
I hope you have enjoyed reading this book as much as I enjoyed writing it. I thank the following people who contributed their expertise and support: the kind folks at Broad Creek Press, most excellent editor, Tyler Tichelaar, and Fusion Creative Works for their cover and interior design.

A shout-out is necessary for the service men and women who lose their lives in the line of duty battling villains like the ones in this book. Whether they be police officers, firefighters, or military personnel, they do what the rest of us can barely comprehend—and all because it’s the right thing to do.

No story would be complete without saying a huge thank you to my parents, who have always shared with me their love of the English language. Growing up in a house full of music, love, and laughter, I quickly learned the value of a good story, a snappy comment, and the proper timing for a well-crafted punch line to a joke. May the fun stories never end!

—Laura S. Wharton