If I drown, I’ll be numb to this pain and finally slowly slip soundly under this world without the chains of these afflictions that devour me.
I pray that this water will be able to wash away these embedded stains that curl around me and mark me with fear.
My head is consumed with the thought that I will never be chosen; never touch the heart that I should have easily won.
For who would want this broken daughter, a girl the world has rejected and spit on.
I’m blackened by my scars, cursed with a pain that constantly screams my foul name.
Ruby lips drip with broken lies that somehow have become my truth, for no man would want me, a slave gripping for dear life onto rotting roots.
Yet I feel a strong hand pull me up allowing sweet air to refill my hungry lungs.
For he gave me my name and treasures my life and forbids me to believe in these tainted words.
For I am beloved, desired, and beautiful.
I am chosen.