t all be where we are today.”

“Here, here,” added Snif. “I’m sure I’d still be in trouble.” He looked fondly at Timmy, remembering how the little cat had once rescued him from danger.

“You should award yourself one of your own badges,” suggested Timmy, polishing his own shiny Badger Badge.


Badger looked bashful and said: “You did it all by yourselves. I just lent you a helping paw and a bit of magic. Still, it’s going to be quiet around here with everyone gone.”

“We’ll still be here. We’re only up the lane at PLOPP. Pop in anytime, and you must come to the launch of our book,” said Snif and Timmy.

“And there’s always a few slices of toast on the go at ours,” said Hamish and Top Dog.

“Thanks, but I think my work here is done. Maybe it’s time for me to go travelling too,” said Badger.

When they had finished eating, they said their goodbyes and thanked Badger for a brilliant party. All agreed that Pogo Paws’ treat was a truly excellent New Year’s Day dinner.

As Hamish, Top Dog, Snif, Timmy and the Earl left the Deli to head homewards, Badger sat back and patted his neckerchief. He looked out at the low winter sun.

“What a badgical-magical job well done. I wonder where this year will take us ’Chief.”

He left the Deli and trundled back to his garden. As he did, he heard the familiar clanking and clunking of his trusty Wim-Wim. He looked up and saw it gliding towards him.

Its passengers had gone, and just behind it was the most amazing double rainbow.

“Epic!” smiled Badger, walking over to the sundial, ready to greet the Wim-Wim.

It landed softly beside him. Its ladder folded down and its golden key shone. Badger climbed the steps and took a seat. Inside was a shimmering envelope, in fine silver organza. He held it in his paws and pondered.


He opened it carefully, and discovered a silver invitation card from Captain Bravebark. It read:

For today it seems, your work here is done.

Now, it’s time to have more fun.

Let the Wim-Wim guide you to pastures new,

Where thrilling adventures await you.

Badger smiled. He leaned over and turned the golden key. The Wim-Wim rose upwards, and they took off in the midday sky.

In the distance, he spied a V-shaped formation of sixteen flying fezzes. Otto had kept his word about a fly-past, he thought, glad that the fez was now free of the plant pot and able to fly forever more.

As he sat back down to enjoy the flight, he thought, So this year isn’t actually going to be so quiet.

This was his mission after all … and he chose to accept it.
