- Today’s society does not seem to put an emphasis on families. Busy lives, a fast pace, demanding careers all take their toll on parents. List ways a family can carve out special times to be together.
- Though he became a Woodward many years before, Reese never really accepted the abundant love that was offered him by his family because he was afraid he wasn’t worthy of their love. Discuss how we scorn the love God offers us, or never completely accept Him as our parent.
- Nelson was one of those people whose beguiling smile hides their true nature. If you were Olivia, what would you have done differently? List things we might do or say to help those who are enduring tough times?
- Reese kept his problems with the Chicago store to himself when he could have shared them with his family. Are there things for which we should never ask for help? List reasons why or why not.
- Do you feel that a ministry like Byways would work in your community? Who are some people you know who would benefit from it? What could you do to help such a place?
- Abuse is an ugly subject. It’s hard to prove and people often don’t report it because they fear becoming involved or they feel threatened. Pretend you are Emily’s father. Discuss ways you could handle Nelson.
- In North America, children often have so many things, but they have no one who will spend time with them, lead or guide them and encourage them. We need mentors. Suggest ways you and your friends could mentor someone else without going through a formal agency.
- Publicity and money are often tied together. Offer your thoughts on the rights of public people such as movie stars and elected officials to have their personal privacy respected. Are the tabloids a violation of those rights? Why or why not?
- For many, God as a father figure is hard to accept. List some ways you might explain God’s love to them.
- The twins wanted to know about their mom in heaven. Give examples of ways you might choose to tell small children about the place where their loved ones are waiting.