Day Thirty



I would like to be known as a person who is concerned about freedom and equality and justice and prosperity for all people.


There are many hearts around the world that are crying out for justice. Remember, all of humanity was created in the image and likeness of God. This means that there are certain innate qualities we all exhibit that unveil certain attributes of our Creator. One such characteristic is the desire for justice. The Creator of the Universe is the ultimate Just Judge.

Both in and outside of the Church, there has been a significant movement toward social justice causes. This is worth celebrating. At the same time, I believe God wants to upgrade your vision for what true justice is and what it is designed to produce in someone’s life.

Christianity actually invites you into a revolutionary expression of justice. Yes, you are to remain focused on helping alleviate the assorted natural ills that are plaguing the world—from the epidemic of poverty to the devastation of disease to the horrors of sex trafficking. We focus on bringing hope in the midst of these atrocities, practically and spiritually. At times, one might look at how the Church and the world approach the issue of social justice and wonder, “What is the difference?”

Here’s the difference: Not only do we desire to alleviate the immediate problem, but we also desire to bring every man, woman, boy, and girl into a safe, loving relationship with the Perfect Father. The Vindicator. The Healer. The Redeemer. The Deliverer. We bring natural and spiritual solutions. I am ever amazed at how our God reveals Himself to whomever or however the situation needs Him to be manifested. Justice is not simply an act; it is a Person. When we become emissaries of justice, we are stepping into our identities as those created in the image of the God of justice.

Jesus Himself declared that He came “to set at liberty those who are oppressed” (Luke 4:18). If anyone personified the heart of God to remedy injustice on the planet, it was the Person of Jesus Christ.

You might look at Him and think to yourself, “Yes, but that was Jesus.”

Don’t let the call for justice overwhelm you. It begins in the ordinary, mundane trenches of everyday life. It is your call to help your neighbors, stand up for the homeless, and represent the dignity of every human being.

You might be asking, “Where do I start?” Without a doubt, the injustices running rampant in the world are overwhelming. The wonderful truth is that your starting place is a position of great power and effectiveness—your voice before the courts of Heaven. The blood of Jesus has given you bold access before the throne of grace to raise your voice and intercede on behalf of the voiceless.

When intercession is coupled with action, you become the most powerful force on earth. Not all are called to the front lines—but there is a place for you in the halls of prayer. Just ask the Lord how you can put action to your prayers in any of these causes.


How do you think our desire for justice models the character and nature of God?

What does Jesus reveal about God’s heart toward injustice?

Read Hebrews 4:16. How is your voice a powerful weapon against injustice?


Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need.


Begin in the place of prayer. This is where the Lord will give you a strategy for how you can meet needs in practical, everyday ways. Perhaps there is a cause that burns in your heart—pray about ways to get more involved. Do your research. Now is the time to take a stand for justice. This is how you experience the richer life. “It is by spending myself that I become rich,” said the legendary Sarah Bernhardt. When you play even a small role in bringing a remedy to the suffering of humanity, you are giving expression to what Jesus described as the abundant life. (See John 10:10.) What the thief has stolen or destroyed, you are coming against with life, hope, and healing.