If you’re healthy, you have more wealth than money could ever buy. But are you as healthy as you could be? Even if you’re doing a hundred things right—watching your weight, working out a few days a week, eating plenty of fruits and vegetables, limiting food with too much sugar or saturated fat, feeding and challenging your brain, nurturing your spirit as well as your flesh—there’s also a lot more you can do. Fortunately, Healthiest You Ever is designed to offer you a full year of actionable information in seven categories, one for each day of the week, so you can do something every day to improve your health and fitness. The categories are as follows:
Monday: Diet and Nutrition
Tuesday: Strength
Wednesday: Mental Agility
Thursday: Endurance
Friday: Flexibility
Saturday: Recreation
Sunday: Rest
As you work your way through the book you’ll notice that the fitness items progress from the easiest or beginning levels of each activity to the harder, more difficult items. This way, you can start slowly and build toward improved flexibility, increased strength, and bolstered endurance. Some of the suggestions overlap, but each offers a new aspect, a new level, or a new attitude that can lead to progress or a deepening of your practice. The entries on rest include everything from actual sleep to meditation to spiritual renewal. And throughout the book you’ll also find a wealth of recreational activities that will bolster your fitness—and your fun!
Together, the 365 entries found within will provide you with a game plan for vastly improving your overall health and fitness. The mere fact that you’ve picked up this book means that you’re someone who takes personal responsibility and who strives to become an ever-better version of yourself. All you need to do is put the plan in motion by picking up the proverbial sword and marching boldly forward—one day at a time. So, hurry up, turn the page, and get started!