ABC Television


Abbott, Edna Brown Denison

Abbott, Helen Morrison

Abbott, Robert S.

Abolition Movement

Abolitionist press

Abzug, Bella

Adams, Abigail

Adams, John

African American press

Agitator, The

Ain’t I a Woman?

Alarm, The

Alpine Liberation Front

Alternate University

Alternative Viewpoints on the Internet

American Anti-Slavery Society

American Birth Control League

American Sentinel

American Woman’s Association

Anarchist Movement

Anarchist press

Anglican Church

Anthony, Susan Brownell

Anti-Lynching Movement

Anti-lynching press

Anti-War Movement (Vietnam)

Anti-war press (Vietnam)

Appeal to Reason


Aronson, James

Associated Press

Atlanta Constitution

Atlantic Monthly

Babcock, William

Baginsky, Max

Baker, Martha

Barnes, Gilbert H.

Barnett, Ferdinand L.


Beecher, Henry Ward

Beer Frame

Belmont, Alva Smith Vanderbilt

Bennett, Gordon

Berkeley Barb

Berkman, Alexander

Birth Control Movement

Birth control press

Birth Control Review

Black Panther

Black Panther Menace, The

Black Panther Party

Blackwell, Henry

Blair, Henry

Blatch, Harriet Stanton

Blood, James

Bluefield State College

Boston Courier

Boston Globe

Brady, Ed

British Anti-Lynching Committee

Broom, Clarence E.

Brown, John

Brown, Pat

Brown, Rita Mae

Brown University

Buck, Pearl S.

Bullard, Laura Curtis

Burchett, Wilfred

CBS Television

CIA (Central Intelligence Agency)

Carnegie, Andrew

Catholic Worker

Center for a New Television

Central Anti-Lynching League

Chain, David

Charleston News and Courier

Chesapeake & Ohio Railroad

Chiang Kai-shek

Chicago Conservator

Chicago Daily News

Chicago Defender

Chicago Inter-Ocean

Chicago Tribune

Child, Harold

Church of Christ

City College of New York

City Paper (Washington)

Civil Rights Movement

Civil War

Claflin, Tennessee

Clarke, Elijah (Lige)

Cleaver, Eldridge

Cold War

Colgate, Samuel

Columbia Records

Come Out!

Commercial Advertiser

Comstock, Anthony

Counter Intelligence Program (COINTELPRO)

Counterculture Movement

Counterculture press

Courier and Enquirer

Crawford, Anthony

Cronkite, Walter

Czolgosz, Leon

Daily Advertiser

Daily Flash

Dallas Notes

Day, Dorothy

Debs, Eugene V.

Declaration of Independence

Delaware Free Press

Democratic National Convention (1968)

deSelincourt, Hugh


Doggett, David

Donnelly, Dorothy

Douglas, Angela

Douglass, Frederick

Dowell, Denzil

DuBois, W.E.B.

Duncan, Donald

Dyer, Leonidas

Dylan, Bob

Earth First!

Eisenhower, Dwight

Ellis, Havelock

Emerson, Ralph Waldo

Espionage Act

Evans, George Henry

Evening Journal

FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation)

Fairness and Accuracy in Media

Fifteenth Amendment

First Amendment

Fortune, T. Thomas

Fowler, Ebenezer

Free Enquirer

Free Press (Los Angeles)

Free Trade Advocate

Freedom of Information Act

Frick, Henry Clay

Friedan, Betty

Fugitive Slave Law

Garland, Judy

Garrison, Helen Eliza Benson

Garrison, William Lloyd

Gay, Edward


Gay and Lesbian Liberation Movement

Gay and lesbian press

Gay Insider: USA, The

Gay Liberation Front

Gay Sunshine

Gay Times

General Federation of Women’s Clubs

Genius of Universal Emancipation

George Washington University

Goldman, Emma

Goldstein, Al

Great Migration

Great Speckled Bird

Gutenberg, Johannes

Hampton, Fred

Hampton, Iberia

Hampton Institute

Harman, Lillian

Harman, Moses

Harman, Susan Scheuck

Harper’s Weekly

Harvard College

Havel, Hippolyte

Haymarket incident

Haywood, “Big Bill,”

Heighton, Ann Beckley

Heighton, William


Heywood, Angela

Heywood, Ezra

Higgins, Anne

Higgins, Michael

Hilliard, David

Hinckle, Warren

Ho Chi Minh

Homosexual Citizen

Hoover, J. Edgar

Hutton, Bobby

I.F. Stone’s Weekly

Illinois Central Railroad

In These Times

Indianapolis Freeman

Industrial Revolution

Internal Revenue Service



It Ain’t Me Babe

Jackson, Andrew

Jiggs, Maggie

Johnson, Andrew

Johnson, Jack

Johnson, Lyndon

Johnson, Noble

Jones, Clabrun

Jones, Clarence

Jones, Mary Harris “Mother,”

Journal Newspapers

Jungle, The


Kansas City Times

Keller, Helen

Kendall, Amos

Kennedy, John

Kennedy, Robert F.

Kent College

Kershner, Jacob

Kill Your Television

Killer Dyke

Kindman, Michael

King, Martin Luther Jr.

King, Rodney

Kirk, Eleanor

Kois, John

Korean War

Ku Klux Klan

Kudzu, The

Labor Movement

Labor press

Lee, Robert E.

Lennon, John

Liberator, The

Life magazine

Lincoln, Abraham

Literary Digest

Livermore, Mary Ashton

London, Jack

Los Angeles Times

Lovejoy, Elijah P.

Lowe, Ernest

Lucifer, the Light-Bearer

Lundy, Benjamin

MacDonald, Angus Snead


Manchester Guardian

Mandel, Marvin

Mao Zedong

Markland, W.G.

Martin, John Biddulph

Masses, The

Matthews, Connie

Maurer, Rainee

McCarthy, Joe

McCloud, W.A.

McCormick, Katharine

McGovern, George

McKinley, William

Meat Inspection Act

Mechanic’s Free Press

Mechanics’ Union of Trade Associations

Memphis Free Speech

Merritt College

Miami Daily Planet

Michigan State News

Michigan State University

Middletown Gazette

Million Man March

Millsaps College

Miss America Pageant (1968)

“Mob Rule in New Orleans,”

Montgomery Advertiser

Morgan, Frances Tracy

Morgan, J. Pierpont

Morgan, Robin

Mother Earth

Mother Earth Bulletin

Mott, Lucretia

NAACP (National Association for the Advancement of Colored People)

NBC Television

Napier, Sam

Nation, The

National Gazette

National Guard

National Guardian

National Intelligencer

National Merit Scholar program

National Organization for Women

National Sickle Cell Anemia Control Act

New Appeal

New England Anti-Slavery Society

New Harmony Gazette

New Orleans Daily Picayune

New Orleans Times-Democrat

Newsweek magazine

Newton, Huey P.

New York Age

New York Call

New York Daily News

New Yorker magazine

New York Globe

New York Herald

New York Herald Tribune

New York Native

New York Post

New York Sun

New York Times

New York Tribune

New York World

New York World-Telegram

Ngo Dinh Diem

Nichols, Jack

Nielsen, Rick

Nineteenth Amendment

Nixon, Richard

No-Conscription League

NOLA Express

Northwestern University

O’Brien, John

off our backs

Offett, William

O’Neill, Richard

Open City


Osawkee Times

Owen, Robert Dale

Paper, The

Parsons, Albert R.

Parsons, Lucy

Peabody, James H.

Pentagon Papers

Pentecostal Church

Persons, Eli

Philadelphia City Council

Philadelphia Evening Bulletin

Philadelphia Free Press

Philadelphia Inquirer

Philadelphia Ledger

Philadelphia Record

Pincus, Gregory

Pitchford, Kenneth

Pittsburgh Sun

Planned Parenthood

Plymouth Church

Pope, Walter

Portet, Lorenzo

Powers, Jerry

Presley, Elvis

Progressive Era

Progressive Party

Pure Food and Drug Act

Queen Victoria

Rackley, Alex

Rag, The


Randazzo, Roselie


Reagan, Ronald

Real Change


“Red Record, A,”

“Red Summer,”

Reitman, Ben

Reserve Officer Training Corps

Revolution, The

Riot Grrrl

Rizzo, Frank

Roberts, Walter

Rockefeller, John D.

Roosevelt, Theodore

Rosenberg, Ethel and Julius

Rothchild, Peter

Rublee, Juliet

Rubyfruit Jungle

Sachs, Sadie

San Francisco Gay Free Press

Sandburg, Carl

Sanger, Grant

Sanger, Margaret

Sanger, Peggy

Sanger, Stuart

Sanger, William

Scherr, Max

Schoenfeld, Eugene

Scott, Lation


Seale, Bobby

Seneca Falls Convention

Sexual reform press

Sheftel, Joe

Shelley, Martha

Sherman Anti-Trust Act

Sinclair, John

Sinclair, Upton

Sisterhood Is Powerful

Slee, Noah

Small, Tolbert

Socialist Movement

Socialist press

Society for the Suppression of Vice

“Southern Horrors,”

Southern Student Organizing Committee

Space City

Spellman, Francis

Spirit of the Age

Spock, Benjamin

St. Louis Globe-Democrat

Standard Oil Company

Stanley, Will

Stanton, Edwin

Stanton, Elizabeth Cady

Stanton, Henry B.

Stein, Modest

Steunenberg, Frank

Stone, I.F.

Stone, Lucy

Stonewall Rebellion

Stowe, Harriet Beecher

Students for a Democratic Society

Suffrage Movement

Sumner, Charles


Survey magazine

Tennessee Supreme Court

Tet Offensive

Thomas, Jim

Thoreau, Henry David

Thorp, Charles

Tilton, Elizabeth

Tilton, Theodore

Time magazine

Time Warner

Todd, Francis

Topeka Daily Capital

Tougaloo College

Train, George Francis

Truman, Harry

Truth, Sojourner

Tutt, William and Salem

U.S. Congress

U.S. Constitution

U.S. Department of Agriculture

U.S. Department of Health, Education and Welfare

U.S. House of Representatives

U.S. Justice Department

U.S. Post Office

U.S. Senate

U.S. Supreme Court

Underwood, Mrs. J.S.

University of Alabama

University of California at Berkeley

University of Texas

Upshaw, M.D.

Utica Herald

Vanderbilt, Cornelius

Vanderbilt, William

Vaughan, Hester

Vietnam War

Village Voice

Visiting Nurses Association

Walker, Edwin

Wall Street Journal

Ward, Joe

Warren, Fred D.

Washington, Jesse

Washington City Post

Washington Evening Star

Washington Free Press

Washington Post

Wayland, Etta Bevan

Wayland, J.A.

Wayland, Pearl Hunt

Wayland, Walter

Wayne County Patriot

Week Online, The

Wells, H.G.

Wells, Ida B. Jr.

Wells, Jim

Wells, Lizzie

Wells-Barnett, Ida B.

Westmoreland, William C.

“Why the Colored American Is Not in the World’s Columbian Exposition,”

Williams, Billy

Williams, John Sharp

Wilson, Henry

Wilson, Woodrow

Winchester Argus

Woman Rebel

Woman’s Journal

Women’s Liberation Movement

Women’s liberation press

Women’s Rights Movement

Woodhull, Canning

Woodhull, Victoria

Woodhull & Claflin’s Weekly

Woodhull Claflin & Co. Brokerage House

Word, The

Working Man’s Advocate

Working Men’s Party

Working Women’s Association

Workingmen’s Advocate

World War I

World War II

World’s Columbia Exposition

Wright, Frances “Fanny,”

X, Malcolm

Young Women’s Christian Association


Zinn, Walter