


Excitement flowed throughout my body as I smiled at Cynthia, who smiled at me in return. “What do we need to do to transform into The Demonic Guardians?” Relena asked Abel, who nudged his head toward her necklace he had given her a while back.

“You will each hold your pendant in your hand and say the first thing that comes to mind. Those words will transform you into The Demonic Guardians, ladies.” Abel said. Taking a step back, he sighed heavily. “So who’s up first?” He asked and Cynthia stepped forward.

“I’ll go first.” Cynthia said, taking a deep breath. “Artic Power!” She said. And she transformed, wearing a blue and black corset dress with black boots. Her beautiful blond hair was now blue. “No way is this real!” She couldn’t believe she looked so... different.

Kinsey went next. “Hedera Power!” When she transformed, she wore a beautiful forest green corset dress and green high heels, which highlighted her red hair, making it look orange.

Next was Relena. “Moonwing Power!” She dressed herself in a royal purple and black corset dress and had black boots. Her hair was purple, instead of her brunette locks. She, too, is surprised. And we all looked at Zaylie, who looked scared.

“You can do it, Zaylie,” I whispered, and she nodded.

“Cyber Power!” Transforming into a Demonic Guardian, she wore a black and hot pink corset dress with black boots. Her blond hair turned fuchsia. “How did you do that?” She asked me and all their eyes stayed glued to mine.

“I did nothing,” I said, nudging my head towards them. “All I did was rescue you and you ladies did the rest.”

“I have the perfect names for you, ladies.” Abel said to them. “Cynthia, we will know you as Constance Raine, Kinsey, you are Toxic Thorn, Relena, you are Luna Nexus and Zaylie, you are Savage Wrath.” Abel paused, and the girls nodded in agreement. “Now, it’s time to train you princesses and hope you’re as good as the Priestess hoped... Or we’re all in more trouble than we realized.” I watched the girls follow Abel out of the room, and Timbrax caught me by the arm before I could move.

“I don’t think this is a good idea, Zyra,” he said, glaring at Abel as he turned the corner and left our view. “I mean, you can take on Varacolaci any day of the week, but four Lugat Princesses who have never seen battle a day in their lives are asking to be killed instantly, this is complete suicide and-”

“Right now we don’t have a choice in the matter, do we, Timbrax?” I said, looking him square in the eye. “Queen Velika has Lyric, Queen Tuffara and Lain captive right now because of me and my big mouth. And yeah, things seem bleak at the moment, but if I, being Hell’s Guardian and all, can do anything to rescue them... then I’m willing to take that risk, because they would do the same for me if they were in my situation.”

Timbrax pressed his lips tightly together, making them turn white, and he nudged his head at me, telling me it was okay for me to catch up with Abel and the girls. I forced a smile as I ran through the hallway and heard talking coming from down a flight of stairs. I strolled down the staircase until I stood in a large room where everyone else was waiting for me. Timbrax and the others soon followed suit and lined up against the wall to watch us.

“Hell’s Guardian,” Abel said to me and I focused my attention on him. “Stand beside The Demonic Guardians, please.” I did as I was told and stood beside Kinsey, who gave me a small smile. “Now,” he said, motioning for his friends to stand beside him. I watched as Brooke, Trunks, Drake and Timbrax all took up attacking positions in front of us.

I crossed my arms in front of me and glared at Abel. “You know damn well that The Demonic Guardians can’t fight for shit.” I blatantly pointed out to him. “I mean, I don’t even know what those two are?” I said, pointing my index finger at Trunks and Drake. I already knew that Brooke was a demi-god from my days at the academy. But these two guys, I had no clue who or what they were, besides knowing their names of course.

Abel gave me a charming, brief smile. “Brooke and Trunks are two of the strongest demi-gods in existence.” Abel said. “And Drake is a dragon, he is very powerful himself.” he paused as he gave Timbrax a sidelong glance. “And Prince Timbrax is a Varacolaci, so I figured why not train you ladies with the best of the best, am I right?”

“W-what do we do?” Zaylie asked with pure fear in her eyes. I realized that I was the only one of us that actually knew how to fight, so I had to protect the girls. Even if it was five against one, I had to do it.

“Now, the first rule is to never take your eyes off of your opponent, understand?” The girls nodded as they watched Abel and the others moving positions on us. “Because one blink at the wrong time could bring you to your death...” And with that, he and his team attacked us without warning. The girls screamed as Abel knocked them to the ground, instantly. Before I could turn around to help them, Abel transformed into his gargoyle form and came at me with his hand curved and his sharp claws were aiming at my eyes. I screamed as his leg swiped my foot out from under me and I hit the ground hard. His claws came towards my face once more and I knew this time I was going to die if I didn’t do something fast. I followed my instincts and quickly pulled out the Venin dagger, just in time to block his sharp claws from hitting my face. The force of his heavy body was crushing, and it took all of my strength just to shove him away from me, so I could stand up.

I grunted as I stumbled, but caught my balance and I quickly focused my attention back on Abel. As he came at me, he was moving at a slow speed and I could block his sharp claws this time. He’s taken aback as he shook off the impact and came at me again. I flipped over his head and when he turned around; I clothe-lined him, making him fall hard on his back.

He grunted. For a moment he stayed down, looking up at me. Then he burst into laughter and I gave him a strange look as I helped him to his feet. “Your instincts are kicking in... and that’s a good thing.” I was breathing hard as I transformed back into my Hunter’s uniform.

“Sorry,” I said. “You know, for knocking you on your ass and stuff...” I said as his smile widened.

“I’m hella impressed with you, Zyra,” Abel said, running a hand through his dark spiked hair. “It’s only been one day and you’ve already surpassed my expectations of you, after being out of commission for a few months.”

“Thanks,” I said, taking a deep breath of air. “So what are we going to do next?” I asked, shoving the Venin dagger into the hook of my pants.

The smile dropped from his face, and he was serious again. “The Demonic Guardians need a lot of work,” he said, frowning, as the others helped them to their feet. The girl’s looked down, embarrassed about getting their asses handed to them on their first day of training. But I commended them for taking part in the session and not running off, screaming in fear, like I thought they were going to do. “Velvet is allowing the princesses to stay with us, at my place, so that way we can train them, and keeping them safe.”

“Princess Zyra,” Velvet said to me, and I looked at her. “May I speak to you for a moment?”

I nodded and trotted over to where she stood. She used her hand and gestured for me to go upstairs. I started walking, and she immediately talked. “Your mother came to us as a human who needed to be protected from the Red System Corporation,” she started. “We ensured her safety until she gave birth to you, Zyra. After that, we placed you both into hiding and everything was fine, until The Red System Corp. found you again. But I want you to know the L.P.V.O. will use all of our resources to rescue Lyric, and Queen Tuffara.”

“Thank you, Velvet,” I said as we reached the 7th floor, where we started from. “I trust that you will keep me informed on the situation as news comes in?”

“Of course, Your Majesty,” Velvet replied just as Chaos and Timbrax emerged from the basement to join us. “But your life is in more danger than before, Princess Zyra, because Queen Velika has betrayed our trust. If her royal guards could come into our secure structure undetected and take your mother and Queen Tuffara from here, who knows if or when she’ll do the same to you.”

“That will not happen,” Timbrax replied, stepping to my side. He interlocked my fingers into his own hand and kissed me on the cheek. “Queen Velika has placed a curse upon myself and Zyra, that if either of us was to die, the other will die instantly.” Timbrax looked at Chaos and Velvet with a grave look on his face. “When I married Zyra, I vowed to protect her with my life and I plan on keeping my word.” Timbrax turned towards me and I gave him a sad smile. “I am a Hunter, just as you are, Zyra and I vow to rescue your mother, and Queen Tuffara, I give you my word.”

Velvet was silent for a moment, then nodded at him. “I thank you, Lord Timbrax, for being on our side during this dire need of direction and I know that you will keep your word on protecting the Princess.” Velvet paused and hesitated, choosing her words wisely. “But... as long as Princess Zyra is Hell’s Guardian, then I will allow her to fight alongside The Hunters, so that way Queen Velika will do not know of Zyra’s true identity.”

“I will stay at the L.P.V.O and see if I can locate your mother, Zyra.” Chaos said to me. I nodded, but I could tell my father was in pain, seeing my mother being taken before he had time to react. I walked toward one of the large picture windows and stared out into the growing darkness. It was sunset when we had arrived at the L.P.V.O. building, but that was hours ago and I didn’t want to leave, hoping my mother would be returned to us. But I knew Queen Velika wouldn’t let her go. And I knew Lyric wouldn’t leave her friend behind, either. I sighed and wondered if I was in over my head on this one. We had little time to prepare for the growing battle that was looming ahead of us. Maybe we Hunters didn’t stand a chance against The Varacolaci Army and their minions, but we had to do something. I was a leader now, and The Hunters were looking to me and Timbrax for guidance. I knew I couldn’t let them down and Hell’s Guardian was going to save them all... or die trying...