Day Four



When you fast…


I have heard people make the observation that Jesus specifically said, “When you fast…”—He did not say if you fast. This strongly suggests that Jesus was giving a glimpse of a spiritual practice that would become normative for believers throughout time immemorial. So, what does it mean to fast, and why is fasting so important?

In The Prosperous Soul book, I provide much more detail on the practice of fasting and also give some different examples of kinds of fasts that you can pursue. The importance of the fast is not the fast itself. Instead, it is the focus of the fast. Throughout the Old Testament, you see examples of people fasting, but their fasts produced nothing of significance in their lives and communities. Isaiah explained why in Isaiah 58. They engaged in the practice of fasting without drawing from the power of God. This is because their hearts were distant. The fast was nothing more than a religious front and a ritual. God does not want us going through fruitless motions. He gives us tools, such as fasting, to position us to live out the abundant, prosperous life that He has made available. There is always an “other side” to fasting—the results that it should produce in our lives.

In fact, true fasting is about alignment and produces action. Fasting aligns us with the plans, purposes, and power of Heaven and the fruit is a lifestyle that is further yielded to the Lord. True fasting changes our hearts and repositions us to live in greater devotion to God. It helps keep our focus singular—on the King and His Kingdom. When He comes into full view, we will see everything else in its proper perspective. Unfortunately, many of us are unable to maintain this “full view focus” on the Lord because of the many other voices and distractions that are pulling us every which way. This is not a call for escapism or radical detachment, as we have been assigned to the world for the benefit of the world. Unfortunately, we will not be of benefit to our sphere of influence if our focus is off. God is the Author of every solution that can bring life, healing, and wholeness to a hurting world. He is not only walking with us; He lives inside of us through the Holy Spirit. To live aware of this and then draw from His mighty power working within us is to maximize our potential to bless the world.

Again, fasting realigns our focus, helping us to keep our eyes fixed on the Author and Finisher of our faith, Christ Jesus. When He is at the center, everything else will come into its proper place—only then are we able to serve the world from a place of abundance, walking in the abundance of His grace.


What kind of experience have you had with fasting in the past?

Did you experience any significant results from the fast/fasts that you participated in? If so, what were they?

If you did not experience any significant results from your fast, what do you think was the problem? (Evaluate your motives going into the fast.)


Fasting is the most powerful spiritual discipline of all the Christian disciplines. Through fasting and prayer, the Holy Spirit can transform your life.


Try a fast this week! I am not telling you to fast 40 days or dive into an “all water” fast. In fact, I want to simply encourage you to take a day and try it out. Remember, it does not need to be a food fast either. The key is replacement and alignment. If we just give something up, but do not replace it with anything else, we are not fasting. Fasting is not simply about what we give up, but it is what we replace it with.

If you give up a meal, take the time you would ordinarily spend eating and spend it with God in prayer, worship, and the studying of God’s Word. Likewise, if you give up something like social media or watching television for a day, be sure to replace those activities with practices that will enrich your spirit.