Zoe has been called cold and empty and undeserving of love when she can’t give it back. It isn’t how she wants be, but she knows no way of changing it, so she understands and hasn’t gone looking for a relationship. But then it finds her in the form of Sam King. Sam is a former Ranger, scarred on the outside from a mission that forced him out. The security contracting company needs Sam, but very soon Zoe realizes she needs him too. But it isn’t fair to get involved with him when he’s already been hurt, she has no right to add to his pain. But Sam is insistent that he’s not looking for a relationship—sex is all he wants and needs from her. Fighting Sam and her body is a lost cause, and she gives in. Soon she’s the one wanting more from Sam, but how can she find a way to not be cold and empty? Is it her turn to end up hurt at the end?