I can’t believe I actually have to talk to her today, Adrian thought when he woke up on Monday morning. The sun beamed into his hotel room, forcing its way through the thin curtain hanging over the window. Adrian swung his legs out of bed and flung the curtain all the way open to enjoy a scenic view of behind the Las Vegas Strip. The MGM Grand, Tropicana, and Planet Hollywood were all within his immediate view.
Saturday and Sunday had been a blur. When they had arrived Saturday evening, they checked in at the hotel before heading out to dinner. Being such a long day that started with working in a different time zone, they were both tired after dinner. Denver went to bed, promising a busier day on Sunday once he had more energy.
Adrian, energized by Las Vegas and all of its lights, stayed up until midnight at a five-dollar blackjack table where he broke even while sipping on rum and Cokes throughout the night. A success in his book.
Sunday wasn’t busy by any means, but definitely more fun. Pro basketball games started at 10 A.M. local time, so he and Denver grabbed a couple seats in the Bellagio Sports Book, bet one hundred dollars each on the Los Angeles Lakers to cover a three-point spread over the Phoenix Suns, and enjoyed a fresh drink every half hour while they watched the game.
By the end of the game, they’d each had six drinks, the Lakers had covered, and they stumbled to the counter to collect their winnings.
“Hundred bucks to start the trip,” Denver said. “Not bad.”
Since they were drunk, they ended up lost on their way to find the In-N-Out Burger, somehow needing to cross the interstate to reach it—which they did.
The alcohol had worn them down too much to play in a poker tournament. They needed sharp minds if they wanted any chance of lasting to actually win money. So they spent the rest of the afternoon hopping from casino to casino and playing different table games.
Even without having played a poker tournament, the first two days had been perfect. Monday morning, however, the dynamic of the trip was about to change for good.
Natalia and Caroline were flying in, and they would all head to the Hoover Dam for a day of sightseeing.
So far, Adrian hadn’t spent a penny on this trip. He had no room to complain, but why on Earth did Denver have to invite Caroline?
Caroline wasn’t even the problem. He had no issues with her directly and believed the three of them would’ve had a great time. But Caroline invited Natalia along, and now the entire trip was spiraling out of control. How could Adrian enjoy himself if the most miserable person he knew would be there every step of the way?
She’ll probably complain about the drinks not being strong enough, or the food not being good enough.
Adrian was cornered. He was a night owl and would stay out until at least two if the night warranted. Denver had yet to stay up past ten o’clock, and he imagined Caroline would be no different. So who would be left from their group to spend that time with?
He rolled his eyes for the first of what he expected to be hundreds of times over the upcoming week.
Maybe I can find a late tournament to play every night. That gives me a valid and totally reasonable excuse to go off on my own.
“Ready?” Denver asked, sipping a cup of coffee he had made, patting Adrian on the back as they gathered in the kitchen of their hotel suite.
“Sure.” Adrian’s stomach swirled in angst. The moment he was dreading kept drawing nearer.
He followed Denver outside, where they waited on the curb. Caroline had rented a car and would stop by to pick them up.
I’ll probably sit in the back seat with Natalia, who has never spoken to me. How fun!
“So, Denver,” Adrian said. “How did this all come to be? With Caroline and Natalia joining us.”
“Oh, wasn’t much.” Denver took a sip of his coffee. “I was just telling Caroline about the trip. She works for Frontier, you know, and always has free flights. I told her to come along if she was available, and apparently she was. I think she invited Natalia a couple weeks after that, since you were going to be here.”
“I see. Did she not know that Natalia hates me?”
“Hate? That’s a strong word.” Denver chuckled, crumpling up his now empty coffee cup.
“You’re right. It’s more like she loathes me.”
Denver laughed to himself. “I don’t think that’s true, or else she wouldn’t have agreed to come on the trip.”
“I don’t know,” Adrian said, shaking his head as he stared at the Strip in the distance. “We’ve never spoken to each other. Since the day she started last summer, I can count the words we’ve exchanged on one hand.”
“I’m sure you’re being dramatic. You two sit less than six feet apart.”
“Exactly, and have you ever seen us having a conversation? When I fill up my water, she won’t even look in my direction.”
“Maybe she likes you.”
Now was Adrian’s turn to laugh. “Good one, Denver. I’m sure that’s exactly it. She likes me and agreed to this trip to finally make her move. Maybe we’ll fall in love and get married at one of these chapels.”
Denver shrugged. “Crazier things have happened. Especially here.”
Adrian didn’t appreciate the serious tone of his friend. Denver had proven plenty wise over their time working together. He had seen everything during his six decades in this world and never hesitated to share his insights.
Surely the situation with Natalia wasn’t a crush—she seemed much too intense to play such childish games. But the idea opened Adrian’s mind to the possibility that it wasn’t necessarily hatred. To be fair, he didn’t speak to her, either. But that was just because she didn’t seem to want to be spoken to. At least by him.
“What do you even know about Natalia?” Adrian asked, hoping for anything he could use as a weapon during this trip. It was inevitable they would clash at some point.
“Not a ton. She’s a sweet girl. Very smart. I know she speaks Spanish, and just got back from a trip to Colombia to visit her family.”
Adrian rolled his eyes, and Natalia wasn’t even here yet. All he overheard during the past few weeks was Natalia telling everyone about her big family trip to South America. She really lived the high life, apparently.
“I think you two will get along just fine,” Denver continued. “Maybe you just need a trip like this to be forced to spend time together to understand each other a little better.”
But I don’t want to understand Natalia. If I wanted that, I would’ve already tried.
Adrian’s desires would have to join him in the backseat.
“They’re here,” Denver said, nodding to the car pulling up to the curb with the hazards flashing.
Caroline was driving, and Natalia was already in the back seat, sitting behind the driver’s seat.
Adrian pulled open the door, knots twisting in his stomach as he sat down next to Natalia.