Result of work of Committee on Permanent Organization and Field Supervision: — H. S. Braucher, Chairman. Lorillard Spencer. Jr., Colin H. Livingstone, Richard C. Morse, Mortimer L. Schiff, Dr. George W. Ehler, C. M. Connolly, E. B. DeGroot, Lee F. Hanmer.
Result of work of Committee on Scout Oath, Scout Law, Tenderfoot, Second-class and First-class Scout Requirements: —
Prof. Jeremiah W. Jenks, Chairman. Dr. Lee K. Frankel, George D. Porter, E. M. Robinson, G. W. Hinckley, B. E. Johnson, Clark W. Hetherington, Arthur A. Carey.
Result of work of Committee on Badges, Awards and Equipment: Dr. George J. Fisher, Chairman, Gen. George W. Wingate Dr. C. Ward Crampton, Daniel Carter Beard. C. M. Connolly, A. A. Jameson, Ernest Thompson Seton.
From “Boy Scouts of America,” by Ernest Thompson Seton. Copyright, 1910, by Doubleday, Page & Company
From Country Life in America, May, 1905
See “Two Little Savages,” 1903.
Ladies’ Home Journal, October, 1902.
lllustrations are copies from Comstock’s “ How to Know the Butterflies,” through courtesy of D. Appleton & Company.
In treating of camping there has been an intentional omission of the long-term camp. This is treated extensively in the books of reference given at the close of this chapter.
Reprinted from Recreation. April, 1911, by permission of the Editor.
Prepared with the coöperation of Mr. Arthur A. Carey, Scout Master, Boy Scout ship Pioneer; Mr. Carleton E. Sholl, Captain Lakanoo Boat Club Crew; Mr. Frederick K. Vreeland, Camp-Fire Club of America, and Mr. R. F. Tims, Vice-Commodore, American Canoe Association.
The “Military Commandant” is usually the lady of the house that he gets to.
The games from Lion Hunting to Hare and Hounds are from General Baden-Powell.
From Daniel Carter Beard, National Scout Commissioner.