“Tell me what is really bothering you about Hank.”

“I think he’s a rum runner.” Once she said it out loud, she knew it must be true. Of course, he was a rum runner. Tomas had been, and Hank was involved with all the same people and he didn’t want her to investigate. What other answer could there be?

Suddenly Trudy got serious.

“Oh. It would seem you have incompatible careers.”

Alice nearly choked on her tea. Trudy handed her a napkin.

“That’s one way of putting it,” she said when she could breathe again. “So, what do you think I should do?”

“Quit your job, of course,” Trudy said and winked at her.

Alice sighed. She supposed that would solve one problem, but it really wasn’t an answer and they both knew it.

“Short of that?”