8:15 PM
Ways to keep Jill from getting pregnant
Realistic ways to keep Jill from getting pregnant
6:00 AM
Savings: 11,562
What I tell Jill: 1,800
Reality: 773
Jill: 2,900
Mortgage: 2,206
Toyota: 276
Honda: 318
Car insurance: 175
Student loans: 395
Cable and Internet: 215
Electric: 85
Oil: 775! (WTF?)
Phones: 180
Gas: 120
Other stuff: Too much
Number of months before we run out of money
Number of months before Jill thinks we will run out of money
Number of minutes per hour that I worry about running out of money
52 (approximately)
6:00 AM
Chocolate glazed doughnuts |
443 |
Gum |
12 |
Crying |
19 |
Little Debbie Snack Cakes |
1 |
Green vegetables |
9 |
Flossing |
0 |
Retail rage |
3 |
Regret over quitting my job |
0 |
Dad |
5,647 |
8:10 AM
5 Problems with Lying
8:40 AM
How liars with the best intentions are like the owners of every iteration of Jurassic Park
They never set out to hurt anyone.
They operate with enormous hubris.
Denial both perpetuates and intensifies the problem.
The situation inevitably gets worse and worse as time goes by.
The end is never pretty.
Serious question about all Jurassic Park movies
Why not create only plant-eating dinosaurs? Are brontosauruses and stegosauruses really not exciting enough?
How the brontosaurus is like purgatory
The brontosaurus was a dinosaur, then it wasn’t a dinosaur, but now it might be a dinosaur after all.
9:30 AM
A New Chapter Picks of the Month for November
Treasure Island by Robert Louis Stevenson (Jim Hawkins was the John McClane of his day)
Ready Player One by Ernest Cline (Ernest Cline apparently lives in my teenage brain)
Open: An Autobiography by Andre Agassi
World War Z by Max Brooks
Ballistics: Poems by Billy Collins
Preferred Choice of Name for Billy Collins (best to worst)
Billy Collins
Will Collins
Bill Collins
William Collins
Willy Collins
Preferred Choice of Name for Me (best to worst)
Dan Mayrock
Daniel Mayrock
Danny Mayrock
Nicknames for William that the Internet says are real but are not
11:30 AM
Einstein’s Conditions Upon Which He Agreed to Remain Married to His Wife for the Sake of the Children
A. You will make sure:
B. You will renounce all personal relations with me insofar as they are not completely necessary for social reasons. Specifically, You will forego:
C. You will obey the following points in your relations with me:
D. You will undertake not to belittle me in front of our children, either through words or behavior.
Conditions Upon Which I Will Agree to Remain Married to Jill (also a real list)
A. You will allow me to continue to be your husband.
B. You won’t kill me in my sleep.
Cosmopolitan and Sex
Number of times I’ve seen a Cosmo cover advertising an article featuring triple-digit sex tips: 9
Number of times I’ve been tempted to purchase one of these magazines for the sex tips: 9
Number of times I’ve bought one of these magazines for the sex tips: 3
Total number of sex tips in combined magazines that I have purchased: 304
Total number of useful sex tips: 1
Total number of useful sex tips in Jill’s opinion: 0
4:20 PM
Text messages from Jill at lunchtime
I wish Jasper wasn’t so stupid. How do idiots become principals?
The usual stupid stuff. Can’t keep his lies straight. Selfish assholery.
You’re lucky you escaped this place.
I miss you being here. I liked seeing you during the day.
No, I’m fine. Stay there. Sell books.
Seriously, I’m good. I have Julie and Lisa and tomato soup.
Can you pick up dog food on the way home from the store? Blue Buffalo.
I don’t want to hear it. Clarence deserves the best.
The size of gummy worms compared to the size of gummy bears makes me question the whole gummy universe.
Love you more.
11:00 AM
Proof that I am stupid
9:10 AM
5 years of Jill
Sat beside Jill in first faculty meeting
Made Jill laugh in first faculty meeting
Fell in love with Jill at first faculty meeting
Pined over Jill while she dated fucking Feeney
Waited inappropriate amount of time after breakup with Feeney (3 days)
Dated Jill
Learned about Peter
Wondered if I could date a widow
Realized I was being stupid
Wondered if I was being stupid
One-year anniversary at Niagara Falls cheap motel
Dumped by Jill
23 days of hell
Dated Jill again
Moved in with Jill
Proposed to Jill on our second anniversary
Admit to never wanting children “never, ever, ever”
Negotiation (fight) over children
“The 72 Hours of Silence”
Concession (Jill would say “agreement”) over children
Negotiation over religion of children
Second thoughts (me, but maybe [probably] Jill, too)
Called off engagement (in my mind only)
Second thoughts a second time
Ice-cold feet
Bought house on Magnolia Hill
One-year wedding anniversary in Kennebunkport, Maine
Quit teaching
Opened bookstore
Failed renegotiation over children
Attempted baby making
Fake orgasms
8:30 AM
Solutions to pending financial disaster
Realistic but impossible solutions to pending financial disaster
Best but still impossible solutions
Best solutions if I had a time machine
Ways of making the bookstore more profitable
Sell more books
Charge more for books
Negotiate a lower rent
Lay off employees
Preferred order of layoffs (in an ideal world)
Realistic order of layoffs (in a world where I’m afraid of a certain employee)
5:40 AM
Shopping List
Special K (no fake strawberries)
Dog food
AA batteries
Extra-chunky peanut butter
Little Debbie Snack Cakes
Day Trading for Dummies
Poker for Dummies
Kettle ball
Powerball ticket
Birthday present for Mom
7:50 PM
Things that exist that I didn’t think existed
Day Trading for Dummies
Things that don’t exist that I thought did
10:30 PM
Division of Labor
Shops for food and most household goods
Cooks almost all meals (doesn’t like my cooking)
Sweeps (so she claims)
Washes, folds, and never fucking puts the laundry away
Weeds flower beds
Changes sheets
Walks and feeds Clarence
Cleans bathrooms
Pays bills
Brings out trash
Replaces trash bag after taking out trash (which is an additional chore no matter what Jill says)
Definitely sweeps
Washes, folds, and PUTS AWAY LAUNDRY
Ruins Jill’s sweaters and jeans while trying to wash them
Mows lawn
Organizes Jill’s sink-top cream/lotion/soaps/makeup paraphernalia when she’s not looking
Constantly turns off lights (yes, this is a chore)
Cleans out refrigerator
Shovels snow
Rakes leaves into meaningless piles that eventually blow into the neighbor’s yard
Processes mail (also a significant chore no matter what Jill says)
Brings trash and recycling to curb on Mondays
Chores I know Peter did because Jill told me
Paid bills
Walked and fed Clarence
“Just fixed things when they broke. He was good with that stuff.”
Chores I know Peter did because of what Jill didn’t tell me but told me anyway
Took away all of Jill’s worries about money, mortgage payments, insurance, retirement planning, broken dishwashers, service contracts, gutter cleaning, flat tires, refinancing, and clogged drains so she could focus on herself and her career
6:15 PM
Things that people have said to me this week that I don’t understand
“That pass-interference call in the end zone was bullshit.”
“Something something something IPO really took off.”
“This is clog weather.”
“The mill rate in this town is ridiculous.”
“You realize you’re playing Nickelback. Right?”
“You’d only last about two days on Naked and Afraid.”
“What’s up, jabroni?”
9:25 PM
Problems with being the boss
Kimberly thinks she’s the boss.
Steve should be the boss.
I never wanted to be a boss.
10:05 PM
My original vision of a bookstore owner
Read good books
Recommend good books to smart people
Dine with authors
Be rumored to be working on a novel
What being a bookstore owner actually looked like today
Basic accounting on an Excel spreadsheet that I don’t fully understand
Asking three teenage girls if they could please not vape in the store
Finding books for customers based upon color, size, and cover art
Removing a half-eaten muffin from between two Nelson DeMille novels
Telling customers over the phone when we close
A hell of a lot of vacuuming
5:35 AM
Things I’m opposed to that I wish I wasn’t
Public nudity (mine only)
Changes I would make to my appearance (in order of importance)
Back hair
Lose 20 pounds
Lose 10 more pounds
Full head of hair
Smaller ears
Six inches taller
Replace missing pinkie toe
Neck mole
Eliminate hair on the tops of my toes
Whiten teeth
Items left off this list because I can’t put them on the list
11:45 AM
Problems with my penis
I honestly don’t know how it compares to other penises when erect except for porn penises, which I pray to God are not normally sized penises.
I don’t know how large a penis needs to be in order to be a satisfactory penis.
I don’t know if different women have different definitions of a satisfactory penis size.
I can’t trim or shave my pubic hair because that would imply that I care when I really shouldn’t unless Jill cares but I don’t know if Jill cares.
3:30 PM
Reasons I quit teaching
Real reasons I quit teaching
Reasons I became a teacher
Teaching revelations
Reasons I opened bookstore
Love reading good books
Love browsing bookstores
Thought it would be easy
Stupidest thought I’ve ever had
Owning and operating a bookstore would be easy
Hardest thing about owning and operating a bookstore
Also …
Making a profit
Managing employees
Explaining to employees (employee) that proselytizing to customers is not okay
Watching great books go unread and terrible books sell like hotcakes
Reshelving magazines
8:50 PM
60 Minutes/Vanity Fair poll of women given a choice of 6 things to change about their man
His temper (29 percent)
His friends (11 percent)
His mother (9 percent)
His sense of humor (8 percent)
His physique (7 percent)
His hygiene (2 percent)
Jill’s comments about this poll
My thoughts on Jill’s comments
2:20 PM
Comments made to Kimberly today
“Stop suggesting Bibles to the customers.”
“Sharon’s sweaters are fine.”
“You can go home early.”
5:40 PM
Facts about Jesus that I told Kimberly to annoy her
Dan’s Laws of the Universe
Scripture is the basis of all religious belief. It is also the last thing in the world that will change a person’s belief once that belief has been falsely cemented.
There is an inverse correlation between a certainty of a person’s religious belief and their actual knowledge of Scripture.
8:10 PM
Facts about my marriage
Jill is always talking about stuff that I know nothing about but wish I did.
Jill was the girl in high school who had seen every Saturday Night Live ever made, sewed her own jeans, and was listening to punk before anyone knew what punk was.
I feel like I’ve told Jill about every cool thing that I’ve ever done but she has barely scratched the surface with me.
I was married to Jill for almost six months before she told me that she was once a fire spinner at Burning Man, which is cooler than anything I’ve ever done in my entire life but was an afterthought for her.
There will always be a part of Jill’s life that will remain a secret to me because you can only tell your second husband so much about your previous life with your dead husband.
Jill is cooler than I will ever be, which once thrilled me but now makes me feel so fucking insecure.
8:56 PM
Numbers for the day
Customers: 5
Books sold: 2
Toys sold: 3
Other items sold: 0
Estimated profit: $52
Estimated profit after paying Kimberly’s salary: - $13
2:20 AM
Stupidest List Ever
Liquor store
10:30 PM
Thanksgiving Observations
Things that Jill probably thinks I’m a dick about
Whole Foods rants
Sneakers only
Hatred of parades
Her brother
Not converting to Judaism (maybe)
Peter (maybe)
Jake (but maybe justifiably)
11:20 PM
What I don’t understand about Jake
He owns a sheet-metal fabrication business, but he definitely didn’t grow up wanting to work in sheet-metal fabrication.
He always liked Darth Vader more than Luke Skywalker, even before we knew Darth Vader would kill the Emperor and save the galaxy.
He really likes jazz.
He wears a necktie to holiday dinners even though no one is making him wear one.
I thought he was going to be a rebel.
He seems happy, but he’s a tie-wearing conservative who works in the sheet-metal fabrication industry.
The teenage version of Jake would like this version of Jake.
Addition to Dan’s Laws of the Universe
If the childhood version of yourself would hate the adulthood version of yourself, you suck at life.
12:05 AM
Star Wars Stuff
I tell people that I’m a Han Solo guy, but I’m actually a Luke Skywalker guy. I think Han Solo is kind of a dick.
Darth Vader killed billions of innocent people then saved his only son. This did not make him a good guy. Just a selfish practitioner of nepotism.
Chewbacca and the droids are brilliantly designed characters. They aren’t reliant on aging actors, so they can appear in Star Wars movies forever.
Luke Skywalker’s plan to rescue Han Solo from Jabba the Hutt was the most ill-conceived plan in the history of the galaxy. Get everyone captured (including yourself) so the job becomes exponentially more difficult?
12:20 AM
Jill’s sentences before falling to sleep
“Happy Thanksgiving, honey.”
“Sometimes it’s okay to just let things be. To keep the peace. You know?”
“Tomorrow. Okay? I ate way too much.”
“Jake seemed a little off today. Right?”
“I missed the canned cranberry sauce too. That nuts-and-raisins stuff was bullshit.”
“Good luck tomorrow.”
7:45 PM
Worst things about Black Friday
Best things about Black Friday
Other worst things about Black Friday
11:25 PM
Revised List of Ways to Keep Jill from Getting Pregnant
Number of actual beginning-to-end blow jobs I have received in two years of marriage
9:25 AM
How I ended up at Gillette Stadium
Tailgate attendees
Teja brothers (2)
Eddie the Norwegian (can’t tell if he’s really from Norway or if they’re just fucking with me)
10:55 AM
This guy named Shep
Works for a Medicare advocacy organization
Does not strike me as the nonprofit type
Cousin-in-law of Tony (who wanted nothing to do with this game)
Drunk within an hour of arrival
Likes to verbally abuse strangers twice his size in Miami football jerseys
Makes a damn good twice-baked potato
“You don’t like football? Why are you here?”
Made a reference to Sisyphus that I think only I understood
“At least you drink beer. Can’t say the same for Matty.”
Brought salad
Doesn’t look like the salad type
“Why are you always writing shit down?”
I think he’s a libertarian socialist, which shouldn’t be a thing.
A really likeable asshole
11:45 AM
Why I’m always writing shit down
“I want to write a novel someday.”
“It’s all grist for the mill.”
“My memory is shit.”
Real reasons for lists
Compromise at first with therapist because journaling sucks
Finished with therapist but lists became a habit
Thinking on the page
Makes sense of things
Putting things in lists puts them out of my head and lets me sleep
Addition to Dan’s Laws of the Universe
A habit is just an obsession that pretends to be intentional and controllable.
4:45 PM
Things I don’t understand about football
6:05 PM
What I understand about football now
7:55 PM
Places I urinated today
McDonald’s restroom on the Mass Pike
Surprisingly clean porta-john
A men’s room in Gillette Stadium
Behind a tree on the edge of the parking lot
Impossibly rancid porta-john (but also the same porta-john as earlier)
McDonald’s restroom in Milford, Massachusetts
Jake’s backyard (it was dark) (didn’t want to wake Jake Jr.)
10:00 PM
Phrases spoken today that seemed to carry so much meaning for Jake and his friends but meant nothing to me
“Nothing was ever as good as Jags parking.”
“Corn bread in a parking lot.”
“Whiskey and a Playboy.”
Addition to Dan’s Laws of the Universe
Just a little bit of shared language and culture can make a person feel like he’s standing far outside of a group, wishing to find a way in.
Did not adequately prepare me for the cold
Swears more at a football game than anywhere else
Tried to prevent me from sounding stupid about football
I like his friends a lot.
I can’t believe he does this all the time.
He seems so happy and relaxed. They all do. Not a worry in the world.
Compared to Jake’s friends, I have no real friends.
People I was slightly jealous of today
When did I miss out on friends like this?
Does Jake know that I don’t have any real friends? Does Mom? Is that why I was here today?
What is the thing in my life that would bring my theoretical friends together if not football?
Would friends make things easier?
11:15 AM
Original list of possible names for bookstore
Stuff Made Up in People’s Heads
Stuff People Made Up in Their Heads
Dan’s Pipe Dream
Shut Up and Read
Only Dan’s Favorite Books (Mostly)
Jill’s Albatross
No Benefits. Just Books.
A New Chapter
Books Are Better Than Sex
7:00 AM
Pros of Having a Baby
Bullshit Pros of Having a Baby
Cons of Having a Baby
Things I’m Willing to Do to Avoid Having a Baby
10:40 AM
Reasons why I won’t convert to Judaism
Addition to Dan’s Laws of the Universe
Anything that is a “process” inevitably sucks.
You can determine the objective tastiness of a food by the probability of its presence on a restaurant menu. Kugel cannot be found on your average restaurant menu, therefore it objectively sucks.
5:15 PM
Things I want to do before I die that can also earn me money
9:39 PM
Number of times we had sex in November:
Number of times I faked the orgasm:
Difficulty in faking an orgasm midstream (mid-stream?)
11:15 PM
Gift ideas for Mom
Number of days until Mom’s birthday
Importance of purchasing a thoughtful gift for Mom’s birthday
Importance of remembering a gift for Mom’s birthday