AAV: Assault Amphibious Vehicle

       Carries eighteen to twenty Marines from ship to shore; serves as ground troop transport. Armament: .50-caliber machine gun and 40mm automatic grenade launcher. See also LVT.

ABM: Anti-Ballistic Missile

AGM: Air-to-Ground Missile

AK-47: Russian- or Chinese-made automatic rifle.

Amn Al Khass: Iraq’s internal intelligence and security service; also known as SSS, Special Security Services.

APC: Armored Personnel Carrier

APU: Auxiliary Power Unit

ASP: Ammunition Supply Point

ATGM: Anti-Tank Guided Missile

AWACS: Airborne Warning and Control System (U.S. Air Force)

BMP: A Soviet-made, tracked, infantry fighting vehicle. Carries up to eight troops and is normally armed with a 73mm or a 30mm cannon and ATGMs.

Bn: Battalion

CAAT: Combined Anti-Armor Team

       Consists of several Humvees equipped with TOW and Javelin ATGMs, .50-caliber machine guns, and grenade launchers.

CAS: Close Air Support

cas-evac: casualty evacuation

CENTCOM: Central Command (Also USCENTCOM)

       U.S. Central Command, one of nine U.S. unified military commands; headquartered at McDill Air Force Base, Tampa, Florida. During Operation Iraqi Freedom, CENTCOM maintained a forward headquarters in Doha, Qatar.

CG: Commanding General

CO: Commanding Officer

CP: Command Post

DASC: Direct Air Support Center

       Provides a direct communications link between Marine air and ground units.

EGBU-28: Enhanced Guided Bomb Unit

       More accurate version of the “bunker buster” that uses GPS for guidance. See also GBU.

EOD: Explosive Ordnance Disposal

EP-3: Lockheed EP-3E Aries II aircraft, designed specifically for Signals Intelligence (SIGINT) collection. The aircraft operates with a five-person flight crew and as many as twenty intelligence specialists.

EPW: Enemy Prisoner of War

FAC: Forward Air Controller

       Provides direction and control for aircraft firing or dropping ordnance in support of ground troops.

FARP: Forward Arming and Refueling Point

FO: Forward Observer

       Provides fire direction and control for artillery or mortars.

Frag Order: Fragmentary order

       An abbreviated operations order that a commander uses to inform troops of information they need to carry out an assigned mission.

G-3: Operations and training function for a military command of brigade or higher. See also S-3.

GBU: Guided Bomb Unit

       E.g., GBU-15, an unpowered, glide weapon used to destroy high-value enemy targets; the GBU-37 “bunker buster” is a five-thousand-pound laser-guided conventional explosive with a 4,400-pound penetrating warhead. The operator illuminates a target with a laser designator and then the munition is guided to a spot of laser energy reflected from the target.

GOSP: Gas-Oil Separation Plant

GPS: Global Positioning System

Gunny: Slang for Marine gunnery sergeant.

HARM: High-Speed Anti-Radiation Missile

       An air-to-ground missile, specifically the AGM-88 HARM.

HEAT: High Explosive Anti-Tank

       Armor-piercing, anti-tank ammunition.

HET: (U.S. Army) Heavy Equipment Transporter

HET: (U.S. Marines) Human Exploitation Team

       Helps collect and interpret intelligence.

HMLA: Marine Light Attack Helicopter Squadron

       Flies AH1J Cobras and armed UH1N “Hueys.”

HMM: Marine Medium Helicopter Squadron

       Flies CH-46 “Sea Knight” helicopters.

HUMINT: Human intelligence—as contrasted with electronic, satellite, or other intelligence gathering.

HVT: High-Value Target

ICM: Improved Conventional Munitions

ID: In the context of a military unit, Infantry Division. Also an abbreviation for identification.

IED: Improvised Explosive Device

IFB: Interruptible Feedback Line

       Allows a television producer, director, talent, and others to communicate with each other during a program; usually through an earpiece.

IFF: Identification Friend or Foe

I-MEF: 1st Marine Expeditionary Force

JDAM: Joint Direct Attack Munition

       An unpowered, GPS-guided, one-thousand or two-thousand pound, glide bomb.

Jihaz Haneen: Clandestine Baath intelligence and security organization.

JSTARS: Joint Surveillance Target Attack Radar System

LAR: Light Armored Reconnaissance Battalion

       Marine unit equipped with LAVs for rapid ground reconnaissance forward and on the flanks of a larger force.

LAV: Light Armored Vehicle

       LAV-25, wheeled light armored vehicle employed by Marine LAR Battalion. Carries six troops; armament: 25mm chain gun.

LVT: Landing Vehicle, Tracked; See also AAV.

LVTC: Landing Vehicle, Tracked, Command

       An LVT equipped with communications equipment and configured so that a commander can use an LVTC-7 as his command. Armament: .50-caliber machine gun.

LZ: Landing Zone

MAG: Marine Air Group

MAW: Marine Aircraft Wing

       The 3rd MAW served as the Air Combat Element of 1st Marine Expeditionary Force.

MAWTS: Marine Aviation Weapons and Tactics Squadron

MEU: Marine Expeditionary Unit

       The smallest air-ground task force, consisting of a reinforced infantry battalion, a composite helicopter squadron, and a logistics support element.

MIA: Missing In Action

MOPP: Mission Oriented Protective Posture

       Designation for the protective suit, mask, and other equipment worn to shield troops from nuclear, chemical, and biological weapons. See also NBC suit.

MP: Military Police

MPS: Maritime Prepositioning Ship

       Large “roll-on roll-off” vessels full of military equipment, weapons, and ammunition; strategically placed to expedite the deployment of U.S. military units.

MRE: Meal, Ready-to-Eat

Mukhabarat: The foreign intelligence service of Iraq

NBC suit: Nuclear, biological, and chemical protective gear

NCO: Non-commissioned officer in the military services

NOK: Next of Kin

NVG: Night-Vision Goggles

OGA: Other Government Agency

       Euphemism for CIA or other intelligence service personnel operating in Iraq, Afghanistan, and other places.

Overwatch: A base of fire from heavy weapons in support of a maneuver

PAO: Public Affairs Officer

PAX: U.S. military abbreviation for passengers, usually in an aircraft. Also “packs.”

PFC: Private First Class

POW: Prisoner of War

QRF: Quick Reaction Force

RAP: Rocket-Assisted Projectiles

RCT: Regimental Combat Team

Rein.: Reinforced

ROE: Rules of Engagement

RPG: Rocket-Propelled Grenade

RPV: Remotely Piloted Vehicle

       Radio controlled aircraft used to conduct reconnaissance and/or intelligence collection. See also UAV.

S-1: Staff officer that performs administrative record-keeping and personnel function for a battalion or regiment.

S-2: Staff officer that performs intelligence and counter-intelligence function for a battalion or regiment.

S-3: Staff officer performing operations plans and training functions for a battalion or regiment.

S-4: Staff officer who performs logistics, maintenance, and supply function for a battalion or regiment.

SAM: Surface-to-Air Missile

SAW: Squad Automatic Weapon

       Carried by one member of each Marine infantry fire team.

SERE: Survival, Escape, Resistance, and Evasion

       Plan followed in the event a pilot or other Armed Forces member is down or lost behind enemy lines.

sharqi: Iraqi sandstorm

Sit Rep: situation report

SOP: Standard Operating Procedure

TAA: Tactical Assembly Area

TF: Task Force

TOC: Tactical Operations Center

TOT: Time on Target

TOW: Tube-launched, Optically tracked, Wire-guided

       Is the primary anti-tank missile used by the U.S. Marine Corps and the U.S. Army.

UAV: Unmanned Aerial Vehicle

       Reconnaissance aircraft operated by remote radio control and/or GPS.

UN: United Nations

UNSCOM: UN Special Commission

       The organization appointed by the UN to seek weapons of mass destruction in Iraq.

V Corps: U.S. Army forward-deployed headquarters for two divisions, a corps support command, and nine separate brigades totaling approximately 41,000 soldiers.

VBIED: Vehicular-Borne Improvised Explosive Device

VMU-2: Marine Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Squadron Two

       Operated RPVs over the battlefield for the Regimental Combat teams. See also UAV.

WIA: Wounded In Action

WMD: Weapons of Mass Destruction

XO: Executive Officer