Ethel W. Brennan is a freelance writer and prop stylist. She is the coauthor of At the Farmers’ Market with Kids, Citrus, and Goat Cheese, and the author of Baby Gifts and Herbes de Provence. Her work as a prop stylist can be seen in such books as Vintage Cakes, SPQR, Princess Tea Parties, The Wild Table, Kokkari, Mixt Salads, The Cook and the Butcher, and The Blue Chair Jam Cookbook, which was nominated in 2011 for a James Beard Award for best photography. She lives in San Francisco with her husband and twin boys.

Sara Remington is a photographer and writer based in the San Francisco Bay Area, and travels the world for editing, publishing, and advertising. She was raised in upstate New York and studied photography and cinematography at Syracuse University and FAMU in the Czech Republic. Sara has provided photography for over thirty books, and was nominated for a James Beard Award for her photography in The Blue Chair Jam Cookbook. See more of Sara’s work at