Chapter Twenty-two

Carla set Janice down gently on the end of the bed. Then she stroked her face with her thumbs, dipped in for a long, sweet, soft kiss, and straightened. Janice grabbed her hand as she started to pull away.

“Where are you going?”

“Not far.”

She released her hand and turned and left the room. She entered Janice’s study and turned on the stereo, finding Janice’s seductive sounding playlist she’d come to enjoy. The music came to life and she adjusted the volume, already feeling stirred by the erotic beats. Satisfied, she crossed back into Janice’s room and found her leaning back on her hands, with her beautiful legs crossed, watching and waiting with an obvious sensual curiosity. The quiet confidence she now exuded sent fluttering, aimless butterflies free inside Carla and she realized she hadn’t been nervous with a woman in years. Surprisingly, the nervousness only excited her and made her more attuned to the moment and the incredible night she was about to share with this incredible woman.

She lit the thick candle on the dresser and watched the flame envelop the wick just as she’d watched the flame dance against the angles of Janice’s face not that long ago. Then she rounded the bed to the nightstand where she unplugged the house phone and extinguished the light. She didn’t want anything disturbing them. And if she could have, she would’ve taken Janice thousands of miles away to nowhere just to ensure she could spend the next few hours with her alone. But as things stood, this was the best she could do.

She returned to Janice and lost her breath at the sight of her on that big, beautiful bed, waiting for her as the candlelight hungrily moved along her body. Carla held out her hand and helped her stand. She touched her face, and Janice, too, lost her breath as they stared into each other’s eyes.

“I’m going to go slow, okay?” Carla said. “So, if I do anything you don’t like, or you feel uncomfortable in any way—”

“Carla.” Janice shushed her with a finger pressed to her mouth. “Please, stop.”

Janice lowered her finger and slowly ran it down the column of Carla’s neck as she spoke.

“I want you to do whatever you want.”

“But I want to be sure—”

“No.” She shook her head. “I’m already sure, Carla. And I’m already pretty sure I’m going to like everything you have in store for me.” The corner of her mouth lifted in that coy, playful manner of hers. It immediately stoked the growing fire of Carla’s libido. “So, please,” Janice said softly as she wrapped her arms around Carla’s neck once again. “Just shut up and make love to me.”

Carla was incredulous, never having experienced such desire from a woman’s demand.

Just shut up and make love to me.

She wanted to close her eyes to savor not only the words, but the sight of Janice standing before her, beckoning. But she couldn’t bear to look away. The moment felt too surreal. It meant too much. She had to take it all in. Every last bit of it.

Carla eased her fingers into Janice’s hair at the nape of her neck and pulled her closer. She looked into her eyes for as long as she could before her longing to kiss her sweet lips once again won out. She inched into her slowly, hoping for that ability to savor. But once she felt her hot mouth on hers, she completely lost it. The universe itself was quickly thrown to the wayside as they kissed, expressing everything they felt about one another with a hunger they’d had to endure day after torturous day. Now they could feast. And feast they did. Only breaking for quick half seconds to garner breath before delving back in. Janice had come alive in her arms and her strength and aggression were as surprising as they were arousing. When she wasn’t knotting her hands in Carla’s hair, she was clinging and clawing at her back like she couldn’t enough of her. And when Carla sucked on her lower lip and Janice responded by taking hers with her teeth, Carla groaned and forced herself to pull away.

“Janice—you—” she panted. “Oh my God, I’ve never wanted anyone so badly.”

“Me neither.” She twisted a handful of Carla’s shirt at her abdomen. “I’m so turned on I can’t hardly stand. Is this—how it feels? How real desire for another feels?”

Carla absently fingered her lip. It was still tingling from Janice’s sensual nibble.

“Yes, Janice. It is. When it’s right. But the way I’m feeling now, with you, I’m beginning to wonder if anyone I’ve ever been with before was right. Because even I’m embarking on new territory here.”

“But at least you got to feel, to experience. I’ve been sleepwalking through life, not having met anyone who could do this to me. And then, there was you. Right in front of me. All along. You announced that you were gay and my whole world tilted. You woke me up, Carla. And I haven’t been able to get you off my mind since. Now I know why. I want you, Carla Sims. I fucking want you.”

Carla slowly helped Janice release the grip on her shirt. Then she reached for the hem of Janice’s halter top and eased it up and over her head. She stood there in her white bra, chest heaving with excited breath, her eyes burning wild. Carla ran her fingers along her collarbone and slipped them under the straps of the bra to lower them from her shoulders. She bent and kissed her there, lightly, softly, where the straps had been and Janice took in tiny, audible gasps of air.

Carla kissed her way down her chest and paused to graze the back of her fingers across her covered nipples. Janice shook and then she cried out softly when Carla covered her erect nipples with her mouth and plied them with kisses through the fabric.

“Carla,” she pleaded. “Oh God, you don’t know what that’s doing to me.”

“Oh, but I do,” Carla said as she reached back and unfastened her bra. She eased it from her body and tossed it aside like she had done with her shirt. Then she leaned down next to her ear and whispered, “I’m going to make you feel so good, baby.”

She again skimmed the back of her fingers down her chest to her bare breasts. She traced them around and around her nipples, causing them to bunch and harden with a hunger for touch, driving Janice completely mad. At long last, she gave in and grazed her erect buds while she vigorously fed on the delicate skin of her neck. Janice’s body shuddered beneath her and her soft cries grew louder and evolved into desperate pleas. She gripped Carla’s wrists as if she were somehow trying to control the insane pleasure her fingers were creating.

Janice nibbled her neck, relishing the feel and taste of her skin.

“I don’t know what’s more beautiful,” she said again into her ear. “The reactions of your heavenly body or sounds of sheer pleasure coming from your soul.”

“Oh, dear sweet God, Carla,” she let out, sinking her fingernails into Carla’s wrists. “I can’t take it it feels so good.”

“You can take it, baby. You’ll be surprised at how much pleasure you can take.” She kissed her way back down and held Janice firmly as she first teased her awakened breasts with her breath and then saturated them with her mouth. Janice hissed and cried out, knotting her hands in Carla’s hair. Carla felt her legs try to buckle twice, but she held her tight as she continued her sensual assault. Janice’s cries and frenzied clawing caused Carla’s own body to begin to scream for touch. It had been a very long time since she’d felt the heavy pulse of her flesh nestled between her legs. But this pulse, this new one beating for Janice was so fierce and so strong the throbbing resonated throughout her body. From head to toe, she thrummed, craving for touch. To give it and receive it. Because she was quickly learning that giving to Janice felt like Janice was giving to her. Like she was mirroring Carla’s touch and caress back onto her. Only those mirroring touches weren’t near enough. They were teases, grazes, meant to awaken, to stir.

And they were succeeding.

She gave Janice one last, long round of heavy tonguing and kisses and then rose to speak yet again in her ear. The raging need of her own body had so aroused her thoughts, she almost couldn’t find her voice to get the words out.

“I’ve got to touch you,” she said, feeling heady at the sweet shampoo scent of her hair. “I’ve got to feel you.”

“You are,” Janice said, still breathless.

“No,” Carla said. “I want to feel you somewhere else.” She traced her hand down her middle to the waistline of her shorts. She hurriedly unfastened them and eased them open. The smooth plains of Janice’s stomach quivered as Carla lingered at the edge of her panties. “I want to feel you here, Janice,” she said, slowly lowering her hand inside the front of her cotton panties. Janice let out a shaky breath and held tightly to her, as if she knew her legs would most likely give at any moment.

And when Carla sank her hand in farther and found her slick, silky center, Janice did indeed buckle as Carla groaned with delight.

“No, no, no,” Carla said, pressing her hand into her lower back for better support. “You can’t go down yet, baby. Not yet. I want you to stand here and feel my touch. Feel the way my fingers slide into your folds, glide along your most sensitive spot, searing you with pleasure. I want you to feel that. I want you to stand here in my arms and feel that until you literally cannot stand here with me anymore.”

Carla licked her ear and sucked on her lobe as her hand began to work her, massaging her cleft until it was slick and swollen with an eagerness for her continued attention. Janice’s cries and pleas increased as her weak but electrified body moved against her, desperate and demanding.

“I can’t believe how good you feel,” Carla said, her face burning with pent desire. “You’re so wet. So silky hot. It’s like you can’t get enough. Like you’ve never been touched before.”

“I haven’t,” Janice said. “Not like this.”

“I don’t believe you,” Carla said. “No one has touched you here?”

Janice made a noise and jerked as another obvious shot of pleasure came over her. “No. With Chuck—no. There wasn’t much foreplay.”

Carla stilled and Janice would’ve collapsed if Carla had not braced her.

“I don’t understand,” Carla said. “How in the hell did he keep his hands off you? More importantly, why in the hell did he keep his hands off you?”

Janice seemed at a loss for words. “I don’t know. I guess it was me. There was something wrong with me.”

“No, Janice. It wasn’t you. I know with every ounce of my being that it wasn’t you. Especially now. Now that I’ve seen you, kissed you, touched you, and witnessed the way you react. I mean, Jesus Christ. You’re—fucking incredible. No, my dear, sweet woman, it most certainly was not you.”

Carla slowly slid her hand from her panties and pressed a finger to her chin, not liking the sadness that seemed to have come over her.

“You haven’t always blamed yourself for that have you?”

She wouldn’t meet her gaze.

“Hey,” Carla said softly.

“Chuck wasn’t a bad lover. I don’t think. He just—wasn’t into me, I guess. And I wasn’t into him.”

“He was a fool. Or crazy. Or both.” She tipped her chin again and this time Janice looked at her.

“You absolutely take my breath away,” Carla said, lost in her eyes. “So much so, that I’ve forgotten what I was going to say. So, I think I’m going to have to do what I did earlier and skip trying to express my desire with words and just get back to showing you.” She kissed her. Softly. Delicately. “How does that sound?”

“I don’t have any complaints so far.”

Carla laughed and scooped her up quickly and deposited her on the bed. She crawled up to her, kissed her passionately, until Janice was moaning into her and tearing at her shirt. Carla sat up, ripped off her top, and stripped off her bra. She was about to lean down for another kiss, but Janice stopped her by reaching out to touch her breasts. She did so tentatively, with light, curious fingers that gently skimmed and caressed. Carla found herself inhaling sharply at the sensations being brought to life in her nipples. She tried to remain still, seeing how much Janice was enjoying herself in touching her, but despite closing her eyes and steadying her breathing, the pleasure was too much and her desire for Janice won out.