A bull moose visits his local watering hole at Mayfield Lake on a misty evening.
Nights can be cold in the alpine. In the distance, artists at the Muskwa–Kechika Camp gather around a fire above Mayfield Lakes and South Gataga River.
I scrub the dishes while the rest of the crew goes in search of Ulla, the missing horse.
The body of Ulla, the pack horse—a speck in an alpine tarn— floats against a backdrop of wind, cloud and valley.
Hazel pauses to graze before the next segment of the trail.
After a major fire in spring 2006, new life bursts from the burn.
Hazel senses that I need a break partway up the trail.
Wayne leads the pack string down the West Toad River area to the Alaska Highway. donna kane
Hobbles don’t deter Paint as he crosses an arm of the Muskwa River, following the herd to the next grazing spot.
On a high remote pass, a July snow shower surprises me.
The pack string traverses the grassy hillsides along West Tuchodi Lake.
Break time. The expedition soaks in the beauty of the Northern Caribou Range.
Who knew the volume of supplies needed for a two-week expedition?
A storybook moment on the trail with blue sky and my friends and family beside the Gataga River, part of the trek from Mayfield Lake to the Tuchodi Lakes.
After Hazel, I build trust with Spunky.
A bull moose struts through the hobbled pack string at the headwaters of the Prophet River.
Wayne and I share a moment at East Tuchodi Lake before I head back to Rolla and Wayne continues on the trail. jerry pavia
A grizzly strides past the pack string.
Hazel and I ferry Chancey, the border collie, across the Gatho River.
Wayne re-shoes Paint after some tough slogging on the trail.
Comet and I in the Northern Caribou Range.
Brian Jungen (left) calms Comet as his injury gets emergency treatment from Dr. Christa Harder (middle) and her assistant Brenda. scott moore
Comet, healed. October 2013. donna kane
The upper Gatho River is one of the most spectacular areas in the Muskwa–Kechika and one of the richest in wildlife.
Hazel is alpha of the herd and best friend to many a new rider.