- Affective tipping point, 51, 158–159
- Ailes, Roger, 69–70
- Alternative facts
- authoritarian politics and, 116
- Kellyanne Conway and, 6, 145, 152
- definitions of, 6, 173
- Alt-right, 1, 109, 148–150
- American Petroleum Institute (API), 30–33, 85
- Arendt, Hannah, 114
- Asch, Solomon, 39–40, 60, 62
- Authoritarian politics, 4, 113–114, 116–117, 126
- Backfire effect, 44, 48–51, 55, 57, 158–159, 173. See also Motivated reasoning
- Bedley, Scott, 120–121, 163
- Berube, Michael, 143–144
- Bias. See Cognitive bias; Confirmation bias; Information bias; Left-wing bias; Partisan news coverage; Right-wing bias
- Binkowski, Brooke, 119
- Boykoff, Maxwell, and Jules Boykoff, 83–84
- Brain activity, 47–48, 58
- Breitbart News Network, 97, 108, 148
- Brexit vote, 1–2, 5, 14, 15
- Broadcast media
- cable news networks, 66–67, 91–92
- climate change and, 70, 83–85, 157–158
- economic profits of, 64–65
- false equivalence and, 92
- Iran hostage crisis, 65–66, 67
- media fragmentation, 75–85, 94–95, 153
- news silos and, 60–62
- as prestige press, 64–65
- shifts in, 91–92
- Bush, George W., 5, 48–50, 79, 113–114, 153
- Cable news networks, 66–67, 91–92. See also CNN (Cable News Network)
- Camerota, Alisyn, 3–4
- Cason, James, 160–161
- Cernovich, Mike, 148–150
- Challenger disaster, 169–170
- Cheney, Lynne, 127
- Clickbait, 22, 105, 109
- Climate change
- George W. Bush and, 79
- corporate-funded science denial of, 22, 25, 27–33, 79
- economic interests and, 22, 109
- fake news and, 70
- Heartland Institute and, 27–29
- ID theory and, 139–140
- manufactured doubt and, 22, 25, 27–33, 79–82
- media coverage, 70, 83–85, 157–158
- partisan politics and, 10–11, 70, 160–161
- postmodernism and, 143–145
- science denial and, 10–11, 14, 20–21, 27–33
- scientific consensus on, 29–30, 34, 79–81, 84
- skepticism and, 28, 70
- think tanks and, 27–33, 135, 136
- tobacco industry support for, 25, 29, 170
- traditional media and, 70, 83–85, 157–158
- Clinton, Hillary, 2, 92, 106–107, 109, 149. See also 2016 presidential campaign
- Clinton, William J. (Bill), 68, 109, 149
- CNN (Cable News Network)
- emergence of, 66–67
- partisanship of, 69, 70, 73, 75, 91–92
- Trump coverage, 3–4, 91–92, 111–112
- 2016 presidential election and, 91–92
- Cognitive bias
- behavioral economics and, 43–44
- brain activity and, 55–56
- counternarratives and, 82, 153
- decision making and, 43–58
- interactive group effect, 59–62
- negativity bias, 57–58
- overconfidence bias, 51–55
- partisan politics and, 57–58
- post-truth and, 58–62
- repetition effect, 44
- scientific reasoning and, 18–19
- self-affirmation and, 162
- self-deception and, 53–55
- social psychology and, 36–43
- source amnesia, 44
- Cognitive dissonance
- definitions of, 173
- doomsday cult, 37–38
- experimental work on, 36–38
- interactive group effect, 59
- irrationality and, 14, 38–42, 45
- self-value and, 37
- social pressure and, 37–40
- Colbert, Stephen, 5
- Confirmation bias
- affective tipping point and, 51, 158–159
- corrective evidence and, 51, 158–159
- definition of, 173
- dissonance reduction and, 44–45
- information silo and, 63
- interactive group effect, 59–62
- logic puzzle study, 59–60
- motivated reasoning vs., 45–46
- neural level evidence of, 47–48
- self-affirmation and, 162
- social media and, 93–94
- Conway, Erik, 22, 24–25, 27, 136
- Conway, Kellyanne, 6, 145, 147, 149–150, 152
- Corporate interests, 22–25, 27–33
- Counternarratives
- cognitive bias and, 82, 153
- falsehoods and, 82, 153, 155–156
- motivated reasoning and, 82, 153
- Critical thinking, 56–57, 59–60, 104, 120–121, 161, 163
- Cronkite, Walter, 64, 150
- Cruz, Ted, 33
- Death of Expertise, The (Nichols), 68
- Dennett, Daniel, 147–148
- Derrida, Jacques, 124, 131, 135
- DeSteno, David, 46–47
- Discovering the News (Schudson), 98–99
- Doomsday Cult, The (Festinger), 37–38
- Doubt, 10–11, 22–27
- Dunning, David, 44, 51–53, 55–58
- Dunning–Kruger effect, 44, 51–53, 55–58, 173
- Elections. See 2016 presidential campaign
- Elliot, George, 154–155
- Evolution, 136–140, 148
- ExxonMobil, 27–28, 30
- Facebook, 93, 94–95, 108, 109, 118–119
- Fact-checking, 33–34, 84–85, 119
- “Fact-Free Science” (Warner), 134–135, 136
- Fake news
- clickbait, 22, 105, 109
- climate change and, 70
- as comedy or satire, 73–75, 106
- definitions of, 105, 173
- as disinformation, 105–108, 109–110, 112
- fact-checking and, 117–121
- false equivalence and, 117–118
- financial incentives, 105, 106, 107
- Fox News and, 70, 71–73
- history of, 97–105
- left-wing bias and, 117
- murder rate decline, 2–4, 10
- partisan politics and, 71–72, 74, 105, 106, 108–109
- pizzagate, 109, 149
- postmodernism and, 148–150
- post-truth and, 121–122
- as propaganda, 87, 91, 112–115, 116–117
- right-wing bias and, 108
- 2016 presidential election and, 58, 105–111
- False equivalence
- definition of, 173
- ideological frameworks and, 62
- news media and, 60–62, 77, 92, 157, 163
- post-truth and, 10–11
- Falsehood
- counternarratives and, 82, 153, 155–156
- definition of, 7–8
- fact-checking, 33–34, 84–85, 119
- fighting back against, 155–156
- lie vs. falsehood, 8
- willfull ignorance and, 7–8, 108, 155–156
- Fascism, 116–117, 126
- FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation), 2, 4, 10, 108, 167
- Fessler, Daniel, 57–58
- Festinger, Leon, 36–38, 62
- Feynman, Richard, 170
- Financial incentives
- clickbait, 22, 105, 109
- corporate-funded science denial and, 85
- fake news, 105, 106–107
- media and, 82–83
- public relations and, 23, 24–25, 29, 63, 170
- right-wing bias and, 137–138
- smoking debate, 22–25
- Foucault, Michel, 124, 126, 141
- Fox News
- fair and balanced coverage of, 75–76, 81
- fake news and, 70, 71–73
- partisanship of, 69, 70
- 2016 presidential election and, 91–92
- Fragmentation, 94, 153, 155
- Frankfurt, Harry, 10
- George C. Marshall Institute, 29
- Gibbs, Nancy, 152
- Gingrich, Newt, 2–4, 10
- Global warming. See Climate change
- Goebbels, Joseph, 114
- Google, 95, 106, 111, 118, 119
- Gross, Paul, 129–130, 132
- Group thinking, interactive group effect, 59–62
- Gun control, 70
- Hannity, Sean, 71–72, 74
- Hansen, James, 79–81
- Harris, Cameron, 107–108
- Heartland Institute, 27–29
- Higher Superstition (Gross and Levitt), 129–130, 132
- Hill, John, 22–23
- Holocaust, the, 111, 116
- How Propaganda Works (Stanley), 112–115, 116–117
- Ideological frameworks
- backfire effect and, 50
- corrective evidence and, 50–51
- doubt and, 9–10
- expertise and, 68, 84–85
- false equivalence and, 62
- ideological conformity, 62
- interactive group effect and, 59–62
- postmodernism and, 116–117, 126, 126–128
- post-truth and, 11–13
- propaganda and, 113
- right-wing postmodernists, 133–148
- science denial and, 18–19, 21
- smoking debate and, 22
- social constructivism, 128–130, 140–143
- think tanks and, 135, 136–137
- ID (Intelligent Design) theory, 135, 136–137, 139–140, 148
- Information bias, 83–84, 153
- Information silo, 43, 60–62, 63, 94–97
- Infotopia (Sunstein), 59
- Inhofe, James, 33, 55, 135
- Interactive group effect, 59–62
- Iran hostage crisis, 65–66, 67
- Johnson, Phillip, 137–139
- Kahneman, Daniel, 43–44, 51
- Kerry, John, 153–155
- Keynes, John Maynard, 17
- Koch, Charles, and David Koch, 27–28
- Koppel, Ted, 65, 66, 67, 70–72
- Kruger, Justin, 44, 51–53, 55–58
- Kuklinski, James, 159
- Latour, Bruno, 140–143
- Latsabidze, Beqa, 105–106
- Left-wing bias, 6, 73–77, 117, 123, 129–130, 134–135, 143–148. See also Partisan politics; Post-modernism
- Levitin, Daniel J., 120
- Levitt, Norman, 129–130, 132
- Lies. See Falsehood
- Limbaugh, Rush, 68–69
- Lynch, Michael, 123–124
- Lyotard, Jean-Francois, 124, 131, 135
- Manjoo, Farhad, 153–154, 153–154
- Marche, Stephen, 73–74
- Marcus, Ruth, 165–166, 167–169
- Martin, Dorothy, 38
- Mbeki, Thabo, 10
- Merchants of Doubt (Oreskes and Conway), 22, 24–25, 27, 136
- Misbehaving (Thaler), 43–44
- Mooney, Chris, 134–136, 137
- Moral reasoning, 46–47
- Motivated reasoning
- affective content and, 47–48
- affective tipping point, 51, 158–159, 159
- backfire effect, 44, 48–51, 55, 57, 158–159, 173
- brain function and, 47–48
- confirmation bias vs., 45–46
- corrective evidence and, 50–51, 51, 158–159
- counternarratives and, 82, 153
- definitions of, 45, 173
- Dunning–Kruger effect, 44, 51–53, 55–58, 173
- emotional context and, 47–48
- partisan politics and, 158–159
- social media and, 93–94
- team affiliation and, 46–47
- Moynihan, Patrick, 163
- MSNBC, 69, 71, 91–92
- Murder rate decline, 2–4, 9
- New York Times
- balanced reporting and, 83–84, 97, 103
- climate change and, 28, 83–84, 141–142
- fake news and, 105–106, 107–108, 165
- as prestige press, 63–64, 103
- Donald Trump and, 8, 165
- Nichols, Tom, 68
- Nietzsche, Friedrich, 125
- Nunes, Devin, 167
- Nyhan, Brendan, 48–51, 158–159, 162
- Objectivity. See also Postmodernism; Science denial
- concept of truth and, 6–7, 127
- definition of, 81
- partisan news coverage and, 75–77, 82, 99–100, 103–104
- partisan politics and, 75–76, 77–85, 97–98
- perspectivism, 125–126
- postmodernism and, 6, 125–126, 127, 133–134
- post-truth and, 4–5
- print media and, 101–103
- radical skepticism, 125–126
- science denial and, 77–85, 128–130
- traditional media and, 103–104
- On Bullshit (Frankfurt), 9
- “Opinions and Social Pressure” (Asch), 39–40, 60
- Oreskes, Naomi, 22, 24–25, 27
- Orwell, George, 1, 4, 35, 63, 123, 151
- Pakistan nuclear story, 111
- Papazoglou, Alexis, 125–126
- Partisan news coverage. See also Fake news; Partisan politics
- arguments against, 70–72
- balanced reporting and, 83–84
- cable news networks and, 75
- climate change and, 10–11, 70, 160–161
- commercial success of, 69–71
- denial discourse and, 84
- economic potential of, 71
- fact-checking and, 84–85
- fair and balanced reporting and, 75–76, 79–82, 83–85
- fake news and, 71–72, 74
- false equivalence and, 60–62, 77, 92, 157, 163
- manufactured doubt and, 79–82
- news media and, 66–75
- objectivity and, 75–77, 82, 99–100, 103–104
- talk radio, 68–69
- Partisan politics. See also Fake news; Partisan news coverage
- affective tipping point and, 51, 158–159
- backfire effect and, 48–51, 50
- brain function and, 58
- climate change and, 70
- cognitive bias and, 57–58
- corrective evidence and, 50–51
- expertise and, 68, 84–85
- fake news and, 105, 105, 106, 108–109
- false equivalence and, 60–62, 77, 92, 157, 163
- gullibility and, 58
- ideological conformity and, 62
- interactive group effect and, 59–62
- murder rate decline, 2–4, 10
- negativity bias, 57–58
- news media and, 60–62, 77, 92, 157, 163
- objectivity and, 75–76, 77–85, 97–98
- political identity and, 58
- postmodernism and, 141–148
- post-truth and, 158–159
- right-wing postmodernists, 133–148
- science denial and, 33–34, 133–148
- self-affirmation and, 162
- talk radio and, 68–69
- think tanks and, 135, 136–137
- willfull ignorance and, 7–8, 108, 155–156
- Peer pressure, 37–40
- Pennock, Robert, 137–139, 148
- Pizzagate, 109, 149
- Polarization, 94
- Postmodern Condition, The (Lyotard), 124, 131, 135
- Postmodernism. See also Objectivity
- authoritarian politics and, 126
- climate change and, 143–145
- deconstruction, 124–125, 138
- definitions of, 123–127, 173
- evolution and, 136–140, 148
- fake news and, 148–150
- fascism and, 116–117, 126
- ideological frameworks and, 116–117, 126, 126–128
- ID theory and, 139–140
- left-wing postmodernism, 129–130, 134–135, 136, 143–148
- objectivity and, 6, 125–126, 127, 133–134
- partisan politics and, 141–148
- post-truth and, 123, 126–127, 147–148, 148–150
- right-wing postmodernists, 6, 126–127, 133–148
- science denial and, 134–135
- skepticism and, 147
- social constructivism, 128–130, 140–143
- Sokal hoax, 130–133
- Post-truth
- affective tipping point and, 159
- backfire effect and, 158–159
- cognitive bias and, 58–62
- consequences of, 169–170
- definitions of, 1–2, 4–5, 7–9, 11–13, 173
- emergence of, 1–2
- fake news and, 121–122
- false equivalence and, 10–11
- fighting post-truth, 117–122, 155–165, 171
- ideological frameworks and, 11–13
- interactive group affect and, 59–62
- journalism and, 85–87
- news silos and, 60–62
- objectivity and, 4–5
- partisan politics and, 158–159
- political value of understanding, xiii–xiv
- postmodernism and, 123, 126–127, 147–148, 148–150
- pre-truth vs., 165–171
- respecting truth, 11–13
- satire and, 73–74
- science denial and, 33–34
- social media and, 121–122
- Donald Trump and, 151–153
- truth, concept of, 6–7, 152, 153–157
- Presidential campaign. See 2016 presidential campaign
- Prestige press
- balanced reporting and, 83–84
- definitions of, 173
- golden age of news and, 63–64
- reliable truth and, 94–97, 119–120
- Pre-truth, 165–171
- Print media. See also under individual media outlets
- bias and, 83–84
- reliable truth and, 94–97
- yellow journalism and, 100–103
- Propaganda, 87, 91, 112–115, 116–117
- Rabin-Havt, Ari, 21, 23
- Rational thinking
- cognitive dissonance and, 14, 36–43, 45
- dissonance reduction, 45
- ego defense and, 35–36
- emotional contexts and, 45
- interactive group effect, 59–62
- irrationality and, 14, 38–39, 40–42, 45
- team affiliation and, 46–47
- Reagan, Ronald, 25, 170
- Reasoning. See Moral reasoning; Motivated reasoning
- Redlawsk, David, 51, 158–159
- Reifler, Jason, 48–51, 158–159
- Repetition effect, 44, 114
- Respecting truth, 11–13
- Rice, Susan, 149
- Right-wing bias. See also Fake news; Partisan news coverage; Partisan politics
- fake news and, 108
- financial incentives and, 137–138
- negativity bias and, 58
- postmodernism and, 6, 126–127, 133–148
- science denial and, 6, 134–148
- Swift Boat Veterans for Truth and, 154–158
- 2016 election and, 108
- Rove, Karl, 113–114
- Russia, 2, 8, 106–107, 108, 167
- Sausage factory article, 105–107
- Schudson, Michael, 98–99
- Science denial. See also Objectivity; Scientific reasoning
- antiretroviral drugs and, 10
- climate change and, 10–11, 14, 20–21, 27–33
- corporate-funded science denial, 25–27
- doubt and, 22–27
- economic agendas and, 21
- evolution and, 136–140
- ideological frameworks and, 21
- Intelligent Design theory, 136–140, 148
- objectivity and, 77–85, 128–130
- partisan politics and, 133–148
- postmodernism and, 134–135
- post-truth and, 33–34
- public relations and, 22–23, 24, 25, 29, 170
- right-wing bias and, 6, 134–148
- scientific consensus and, 2, 23–24, 29–30, 33–34, 79–81, 84
- smoking debate and, 22–25
- Scientific reasoning, 18–19, 19–20, 22–27, 128–130, 140–143. See also Science denial
- Sinclair, Upton, 45
- Skepticism, 28, 70, 125–126, 147. See also Doubt
- Smoking debate, 22–27
- Snopes, 117, 119
- Snyder, Timothy, 116
- Social conformity, 37–40, 62. See also Asch, Solomon; Festinger. Leon
- Social constructivism, 128–130, 140–143
- Social media
- alt-right media and, 148–150
- confirmation bias and, 93–94
- decline of traditional media and, 89–97
- Facebook, 93, 94–95, 108, 109, 118–119
- information silos and, 43, 60, 63, 94–97
- motivated reasoning and, 93–94
- post-truth and, 121–122
- Twitter, 93, 108–109, 149–150, 166, 169
- YouTube, 93
- Social pressure, 37–40
- Social Text hoax, 129–130, 132
- Sociology of science, 128–130
- Sokal, Alan, 130–133, 145
- Spanish-American War, 100–101, 111
- Spicer, Sean, 6, 145
- Sports fans, 46–47
- Stanley, Jason, 112–115, 116–117
- Stem cell research, 48–49, 50
- Stewart, Jon, 73–74
- Sunstein, Cass, 59
- Sweden incident, the 166
- Swift Boat Veterans for Truth campaign, 153–155
- Talk radio, 68–69
- Team affiliation, 46–47
- Telling the Truth (Cheney), 127
- Thaler, Richard, 43–44
- Theory of Cognitive Dissonance (Festinger), 36–37, 62
- Tobacco industry, 22–24, 25, 29, 170
- Tobacco Industry Research Committee (TIRC), 22–24, 29
- Traditional media
- alternative media vs., 86–87
- climate change and, 70, 83–85, 157–158
- decline of, 63–75, 85–87, 89–90
- fact-checking, 33–34, 84–85, 119
- fact-driven reliability of, 94–97
- fragmentation of information sources, 94, 153, 155
- Internet and, 89
- investigative reporting, 64
- media fragmentation, 75–85, 94–95, 153
- network television, 63–66
- objectivity and, 103–104
- polarization and, 94
- prestige press and, 63–65, 75–77
- profits and, 100–101
- True Enough (Manjoo), 153–154
- Trump, Donald
- alt-right media and, 148–150
- Art of the Deal, 82
- authoritarian politics of, 115
- birther conspiracy, 34
- climate change and, 10–11, 33
- CNN coverage of, 3–4, 91–92, 111–112
- fake news and, 86, 105–106, 110–111, 115
- Fox News and, 91–92
- post-truth and, 151–153
- pre-truth era and, 1–3, 165–171
- propaganda and, 10–13
- Russia and, 2, 9, 106–107, 108, 167
- social media and, 87
- Sweden incident, 166
- Trump Tower surveillance, 166–167
- Twitter and, 166, 169
- Truth, concept of, 6–7, 152, 153–157
- Tucker, Eric, 107–108
- Tversky, Amos, 43–44, 51
- 2016 presidential campaign. See also Clinton, Hillary; Trump, Donald
- clickbait and, 105, 109
- Eastern Europe and, 105–106
- fake news and, 58, 105–111
- partisan politics and, 107–109
- Russia and, 2, 8, 106–107, 108, 167
- television media and, 91–92
- Twitter, 93, 108–109, 149–150, 166, 169
- Uniform Crime Report, 2–4. See also FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation)
- Vaccine-autism link, 77–78, 82–83, 157
- Vietnam era, 67, 86, 151, 153–155
- Wakefield, Andrew, 82–83, 157
- Warner, Judith, 134–135, 136
- Washington Post, 63–64, 70, 83–84, 117, 119, 165
- Wason, Peter Cathcart, 40–42, 44
- Weaponized Lies (Levitin), 120
- Weapons of mass destruction (WMDs), 48–49
- Willfull ignorance, 7–8, 108, 155–156
- YouTube, 93, 94–95, 108, 109, 118–119