The Iconist paints a picture of the world we live in and explains what will actually stand out in that world, no matter the level of distraction and competition for attention. It then gives you the formula and direction to produce your own Icons. Because the same rules apply across all media and content categories, it’s not as simple as giving you a template or paint-by-number directives, but by teaching you to think like an “Iconist,” I hope to show you how to think about and present your work in a totally new (and deeply affecting) way.

The Problem: The first part of the book lays out the scope of the problem—what our constantly connected world means for everyday people in terms of our focus and personal outlook, and the problems it poses for anyone trying to reach an audience.

Standing Out—BASED ON PRIMAL LAWS: The second part dives deeper into Blocks and Icons—the psychology that explains their deceptively simple power—and offers clear examples so that you’ll immediately begin to recognize Blocks and Icons when you see them “in the wild.”

How You Can Use These Laws in Your Personal Endeavors: The third part lays out basic principles for using Blocks no matter what work you do so that you can use the laws of attention to be heard, seen, and remembered in any professional or creative pursuit.

How to Use Transparency to Speed Up the Process: Last, the fourth part of the book addresses transparency in terms of how we all connect in a digital world. Traditional selling is out; being authentic with transparent, digestible facts and real content is all that is credible today. The digital world has completely transformed how we connect to and perceive the world around us.

When you understand these pillars you really can get the attention you want, at will.