Great Advice


Start with soup. This Japanese tradition is one of the best weight-loss strategies. That’s because eating soup, particularly the broth-based vegetable kind, before your entrée fills you up so you eat less during the meal, explains Barbara Rolls, Guthrie professor of nutrition at Penn State University in University Park, and author of The Volumetrics Eating Plan. A two-year French study of 2,188 men and 2,849 women found that those who ate soup five to six times a week were more likely to have BMIs below 23 (considered lean), compared with infrequent- or non-eaters whose BMIs tended to be in the 27 range.

Make lunch your main meal. Although they do this throughout Europe, a good explanation for eating your big meal at midday comes from ayurveda, India’s 5,000-year-old approach to wellness. “According to ayurveda, we’re actually designed to eat the larger meal at lunch because our digestive ‘fire,’ called agni, is strongest between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m., so we digest more efficiently,” explains Jennifer Workman, a Boulder, Colorado–based ayurveda specialist, registered dietitian, and author of Stop Your Cravings. “I’ve seen people in my practice lose 5 to 10 pounds just by doing this.”

Think quality, not quantity. The French snub processed “diet foods” not found in nature, opting instead for high-quality meats, fish, produce, dairy, even desserts. When food is fresh and flavorful, you can be satisfied with smaller portions. This is the opposite of the American approach, which is to fill up on bland diet foods, then gorge on sweets later. “The French set the standard for small portions with their haute cuisine,” says David Katz, MD, author of The Way to Eat. “If we consider that part of eating is to induce pleasure, if you can get there with quality of choice, you get there in fewer calories.”