
December 3rd, 2009


Dear Kit,

Cheryl moved out today. For good. She moved across town right into Kevin’s new house. I even helped her take some things out to her car. It’s weird to have an empty house again, but I’m honestly glad to see her go. She deserves to be happy just as much as I do and neither of us will be happy if we stay together. This is really for the best.

I actually went out to lunch with Kevin a couple weeks ago to talk to him about it. It took a lot of convincing to get him to talk to me. I don’t know if he was scared of me or the situation, but he really had nothing to worry about. He spent the first half of lunch apologizing over and over again. He always did have a guilty conscience about everything. Not that it stopped him from doing it in the first place.

Eventually I had to kind of snap at him and tell him to shut up. When I finally laid it all out on the table, he was stunned into silence. I told him I was happy for the both of them and that I wanted them to pursue what they had together, if they wanted to. I told him he had nothing to be sorry about. Cheryl had been unhappy with me for a long time and I honestly felt better she was going to someone I knew would take care of her. I gave them my blessing on the stipulation that Cheryl just sign the divorce papers as soon as possible. We didn’t have anything to split up anyway. I left the paperwork with him and hugged him goodbye. He was too stunned to speak I think.

The papers were signed and filed within two days. They’ve both been here since then, grabbing Cheryl’s belongings. I think I’ve put them on edge with how much this isn’t bothering me. I suppose I could have put on more of a show, but I just don’t see a reason to.

Before Cheryl left she asked me if there was something I needed to tell her. I lied and told her no.

Am I really that bad at hiding things?



P.S. I think I might join a dating site...