Then God said, “Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness….”
Be reminded, you were made in the image and likeness of the Creator! I am convinced that there are unspeakable, unfathomable realms of creativity that God is waiting to release into the earth, but He is waiting for His people to represent Him in this way.
The earth is filled with needs that you carry possible solutions for. Those solutions are birthed in creativity. Many function in their created identity without even recognizing that this is how they were fashioned and wired. As those formed in God’s own image, we are born with certain inherent creative tendencies. Now, just imagine what becomes possible to the man or woman who recognizes his/her place as a co-creator with the Creator of the Universe. We no longer strive to create apart from God; we create with Him, actively receiving His divine strategies and ideas. You are the vessel through whom God continues to create in the earth!
God continues to lead the way in creativity through people made in His image and likeness. He is not directly creating anything new in the earth realm. Consider all of the advancements and innovations that have been made in recent history. Medicine. Technology. Space exploration. The list is endless. Who are the ones leading the way in these arenas of innovation? People.
Yes, God ultimately deserves all of the glory for these developments. He is the author of creativity, but humankind is the creative steward of God in the earth. What an opportunity we have been given! Even Mark Bryan, Julia Cameron, and Catherine Allen, the authors of The Artist’s Way at Work, recognized this by writing, “Creativity…is not limited to a select few. It is a universal, not an elitist, gift…. Creativity belongs, as a birthright, to all of us.”1 Did you catch that last statement?
Creativity is your birthright.
It is not a question of whether or not you are a creative type. You are. The question is, “Am I being a good steward of my creative nature?” The key is cultivating your creativity on a daily basis. You need to develop it, just like you would your muscles through weight lifting.
You develop your creativity by paying attention to the world around you. You can discover keys to amazing breakthroughs by doing things that help you grow and prosper. Embrace creativity as part of your daily process—practicing and enhancing it however your heart is led. Play music, paint pictures, journal, blog, craft, bake, cook, experiment, tinker—take time to just let yourself imagine possibilities. The key is stepping out and releasing your creativity. If you let Him, the Spirit of God will lead you into incredible and marvelous things. He has manifold mysteries that He wants to share and help you unravel.
List some ways you consider yourself to be creative:
What are you currently doing to exercise your creativity on a daily/regular basis?
Are there areas in your life where you would like to focus your creativity more specifically? If so, what are they? (Or what would you like them to be?)
Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life’s coming attractions.
Release your creative side! Ask yourself, “Where do I consider myself creative?” I don’t care what your profession or personality is—you were made in the image of the Creator. There are creative tendencies wired into your very DNA. Remember, it’s not if you are creative; it is how you are creative. Take a moment to do some journaling and ask the Holy Spirit to help you identify areas where you have creative tendencies.
1. Mark Bryan with Julia Cameron and Catherine Allen, The Artist’s Way at Work: Twelve Weeks to Creative Freedom (New York: William Morrow and Company, Inc., 1998), xix.