Finally! Someone has freed you from that medieval torture rack, the keyboard, and its contemporary accessory, the mouse. You’ve been muttering epithets at your computer. Now you can actually speak to it. Although it still won’t take your epithets to heart, it will now at least write them down for your future convenience.
For those who can’t type or spell (or at least, not well), and for those whose bodies have been punished by keyboarding, Dragon Professional Individual spells relief (and other words, too). Dragon Professional Individual gives your lips their job back: being your principal data output device. In fact, with Dragon Professional Individual, you may be able to type faster with your lips than with your fingers. At the same time, you can eliminate spelling errors (and spell checking) from your life. Yes, it’s true!
Dragon Professional Individual can do great things soon after you open the box, but too often, its talents lie hidden. Recognizing speech is one of those human talents that is still very complex to a computer. Recognizing human speech is as much a miracle for a computer as computing the precise value of pi is for a human. (Computing the highly abstract value of pie, oddly enough, is much easier for a human.)
Dragon Professional Individual borders on being miraculous, but to get really practical results, you have to meet this miracle halfway. Perhaps you have been wondering what all the excitement is about, either because you are thinking of getting Dragon Professional Individual or because, so far, Dragon Professional Individual hasn’t excited you. Dragon Professional Individual For Dummies is here to help.
This book reveals the stuff you need to know to turn Dragon Professional Individual from a technical miracle into a working tool on your Windows computer. I also cover how to use Dragon Professional Individual on your smartphone and tablet. Following are a dozen things this book can help you do:
Ever try to describe something basically simple and discover that the description made it ridiculously complex instead? Well, it’s that way with describing Dragon Professional Individual commands, so I try to simplify the job by using some typographic conventions. You won’t really need to think about the typography much (let alone go to any conventions about it), but in case you’re wondering about it, here’s what it means:
I think you are a person of elevated literary taste and acute discernment, who aspires to converse with computers. Beyond that, I assume certain things about you, my esteemed reader.
I assume you are a new user of Dragon Professional Individual. I also assume you are passably familiar with Microsoft Windows.
I figure you are picking up this book for any of the following reasons:
Like a Dairy Queen ice-cream Blizzard, For Dummies books are packed full of cool, crunchy tidbits. Accordingly, you’ll find the text studded with attractive two-color icons, pointing out tips, warnings, reminders, and the like. (Yes, of course, black and white are colors!) Here are the icons you’ll find:
I’ve provided additional information about Dragon Professional Individual online to help you on your way:
to learn how to start dictation, use punctuation, correct dictation, get help, and use Dragon with other
.The next step depends on what you need right now. If you’re stuck on a particular aspect of Dragon Professional Individual right now, look it up in the index and turn straight to that topic. If you are a newbie, why not just turn this page?
Let’s get started!