Virtual Pulp Press
"Pulp" or "the pulps" were names for a flavor of fiction featured in magazines printed on inexpensive paper, back when most red-blooded heterosexual men actually read, both fiction and non-fiction, regularly. From the pulps came such lasting and inspiring characters as Tarzan, Conan, the Shadow, Sam Spade, and Buck Rogers.
Virtual Pulp was founded by fans of pulp and the later "men's fiction" derived from it. Our books are published in electronic format (hence "virtual") for e-readers--though most of our titles are also available in print. And while we prioritize character development, believable dialog and action (all of which was sometimes lacking in the classic adventure yarns), we seek to recapture the wonder, excitement, high adventure, and heroism that has been absent in every fiction genre for too long.
Toss a rock in a bookstore today and you'll hit a paper doorstop replete with ridiculous feminist "grrrrrl power" tropes; ubiquitous left-wing messages; and obligatory LGBT pandering. It's mandatory in every genre and medium of entertainment. You can't escape from it...
Except in the titles published by Virtual Pulp. Give us a try--you may agree that nothing like our books has been published for 30 + years. In fact, you may decide that nothing quite like our books has been published before, period.