Part II
In this part …
Talking is so simple that you’ll forget that you're creating emails and documents. Get the hang of dictating using punctuation and making quick corrections.
The DragonPad makes editing and correcting your text easy. You’ll see how to use the DragonPad to create flawless content to insert into your applications.
Are you a stickler for the proper formatting? I show you how to get exactly the format you want in your text-editing applications.
Most people hate proofreading. You’ll find out how to catch mistakes easily by listening to your text.
If you have a favorite application, I show you how to dictate into it so you don’t have to devise new ways to work.
Everyone uses word processors. You learn how to make short work of emails and reports by using natural language commands to format and edit.
Want to navigate Excel spreadsheets with your voice? I highlight the easiest ways to navigate the cells in either the Quick Edit or the Full Edit mode.
What could be better than dictating and letting someone else do the transcribing? You find out how to make this happen.