To: Jonas Zebila
From: Abi Zebila
Subject: Damn!
Sunday, 21 June 2015
Really, Jonas, really?! I tell you we have a secret sister and I get nothing from you? Nothing at all? Not even the slightest bit of curiosity?! Do you think I made her up or something?.
Well, I didn’t. I found her number and called and she hung up on me. She actually hung up on me. I’m still smarting about that three days later. Especially since her phone seems to be permanently off now.
Mummy’s keen on seeing her, too, even though she’d never admit it. She spends all her time staring into space, as if she’s back reliving that time of her life. I can’t even begin to imagine Mummy doing it. Any of it. The sex before marriage, the handing over a baby in a butterfly box. I’d love to ask her about it, but I know she won’t talk. She’ll just clam up and pretend it’s all a mistake.
I tried to show her Clemency’s website and she just sat looking at it like the computer wasn’t there. I can’t even begin to understand what’s going through her head right now. Or Clemency’s. I just realised, I didn’t tell you her name – that’s it: Clemency.
Since she hung up on me I’ve been trying to find out as much as I can about her, but do you know how many photos there are of our sister on the internet? Pretty much none. Do you know how easy it is to find out information about her? Really bloody hard. She’s got an unusual name so you’d think it’d be easy to find out about her, but no. Nada. It’s like she doesn’t really exist. But I know she does because Mrs L clearly knew who she was, which is why she sent me to talk to her, and there’s the website. And I met her.
Jonas, I really need someone to tell me what to do right now. I can’t tell anyone else about this. Where would I even begin telling Declan? He thinks we stayed there the other night because I’ve fallen out with Mummy, which I have in the most quiet way possible. I am so confused.