(Laura’s POV)

“Mamma, I went into labor a little early and have already had the babies. I know you said you were coming this week but exactly when are you and Uncle Nik going to get here?”

I had tears of happiness slipping down my face as I waited for my mom to respond.

“Oh honey, I know. Kenyan called the moment you went into labor. We’ve made all the arrangements and are already on our way to the airport. Nik is flying us directly there. I think we should arrive before sunset tonight. Tell me all about my grand babies. Spare me no details. I can chat all the way to the airport.”

I looked up at Jeremy took a deep breath and smiled before I said

“The labor and child birth was even harder than Leona thought it was going to be. Part of me wished I had agreed to have the pre-planned C-section Leona was pushing for. It took over twelve hours and we couldn’t even call you because Leona was scared the babes might die the entire time. ” I said as found myself thinking back

“Push harder Laura, you’re almost there. You have to give it all you’ve got or I’m going to have to give you a C-section. Please just concentrate and push.”

“I don’t feel like pushing anymore Leona!” I screamed back at my sister.

I was tired of pushing and I was tired of listening to her condescending voice telling me to push. For god’s sakes what did she think I’d been doing for the past twelve hours! I was exhausted and not one baby had made its way into the world yet. I had known this was going to be a difficult birth. Leona had strongly urged me to consider having a planned C-section I’d sworn however I could do this. Now however I wasn’t so sure. I was about to open my mouth and tell her again to give me the C-section when Jeremy leaned in close to my face and said

“Come on baby, you know you can do it. You are the strongest woman I’ve ever known. I know it hurts, but you can do it. Just concentrate and make it happen. Leona promised once you get out the first one the rest will come that much easier.”

Jeremy’s words gave me the extra energy and encouragement that I needed. I grunted and pushed with everything I had left in me.

“That’s it Laura, the baby’s head is crowning.” Shrieked Jeremy in excitement.

“Then I felt warmth spread through my body as Leona pulled my first born into the world.

“Oh Laura, you did good. It’s a boy and he’s a tiger just like his daddy. I haven’t weighed him yet but I am betting he’s well over twelve pounds.”

“Well my first born is Bastet since I had to give birth to him while he was in his tiger form. He was almost twelve pounds Mamma. He gave me such a hard time I decided to name him after Dad. His name is Lucas Nathan Renza.”

“Oh honey your daddy would have been so proud. I know that the two of you didn’t always see eye to eye but he loved you with all his heart. He always knew you were destined to be so much more than a pack wolf. I swear sometimes he was ornery to you just to push you. Every time you became complacent in life he would poke you hard to get you moving again.”

I thought about my mamma’s words for a moment and wondered if she was right. I wasn’t sure she was but it would be nice to think my dad say those things to motivate. Either way thinking about it didn’t hurt like it used to. Jeremy helped me to get over the past so that I could enjoy my present and look forward to my future. I pushed my mamma’s comments out of my head and continued

“My second baby dang near slid out without me even pushing. She was so tiny compared to her brother, weighing only four pounds. Mamma she has the brightest red hair you’ve ever seen. We think she takes after you. She was born in her human form so we’re assuming she might be a wolf but Leona’s been unable to confirm that. The only thing we know for sure is she has fangs. We named her Nina Marie after Jeremy’s grand mom and your mom.”

“Oh honey she sounds precious. I can’t wait to see her.” My mamma crooned into the phone. I could hear her smile coming through with each syllable she spoke

“Oh Mamma, I was so tired after Nina Marie and I still had four more to go. The triplets were nowhere near as hard as Lucas Nathan but still tougher than Nina Marie. All three of the boys are identical with blond hair and bright blue eyes. They are also all definitely wolves since they shifted in unison almost immediately following their birth. Jeremy and I decided to name two of them after all my lost pride members Toby and Joe and the last one we named Noah.

Then when I thought I couldn’t possible do it again Leona said I had to give birth to another one in cat form. Thank god she wasn’t as big as Lucas. I had a hard time but Natalie pushed her way into the world at just over nine pounds. She is one of the most beautiful black panthers I’ve ever seen. I had to force her and Lucas to shift so I could feed them and I was so surprised to see both of them have jet black hair with the most beautiful green eyes.”

Mamma put me on hold and I could hear her telling my uncle Nik the news

“We have six new grandchildren! Four boys and two girls. It sounds like they are really a mix. Two Bastet, three wolves and a hybrid. The first and last babies were both Bastet. The boy is a tiger she called him Lucas Nathan after her dad and brother. The last is a girl, she’s a black panther she called her Natalie after her sister.

The second born was a girl. They thinks she’s a hybrid with red hair like me they named her Nina Marie for my mom and Jeremy’s mom. The wolf triplets were in the middle. She named one Noah after her brother and the other two are Toby and Joe after the pride members that died.”

By the time mamma finished telling my uncle Nik it was time for us to hang up since at least two of the babies were awake and demanding to be fed. I heard Jeremy doing his best to keep them happy while I put the phone down and got ready to feed them. I was a little surprise when he brought in Lucas and Nina; they were the last to get fed earlier today. Jeremy smiled as he handed Nina to me and said

“I know you wanted to breast feed but Bastet cubs need to eat every two hours. Keeping the supply to their demand is going to get very hard. That’s why our females generally stay in cat form for the first several months. I think under the circumstances everyone would understand if we got a wet nurse or used formula.”

I knew Jeremy was right. I had five demanding infants, two of them ravenous and constantly reverting to their animal form. Trying to breast feed them all was impossibility. I looked up at him with a small smile on my face and a twinkle in my eye and said

“I hate that you are right but I have to agree. No way can I keep up with the demand of all five of them. I don’t want a wet nurse though, so I think it will have to be formula and bottles. The good news is I have a feeling in the next few hours we will have more willing arms than babies.”

Then I smiled again and motioned for him to move in and give me a kiss on my lips. The moment we finished the kiss he said

“I love you Laura, you are my heart and soul. I am so glad that you are my soul mate. My life with you is more than I could have ever imagined.”

I felt my soul brushed up against his sending shivers down my spine before I said

“I love you too Jeremy. If I had to I would do every bit of it again just to be here with you right now.”