Day Twenty-Seven



Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.


Today, I want to help you become so Kingdom-minded that you can’t help but be of tremendous earthly good! I understand why many use the expression, “They were so heavenly minded that they were no earthly good.” There is a difference between “living in the Kingdom” and the realm of Heaven. Jesus’s blood made it possible for you and I to look forward to an eternity of unimaginable joy and discovery in a literal place called Heaven. To whet your appetite for this glorious eternity, I encourage you to read the Book of Revelation as well as Randy Alcorn’s stunning book, Heaven.

Here is the problem: When you become overly mindful of one day going to Heaven, it is possible for you to become under-mindful of transforming the present world. Focusing on your future place in Heaven to the neglect of current opportunities to affect change for Christ is self-seeking—and certainly not how God intends for you to maximize your potential as a world-changer. During His life on earth, Jesus demonstrated how you should purpose to live and invest your time on this side of Heaven.

It may come as a surprise to some of us, but Jesus did not simply preach a Gospel of salvation; He preached the Gospel of the Kingdom. Salvation is your means of entry into the Kingdom. Salvation is absolutely essential—there is no way to bypass the cross, it is utterly fundamental to entering into the Christian life. The disconnect happens after we experience salvation and live wondering, “Now what?” Jesus is the Door. Going beyond the Door to enjoy the fullness of Christ is what Kingdom living is all about! This is why we must teach about the Kingdom, because those of us who are heirs of salvation are now citizens of this Kingdom. Even though Heaven is a thrilling future to consider, the fact remains that we are still present on the earth.

So I must pose the question: Why isn’t the body of Christ having a greater social impact? In times past, we have made costly trade-offs, where we upheld a “social Gospel” over a sound theology of the cross, redemption, and salvation. Even though natural ills were being addressed, the vision for the Kingdom was still absent. Our theology must incite us to action. Our revelation and grasp of what Jesus told us to pray in Matthew 6 suggests so much more than many of us are currently living. The good news is that more is available now!

As you have read, the Kingdom of God is not a topic reserved for Sunday mornings, Wednesday nights, or the occasional mission trip. The Kingdom lifestyle is not restricted to clergy, missionaries, and spiritual leaders. If you are filled with the Holy Spirit, you have been brought into the Kingdom—and you have received the power of the Kingdom. The Spirit of God is the One who releases the Kingdom of God through you. Returning to a key statement of the apostle Paul, we clearly see that the Kingdom of God is in the Holy Spirit. (See Romans 14:17.) Jesus was intentional about drawing a parallel between the supernatural power of the Kingdom and the Holy Spirit. (See Matthew 12:28; Luke 11:20.) When Jesus performed miracles, healed the sick, and cast out demons, the Spirit of God was moving through Him, releasing the Kingdom of God. He was proactively transforming society because He was filled with the power of the Kingdom!

Now, imagine what the Holy Spirit has made available to you! You have the same Spirit living within you that raised Jesus from the dead. (See Romans 8:11.) This means that you and I are everyday carriers of God’s Kingdom. Every encounter that someone has with us is actually an encounter with the mobile Kingdom of God. No, it will not always be spectacular in demonstration. It will not always mean a miracle healing or deliverance from demonic torment. Maybe it is a simple act of kindness. Perhaps it is a word of encouragement. Never underestimate ordinary displays of God’s goodness.

God’s Kingdom is His order, His will, and His way of doing. This is what we are stewards of on the earth. When we understand this, our purpose to bring change to society becomes all the more clear and vivid!


How have you thought about the Kingdom of God in the past? Did you see it as the same thing as Heaven, or as being born again/saved?

What do you think living as a citizen of God’s Kingdom here on earth looks like in a practical, everyday way?

Describe why you think being Kingdom-minded makes you more apt to bring about societal transformation and change?


But seek (aim at and strive after) first of all His kingdom and His righteousness (His way of doing and being right), and then all these things taken together will be given you besides.


Ask yourself, “How do I put the Kingdom of God first in my everyday life? Thoughts? Decisions? Relationships?”