Day Twenty



If the spiritual bloom of our life with God is getting impaired in the tiniest degree, we must leave off everything and get it put right. Remember that vision depends on character—the pure in heart see God.


Referring to MATTHEW 5:8

Purity is a word directly associated with morality; thus protecting society in general and individuals in particular on multiple dimensions.

Because we are focusing on physical prosperity this week, I want to show you how purity actually leads you into dimensions of abundance. That’s right. Purity is not just about personal discipline, restraints and restrictions; it is about protection from heartache, pain, disease, emotional destruction, and yes, even the possibility of death.

John reminds us that the commandments of God are not burdensome. (See 1 John 5:3 NIV.) They should never be used as tools for legalistic restriction. Anyone who seeks to please God should want to come with “clean hands and a pure heart….” (Psalm 24:4). Again, I come back to the importance of having a vision, and the commitment to say “no” to the wrong so that you can say “yes” to the right. If we are told, “Be pure…pursue purity,” but are not given a clear vision of what kind of blessing a lifestyle of purity can release, we will be less inclined to live that way. A generation has been told to “be pure,” but they have not been given a clear picture of why purity is so important.

Purity is more than sexual abstinence until marriage (although this is a key way to experience purity). Above all, purity is saying “yes” to God and “no” to the world’s system. It is following God even when it seems like an entire culture is going in the opposite direction. It is in decisions such as these where we must be fueled by vision. Do not misunderstand me; God deserves our unqualified devotion, vision or no vision. He will often call you to do things you cannot wrap your mind around, but your heart will be at rest and peace.

Yet, God, being who He is, has not left us alone. He lives inside of us. Jesus told us that part of the relationship we get to enjoy with God is a friend-to-friend exchange of communication. God gives us instructions, but He also gives us a vision or reason for the instruction. Jesus explains, “No longer do I call you servants, for a servant does not know what his master is doing; but I have called you friends, for all things that I heard from My Father I have made known to you” (John 15:15). The Message Bible phrases the last part this way: “I’ve let you in on everything I’ve heard from the Father.”

God gives you vision as to why purity is not only the acceptable path for you to follow, but why it is the only path that leads to true life, wholeness, peace, success, and prosperity. To go the way of the world is spiritual suicide. (See Colossians 2:20-23.) To choose any option other than God’s option is to position yourself for failure—be it immediate or pending. God, being all-knowing, calls you into a life of purity as a way to guide you along His perfect path.

I pray that by now you see that purity is not a hardship; it actually protects you from evil and helps you live the prosperous life you were designed for. Make a promise to God, and to yourself, that you will live a life of purity. Renew your promise daily. Decide where you’re going to draw the line, and tell God that with his help, you are not going to cross that line. If you are married, promise God that you will live true to your marriage vows. If you are single, promise God that you will live a life of purity until you are married. It is a serious thing to make a vow to God. Your integrity depends on keeping your end of the bargain. Here is the encouraging thing—God will empower you to do so day by day.

Remember, at the end of the day, whether you immediately experience a direct benefit of pursuing purity or not, obedience to God is worth it all.


How have you thought about the topic of purity in the past?

List some different areas (besides sexuality) where you can walk in purity.

In what ways does purity protect you?


Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.


Change the way you think about purity today. One thing I noted earlier is that purity positions you to walk in and experience God’s promises. This is absolutely true and vital for you to not only pursue purity, but enjoy the pursuit. Ask the Holy Spirit to help you see purity as a precious treasure. I encourage you to go ahead and write down every way that purity serves you. We know it honors God. That tends to be the common response. I want you to consider how a lifestyle of purity actually positions you to experience physical prosperity!