“In 1998, the Psychological Services Section of the International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP) empanelled a committee to examine the issue [of police suicide] and to propose specific recommendations to address law enforcement suicide [in particular]. This article, a longer version of which was previously published by the Federal Bureau of Investigation in “Suicide and Law Enforcement,” and highlighted by The Police Chief magazine, reviews that work and the committee’s findings. According to the National P.O.L.I.C.E. Suicide Foundation, Inc., more than 300 law enforcement suicides occurred in 1998. This figure is often quoted in comparison to the 174 new names that were added to the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial in Washington, D.C., for line-of-duty deaths during that same year. The statement that twice as many peace officers die by their own hand as are killed in the line of duty implies a suicide rate for law enforcement personnel of epidemic proportions.”
QUOTED from an article on “COMMUNITY POLICING DISPATCH, The e-newsletter of the COPS Office/ Volume 2/ Issue 4/ April 2009