Jimmy and I were away with the Traffic police football team to Edinburgh for a Scottish cup game, after which, one of the opposing team was looking for a lift into Glasgow.
‘Jimmy and Harry are going your way, they’ll give you a lift, won’t you guys? The inspector said. Reluctantly, we agreed to his request.
All the way back, our unwanted passenger sat in the rear with his head between our front seats, talking non-stop crap.
Every now and then, whilst driving along the M8 motorway, I would look at Jimmy and make a sign with my eyes. Convinced we were on the same wavelength, I suddenly indicated and pulled onto the hard shoulder, prior to our exit road.
‘What’s up Harry?’ Jimmy asked.
‘The motor behind was flashing me. I think I might have a problem at the back of the car.’
‘Do you want me to get out and check it for you?’ Asked our chatty volunteer.
‘Would you mate!’ said Jimmy
‘No problem.’ At that he got out the car and as he walked to the rear of the car to check … I promptly drove off, leaving him behind.
Whereby, we both laughed uncontrollably all the way home!