Day Nineteen



And on the seventh day God ended His work which He had done, and He rested on the seventh day from all His work which He had done.


Rest is an alien concept to many of us.

You can sleep but not experience true rest. Unfortunately, many people are not getting the quality or quantity of sleep that will usher them into truly restorative rest.

Here is a good evaluator that will help determine what kind of rest you are getting. Ask yourself, “How do I feel at the end of the day?” Are you dragging yourself home to eat, spending a little time with your family before zoning out in front of the TV, then falling into bed to get up the next morning and start the cycle all over again? Do you go to bed tired and awaken just as tired?

If this describes your relationship with “rest,” it is time for you to step into God’s better plan. The Prosperous Soul book explains what rest is, God’s design for rest, and why it is important. Now, I want to help you personally experience what you read about.

First, rest enables you to function in the image and likeness of the Creator. He rested and expects you to do likewise. Further still, He has empowered you with His very Spirit to imitate Him. The apostle Paul encourages us to be “imitators of God” (Eph. 5:1 ESV). If this is so, then we are to imitate the God who rested.

Second, you are able to rest because the Spirit of God lives within you. He produces the character and nature of God in your life. You cannot simply imitate God through willpower—this is a supernatural process. The marvelous truth is that this supernatural power is already yours. Draw from the endless well of the Holy Spirit within you and learn how to live every moment in divine rest.

Third, rest is the result of peace. Peace is a fruit of the Spirit. You don’t need to beg God for peace; it is yours in the Holy Spirit. We reviewed this earlier, but it bears repeating. Peace is an essential element in God’s Kingdom. Remember, the Kingdom is defined by righteousness, peace, and joy. (See Romans 14:17.) Peace is what causes you to enter into rest.

One of the most important truths for you to meditate on that releases the rest of God in your life is simply this: You are in right standing with God.

Rest comes from your security in Christ. Yes, there are a million things you could be doing every day. Have a plan. Do what needs to be done. Accomplishment is important. However, if at the end of the day you cannot enter into a state of rest, your perspective throughout the day was off. God doesn’t want you to only rest at night. Rest should permeate your lifestyle. As you are working, you can be in a state of rest. As you are going about your business, you can be resting. How? By being present with the Holy Spirit— living every moment in God’s presence. We know that God is with us. He is working on our behalf. He is moving behind the scenes. His will is coming to pass. You live in a constant state of trusting your faithful and loving heavenly Father. This is what positions us to live in rest.

Focus on who God is, what He has done for you through Christ, and how He is working in your life every moment of every day.


How is it possible to sleep without being at rest? Have you ever personally experienced this? Describe your experience below.

Why is the Holy Spirit so important in helping you learn how to rest? What role do you think He plays in your state of rest? (Based on what you have read.)

In what ways can you experience rest by meditating on what Jesus has done for you?


So there is a special rest still waiting for the people of God. For all who have entered into God’s rest have rested from their labors, just as God did after creating the world. So let us do our best to enter that rest.


Today, I encourage you to meditate on what Jesus has done for you. This truth alone has the power to continually usher you into supernatural rest. Don’t let this be a one-time experience. There are some amazing promises in the Bible that specifically address the topic of rest. I encourage you to look them up. However, the most powerful truths that release rest are those that point to the rest found in Christ.

The author of Hebrews wrote that the Old Testament looked forward toward a future time of rest for the people of God. Because of what Jesus accomplished on the cross for you, this rest is available now—as well as for all eternity.