Chapter twenty-nine
Gulls screeched as Jenny tossed bits of bread—early-morning delights—upward on the beach. Sam watched her from the porch, coffee in hand.
She’s been so strong, he mused, even while she stays in the same house, sleeps in the same bed…and I have stayed in chaos so as not to think of Lee. Sam glanced down at the burnt-orange Durham Bulls T-shirt he was wearing. Lee’s shirt. “Must keep going,” he whispered.
“Keep going where?” Molly stood only a breath behind him in an extra-large T-shirt, apparently from Lee’s wardrobe also. Combing through her bed-rumbled hair with her fingers, Molly didn’t seem upset by Sam’s non-reply. She stepped back into the house and found a mug for herself before returning to the porch.
“Be careful, wherever you’re going.”
“I have no intentions of being anything but.” Sam gently inched toward her, close enough to smell toothpaste on her breath, close enough to see the concern in her eyes. Close enough to kiss her.
“Good morning, you two!” Jenny opened the screen door before Sam had even noticed her returning to the house.
“Morning,” Molly piped, suddenly aware that she was still the only one not fully clothed. She nipped momentarily into the studio in search of Jenny’s loaner jeans and short-sleeved sweater.
Jenny went into the kitchen and busied herself with a breakfast of bacon and eggs. In another moment, Sam followed her to refill his cup and looked for bread to make toast.
After the three had eaten their fill, Sam reiterated his instructions and admonishments, and out he went.