© The New York Botanical Garden, Lewis S.Nelson, and Michael J. Balick. 2020
L. S. Nelson, M. J. BalickHandbook of Poisonous and Injurious Plantshttps://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4939-8926-3_3

Section 3. Plant-Induced Dermatitis (Phytodermatitis)

Lewis S. Nelson1  and Michael J. Balick2
Department of Emergency Medicine and Division of Medical Toxicology, Rutgers New Jersey Medical School, Newark, NJ, USA
Institute of Economic Botany, The New York Botanical Garden, Bronx, NY, USA
Skin-associated complaints are the most common form of plant poisoning managed by healthcare providers. Dermatologists often see patients with complaints that are directly or indirectly related to plant exposures (Table 3). For example, outdoor workers may directly develop dermatitis from the toxin-laden pollen from the various plants in the family Compositae (Asteraceae) (e.g., chrysanthemums, which contain sesquiterpene lactones). Indirectly, the use of perfume or other lotions that contain plant derivatives may produce dermatitis in an unsuspecting user. Simple puncture wounds are very common, but will not be covered here since they are generally easily diagnosed and managed through simple hygienic means.
Table 3.

Representative Plants Causing Contact Dermatitis

Botanical name

Common name


Narcissus species

Daffodil, Narcissus, Jonquil


See Table 7



Asimina triloba (L.) Dunal



Allamanda cathartica L.

Allamanda, Canario

Nerium oleander L.



See Table 5



Hedera canariensis Willd.

Algerian Ivy

H. helix L.

English Ivy


Aristolochia elegans M.T. Mast

Calico Flower

A. gigantea Mart. & Zucc. non Hook.


A. grandiflora Swartz

Pelican Flower


See Table 6



Campsis radicans (L.) Seem.

Trumpet Creeper


Ananas comosus (L.) Merrill



Sarcobatus vermiculatus (Hook.) Torr.



Rhoeo spathacea (Swartz) Stearn (= R. discolor (L’Her.) Hance)

Moses-in-a-Boat, Oyster Plant

Setcreasea pallida Rose cv. ‘Purple Heart’ (= S. purpurea Boom)

Purple Queen

Compositae (Asteraceae)

Ambrosia species


Artemisia species


Aster species

Aster, Daisy

Chrysanthemum species

Chrysanthemum, Daisy, Feverfew, Marguerite

Erigeron species


Franseria acanthicarpa (Hook.) Coville (= Ambrosia acanthicarpa Hook.)

Poverty Weed

Gaillardia species


Helenium autumnale L.


H. microcephalum DC.


Iva species

Marsh Elder

Lactuca sativa L.


Oxytenia acerosa Nutt. (= Iva acerosa (Nutt.) R.C. Jackson)

Copper Weed

Parthenium argentatum Gray


P. hysterophorus L.


Rudbeckia hirta L. (=R. serotina Nutt.)

Black-eyed Susan

Soliva pterosperma (Juss.) Less.


Tanacetum vulgare L.


Tagetes minuta L.

Mexican Marigold

Xanthium species


See Table 8



Dichondra repens J.R. & G. Forst.



See Table 4



Hura crepitans L.

Monkey Pistol, Sandbox Tree, Javillo

Ricinus communis L.

Castor Bean, Higuereta, Ricino

See Table 6



Dicentra spectabilis (L.) Lem.

Bleeding Heart


Ginkgo biloba L.

Ginkgo, Maidenhair Tree

Gramineae (Poaceae)

Oryza sativa L.


Panicum glutinosum Sw.

Sticky Grass

Secale cereale L.



Phacelia campanularia Gray

California Bluebell

P. crenulata Torr. ex S. Wats.

Scorpion Flower, Scorpion Weed

P. minor (Harv.) Thell. ex F. Zimm. (= P. whitlavia A. Gray; Whitlavia grandiflora Harv.)

Wild Canterbury Bells

P. parryi Torr.


P. viscida (Benth. ex Lindl.) Torr.


See Table 4



Juglans nigra L.

Black Walnut

Leguminosae (Fabaceae)

Prosopis glandulosa Torr. (= P. juliflora (Sw.) DC. var glandulosa (Torr.) Cockerell)


See Table 4



Allium cepa L.

Onion, Cebolla

A. sativum L.

Garlic, Ajo

Hyacinthus species


Tulipa species



Phoradendron serotinum (Raf.) M.C. Johnst. (= P. flavescens (Pursh) Nutt.)

(American) Mistletoe


Magnolia grandiflora L.

Magnolia, Bull Bay


Maclura pomifera (Raf.) C.K. Schneid.

Osage Orange

See Table 8



Eucalyptus globulus Labill.

Blue Gum, Eucalyptus


Cypripedium species

Lady’s Slipper

Palmae (Arecaceae)

See Table 5



Abies balsamea (L.) Mill.

Balsam Fir


Primula farinosa L.

Birdseye Primrose

P. obconica Hance

Primula, German Primrose


Grevillea banksii R. Br.

Kahili Flower

G. robusta A. Cunn.

Silk(y) Oak


See Table 6



Agrimonia species


Rosa odorata (Andr.) Sweet

Tea Rose

See Table 8



See Table 8



Hydrangea species



Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.


Solanum carolinense L.

Horse Nettle

S. tuberosum L.



See Table 6



Ulmus glabra Huds.

Wych Elm, Scotch Elm

U. procera Salisb.

English Elm

Umbelliferae (Apiaceae)

See Table 8



See Table 4



See Table 5



Larrea tridentata (Sesse & Moc. ex DC.) Coville (= L. glutinosa Englem.)

Creosote Bush

Table 4.

Representative Plants with External Irritant, Stinging Hairs, or Detachable Needles

Botanical name

Common name


Opuntia species (e.g., O. microdasys (Lehm.) Pfeiff.)

Bunny Ears, Prickly Pear


Humulus lupulus L.



Cornus sanguinea L.

Bloodtwig Dogwood


Acidoton urens Sw.

Mountain Cowitch

Cnidoscolus chayamansa McVaugh


C. stimulosus (Michx.) Engelm.

Tread Softly, Bull Nettle

C. texanus (Muell. Arg.) Small


C. urens (L.) Arth. (= Jatropha urens L.)


Dalechampia scandens L.


Platygyne hexandra (Jacq.) Muell. Arg.


Tragia volubilis L.



Phacelia imbricata Greene


P. malvifolia Cham.

Stinging Phacelia

Wigandia caracasana H.B.K.


W. urens (Ruiz & Pav.) H.B.K.


Leguminosae (Fabaceae)

Lupinus hirsutissimus Benth.

Stinging Lupine

Mucuna deeringiana (Bort) Merrill

Velvet Bean

  (= Stizlobium deeringianum Bort)

Cowhage, Cowitch, Pica-Pica,

M. pruriens DC. (= Stizlobium pruriens (L.) Medik.; Dolichos pruriens L.)

Pois Gratté, Vine Gungo Pea

M. urens (L.) DC.

Bejuco Jairey, Ox-Eye Bean, Yeaux Bourrique, Torteza


Malpighia polytricha A. Juss.


M. urens L.

Cowitch Cherry


Sterculia apetala (Jacq.) Karst. (in exposed fruit)




Laportea aestuans (L.) Chew (= Fleurya aestuans (L.) Gaud.)


L. canadensis (L.) Weddell

Wood Nettle

Urera baccifera (L.) Weddell

Ortiga Brava

Urtica dioica L.

Stinging Nettle

U. urens L.

Stinging Nettle

Table 5.

Representative Plants Containing Irritant Raphides

Botanical name

Common name


Alocasia species (e.g., A. macrorrhiza (L.) G. Don)

Elephant’s Ear, Taro

Anthurium andreanum Linden

Flamingo Lily

Arum italicum Mill.

Italian Arum

A. maculatum L.


Caladium bicolor (Ait.) Venten.


Calla palustris L.

Water Arum, Marsh Marigold

Colocasia species (e.g., C. esculenta (L.) Schott

Elephant’s Ear

Dieffenbachia species


Epipremnum aureum (Linden & André)

  Bunt. (= Pothos aureus Linden & André;

Raphidophora aurea (Linden & André)


 Birdsey; Scindapsus aureus (Linden & André) Engl. & K. Krause)


Philodendron scandens C. Koch & H. Sello ssp. oxycardium (Schott) Bunt

Heartleaf Philodendron.

P. selloum C. Koch


Palmae (Arecaceae)

Caryota mitis Lour.

Fishtail Palm


Parthenocissus quinquefolia (L.) Planch.

Virginia Creeper

P. triscuspidata (Siebold & Zucc.) Planch.

Boston Ivy

Table 6.

Representative Plants Containing an Irritant Sap or Latex

Botanical name

Common name


Agave species (e.g., A. americana L.)

Century Plant, Maguey


Acokanthera oblongifolia (Hochst.) Codd (= A. spectabilis (Sond.) Hook. f.)

Bushman’s Poison, Wintersweet

Plumeria species



Calotropis gigantea (L.) Ait. f.

Crown Flower

C. procera (Ait.) Ait. f.

Algodón de Seda


Euphorbia cotinifolia L.

Poison Spurge, Carrasco

E. gymnonota Urb.


E. lactea Haw.

Candelabra Cactus

E. lathyris L.

Caper Spurge, Mole Plant

E. marginata Pursh


E. milii Ch. des Moulins


E. myrsinites L.

Creeping Spurge

E. tirucalli L.

Pencil Cactus

Excoecaria agallocha L. var. orthostichalus Muell. Arg.

Blinding Tree

Grimmeodendron eglandulosum (A. Rich.) Urb.

Poison Bush

Hippomane mancinella L.

Beach Apple, Manzanillo

Pedilanthus tithymaloides (L.) Poit.

Slipper Flower

  Sapium hippomane G.F.W. Mey.


S. laurocerasus Desf.


Stillingia sylvatica Gard.

Queen’s Delight

Synadenium grantii Hook. f.

African Milkbush


Caltha palustris L.

Pasque Flower

Clematis species (e.g., C. virginiana L.) Pulsatilla patens

Marsh Marigold

  Mill. (= Anemone patens L.)

Virgin’s Bower

Ranunculus species (e.g., R. acris L.)

Buttercup, Crowfoot


Daphne mezereum L.


Dirca palustris L.

Leatherwood, Wicopy

Table 7.

Anacardiaceae Producing Allergic Contact Dermatitis

Botanical name

Common name

Anacardium occidentale L.

Cashew, Marañón

Comocladia species (e.g., C. dodonaea (L.) Urban)


Cotinus coggygria Scop. (= Rhus cotinus L.)

Smoke Tree

Mangifera indica L.


Metopium toxiferum (L.) Krug & Urban

Poisonwood, Cedro Prieto

Schinus terebinthifolius Raddi

Brazilian Pepper Tree, Florida Holly

Toxicodendron diversilobum (Torr. & A. Gray) Greene (= Rhus diversiloba Torr. & A. Gray)

Western Poison Oak

T. pubescens P. Mill. (= T. toxicarium (Salisb.) Gillis; Rhus toxicodendron L.; R. quercifolia (Michx.) Steudel)

Poison Ivy

Western Poison Ivy

Eastern Poison Oak

T. radicans (L.) Kuntze (=Rhus radicans L.)


T. rydbergii (Small) Greene


T. vernix (L.) Kuntze (= Rhus vernix L.)

Poison Sumac

Table 8.

Representative Plants Producing Phytophotodermatitis

Botanical name

Common name

Compositae (Asteraceae)

Achillea millefolium L.

Yarrow, Milfoil, Milenrama

Anthemis cotula L.

Dog Fennel, Mayweed


Ficus carica L.


F. pumila L.

Creeping Fig, Creeping Rubber Plant


Agrimonia eupatoria L.



Citrus aurantiifolia (Christm.) Swingle


Dictamnus albus L.

Gas Plant, Burning Bush

Pelea anisata H. Mann


Ruta graveolens L.

Rue, Ruda

Umbelliferae (Apiaceae)

Ammi majus L.

Bishop’s Weed

Anthriscus sylvestris (L.) Hofmann


Daucus carota L. var. carota

Queen Anne’s Lace, Wild Carrot

Daucus carota var. sativus Hoffm.


Heracleum lanatum Michx.

Cow Parsnip

H. mantegazzianum Sommier & Levier

Giant Hogweed, Wild Rhubarb

H. sphondylium L.

Cow Parsnip

Pastinaca sativa L.


Plant-induced dermal disorders are frequently categorized into several groups to organize their clinical effects and management, but plant-specific mechanisms and therapies may exist:
  1. 1.

    Mechanical irritants

  2. 2.

    Chemical irritants

  3. 3.


  4. 4.


  5. 5.



The majority of these complaints are managed by primary care physicians or dermatologists. This section provides a brief overview of the problem and should be supplemented by the use of a reference text or the advice of a dermatologist. Poison Control Centers, physicians, botanists, and medical toxicologists are frequently confronted by situations in which a plant is implicated in the formation of a rash, suggesting that the ability to recognize plant-induced dermatitis is important for all healthcare providers.

Mechanical Irritants

Mechanical injury is generally induced by plants with obvious physical characteristics that directly injure the skin, such as the barbs of aloe or the trichomes of stinging nettles (Urtica dioica L.) (Table 4). In the latter case, the stingers are fragile hypodermic syringe-like tubules that contain a mixture of irritant chemicals which are injected into the skin after the trichome breaks the dermal barrier. Following exposure, patients rapidly develop short-lived wheals with intense pruritus. Less-obvious exposures occur when the idioblasts found in common houseplants such as Dieffenbachia spp. injure the skin. These idioblasts contain both needle-like calcium oxalate crystals (mechanical irritants) in a soup of irritant chemicals (chemical irritants; Table 5). The crystals are injected into the skin or mucosa following mechanical stimulation of the idioblasts. Depending on the anatomical location of the crystal deposition, the clinical effects can be minor (e.g., skin), consequential (e.g., eye), or rarely lethal (e.g., airway). Treatment is generally supportive and symptomatic in nature. Skin involvement with a mechanical irritant should be treated with demulcent cremes, ice, and analgesics, and removal of the offending agent if appropriate. Ocular involvement is similarly managed with symptomatic care that generally includes ocular irrigation and systemic analgesics, and most exposures should prompt consultation with an ophthalmologist. Oropharyngeal exposures mandate rigorous attention to the airway, and patients may require corticosteroids to limit pharyngeal swelling. Endoscopy is often indicated in any patient with clinical findings consistent with consequential airway involvement (e.g., dysphonia, dysphagia, stridor).

Chemical Irritants

Chemical irritants differ from the mechanical irritants in that they produce their clinical effects on the basis of a physicochemical quality of the toxin rather than through overt mechanical means (Table 6). Some of these toxins may be introduced along with mechanical irritants, as already noted with idioblasts. Chemical irritants may be directly irritating on the basis of pH or other chemical effects (e.g., solubility), mimicry of an endogenous compound (e.g., acetylcholine or histamine), enzymatic damage, or activation of inflammation. These agents may be protoxins that require metabolic transformation to produce the ultimate toxin (e.g., sinigrin in Brassicaceae (mustard) plants forms allylisothiocyanate). Chili peppers (Capsicum spp.) contain capsaicin, which induces the release of stored neurotransmitter (substance P) from sensory neurons and produces the deep aching pain characteristic of the “Hunan hand” syndrome, for example. Treatment of chemical-induced irritation includes decontamination by thorough washing of the affected area, analgesics, and symptomatic care.


Although any type of allergic response may occur, a type IV, or delayed, hypersensitivity response, also known as allergic contact dermatitis (ACD), is the most common form caused by plants (Table 7). Many occupations, such as florists, gardeners, and even outdoor workers uninvolved with plant work, are at risk for the development of ACD. Among florists, exposure to Peruvian lily, the very common centerpiece flower, results in ACD due to the common sensitizer tulipin A. The general pathogenesis of this reaction involves a primary exposure to a toxin resulting in an immune response (i.e., sensitization) developing in the affected individual. In some cases, particularly with toxins that are too small to elicit an immune response, the binding of the toxin or its metabolite to an endogenous compound (i.e., as a hapten) results in immunological recognition and the development of sensitization. Upon reexposure to the same or closely related toxin the primed immune system recognizes the antigen (or haptenized endogenous compound), and an immunological response is triggered. The result is a slowly developing (over hours to days) rash, consisting typically of pain, itch, redness, swelling, and blisters localized to the affected area. The sensitizing potential of the various plant-borne toxins varies, but urushiol, which causes “poison ivy”, is among the most potent and most frequently encountered sensitizers. Nearly everyone is capable of being sensitized to urushiol, accounting for the reason that “Rhus dermatitis” is given its own moniker. Although the reaction resembles irritant dermatitis, it is more slow to develop and requires previous exposure. Many related urushiol-like compounds from diverse sources [e.g., from mango (Mangifera indica) or cashew nut (Anacardium occidentale)] produce identical reactions in patients sensitized to urushiol.

Diagnosis includes the use of patch testing, in which a single or several known allergens are applied to the skin and a reaction is sought and is generally confirmatory. Although more advanced testing is available, this is a common initial screen for contact allergens. Occasionally, irritant dermatitis may result and be misinterpreted as ACD, so expert interpretation is needed. The risk of patch screening by this method is that sensitization to any of the tested compounds may occur just from the testing alone, so often the most strongly sensitizing plants are excluded from testing.

The primary therapy, of course, is avoidance of the known allergen. Because this is difficult or impossible in some situations, the use of barrier protection may provide a sufficient impediment to dermal exposure. Barriers include the use of clothing or of barrier creams that can be applied if an exposure is anticipated. Treatment of the ACD once it has occurred is generally symptomatic, with the use of analgesics, antipruritic medications (e.g., hydroxyzine, diphenhydramine), occasionally corticosteroids (generally topically applied), and rarely immune modulating agents (e.g., tacrolimus ointment). Desensitization may be attempted for patients with severe reactions or unavoidable exposures.


This is a relatively uncommon clinical entity, in which certain compounds increase the sensitivity of the skin (photodermatitis) to ultraviolet light (e.g., sunlight) (Table 8). Classically, psoralen, a furocoumarin derived from celery and other plants, enters the skin either directly by contact or via the systemic circulation following ingestion. In the skin, psoralen is activated by sunlight to produce oxidant skin damage, which manifests as burning, erythematous skin in sun-exposed areas, which may blister severely (i.e., sunburn). Psoralens may be administered therapeutically to patients with dermal disorders such as psoriasis to increase the sensitivity of the skin to therapeutic ultraviolet light.


Given the ubiquity of plants and the constant interaction of humans with plants, many dermatological disorders are often attributed to a contemporaneous plant exposure. However, mimics of plant dermatitis are common and may be missed due to the often simultaneous nature of the two exposures. For example, pesticides, fungicides, insects, and soil products may each induce dermatitis that is often indistinguishable from one of the aforementioned syndromes.

Without intense investigation or advanced medical testing, this link may be missed and the patient advised incorrectly to avoid a certain plant exposure. More consequentially, the patient may not be aware of the dermatitis trigger. The best method by which to distinguish pseudophytodermatitis from phytodermatitis is by having the necessary clinical suspicion and attentiveness to the exposure. Even then, this link is often difficult to make.


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