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My windows had fogged up from my breath as I sat in my truck, an almost-empty bottle held between my legs. I could barely see the light snow swirling around outside beyond the condensation. A large building was just visible in front of me, past the snow-covered sidewalks. Several big rigs were parked in front and a couple men stood outside, smoking cigarettes in the cold.
I’d thought about this place a lot the past couple of months, having been there many times. On the way home from an out-of-town job one day, I’d had to piss like a racehorse, having finished a full case of beer while I was out. I saw a sign and pulled into the rest stop off the freeway a couple miles later, running inside as soon as the truck stopped moving.
While I was standing at the urinal, I heard strange noises coming from the stalls beside me. Zipping my pants up, I took a few steps back, peeking under the gap of the stall. I could see, very clearly, a man in dark jeans on his knees in one stall while another wrapped his hands over the top of the adjoining wall. I couldn’t see much more than his work boots, but I could hear the soft moans and grunts with an occasional slurping sound.
Immediately I knew what was going on. I bolted out to my truck where I turned the engine over and threw it into reverse, but then I hesitated. I felt something I hadn’t felt in a long time, something I’d tried so hard to suppress with my permanently drunk state, and curiosity got the better of me.
I sat there, waiting and watching until I saw a man in familiar tan work boots exit the building. An undeniable need drove me out of my truck and back into the men’s room. One of the stalls was still occupied, but I couldn’t see anyone on the ground anymore. Trying to act natural, I walked over to the adjoining stall and stepped inside, closing the door behind me. As I turned back, I noticed a large hole drilled into the shared wall, the edges covered in duct tape. I stared at it for a moment as I realized what I could do with it. My pants grew tight at the mere thought before I saw a single, thick masculine finger slide through the hole, beckoning me to come closer.
I knew there was a man in the other stall and I knew what he wanted. In a split second, without the will to resist, I slipped my pants off my waist, letting them hit the floor. I pushed myself through the hole. Immediately I felt a hot wetness and a tongue curling around me. I only lasted a moment or two before I cried out in bliss, rocking my hips against the wall. Stars burst behind my closed eyelids as I orgasmed for the first time in months. My body broke out in goosebumps and I heard myself panting like a dog while I leaned against the wall. After the wave of pleasure faded, I was ashamed and horrified that I’d be caught. I pulled myself out of the hole and yanked up my pants as I ran out of the building without even buttoning them.
I’d been unable to resist and went back many times, each experience more mind-blowing than the last. The men changed, but the release was always an addictive high. However, this time was different. This time I was going to be on the opposite side of the wall.
The thought had been floating around my mind for weeks. At first it scared me, but then I realized I was far from home and it would be totally anonymous. Nobody would ever know who I was. I’d just be a mouth on the other side of the wall, some random dude that nobody would ever meet. I kept coming back to the idea until I could no longer resist it. After spending so many years denying myself any pleasure whatsoever, I couldn’t say no any longer.
I finished the last of the bottle between my legs and tossed it to the floor, wiping my mouth on my sleeve. I stumbled out of the truck and up to the building, both of the men looking up at me from their cigarettes as I went in.
The familiar stall was open as I entered the empty men's room that smelled of piss and smoke. Quickly I slipped inside and shut the door, locking it behind me. The hole was still there with a fresh layer of duct tape to keep the edges smooth. I put the seat down and sat on it, fidgeting nervously as the reality sank in of what I was about to do.
It wasn’t even a full minute before I heard footsteps entering the bathroom. The heavy boots entered the stall next to me. Before I could even think I heard a zip and a sizable dick was stuffed through the hole, not yet fully hard. I eyed it nervously, not moving a muscle as the excitement and fear flooded through my body.
“Sometime today, buddy,” I heard an exasperated husky voice say on the other side of the stall, his boot tapping impatiently.
Slowly and silently I slipped off the seat onto the dirty floor. Steadying myself on the wall, I tried to shake off a bit of drunken haze. Positioning myself in front of the hole, I stared down the decision I was about to make. A decision I knew was dangerous, but no longer had the faculties to deny. I reached up gently and grasped it in my hand, a steady pulse of heat radiating off of the flesh. I could hear the boot tapping faster, the strangers impatience growing. I gulped hard and went for it, just pushing him into my mouth.
“Hurry it the fuck up,” he called, slamming his fist against the wall.
The sudden sound startled me, causing me to bite him by accident.
“Son of a bitch!” I heard him yell, and yank his softening member back through the hole.
Before I could say anything he had thrown open his stall door and come around in front of mine.
“Open up you little bitch!” he yelled, pounding on the door.
I slid backwards a few inches, now terrified of what I had gotten myself into. Within seconds a large boot collided with the door, breaking the lock. The door swung inward, striking me in the side of the head before I could get away. My world went fuzzy and my thoughts, already hazy from the whiskey, were impossible to organize. I looked up as a giant stepped into the stall, towering over me like some bearded ogre. He reached down and grabbed a fist full of my shirt, lifting me clean off the ground.
“You think it’s funny to bite people, you piece of shit?” he cursed, throwing me out of the stall.
I stumbled and hit the counter full of sinks, knocking the wind out of my lungs. Looking up I could see the blood running down my face from where the door had struck me leaving a gash on the side of my head. My vision swam in front of me, the world pulsating in waves of colors and focus. The man thundered up behind me, his cock still hanging out of his pants.
“I’m gonna teach you a lesson you won’t forget slut,” he growled, grabbing a handful of my hair and slamming me against the counter. “This is what you really wanted anyway isn’t it, faggot?”
I felt him tear down my pants, ripping the fabric as he did so. My head was still spinning and I knew I probably had a concussion. I tried to pull away, but his hand slipped down to my throat, his grip tightening and cutting off my air.
“If you scream I’ll fuckin’ kill you,” he hissed as he spit into his other hand and rubbed in on my ass.
I knew what was about to happen and braced myself for the pain.