Kudos is extended to FRIENDS of the Blue Ridge Parkway for their full support and for all of the wonderful work they are doing along the Blue Ridge Parkway. Without their hard work and commitment, we as a nation might lose our national treasure. I would like to recognize all of the former conservation workers and contractors for all of the hard work they put into building the parkway. What a legacy they have left.

In partnership with the National Park Service as well as with other organizations, businesses, and agencies, the staff and membership of FRIENDS have made it their mission to protect the parkway and raise public awareness of this national treasure so that future generations will continue to experience the unique journey it offers.

FRIENDS wishes to thank Karen J. Hall, author of this book and the Blue Ridge Parkway’s Postcard History Series book, for her major contribution to FRIENDS through sharing coauthorship of these books with FRIENDS of the Blue Ridge Parkway. Karen is not only a member of FRIENDS but is passionate about the Blue Ridge Parkway and making a difference for future generations. Contributions such as Karen’s are priceless to the future of America’s Most Scenic Drive.

FRIENDS of the Blue Ridge Parkway, Inc., a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation, organized and exists under the laws of the State of North Carolina and the Commonwealth of Virginia. Consider leaving a Blue Ridge Parkway Legacy to support the Blue Ridge Parkway’s future by remembering FRIENDS in your will.

For membership information or donations, contact:

FRIENDS of the Blue Ridge Parkway, Inc.
Post Office Box 20986
Roanoke, VA 24018
1-800-288-PARK (7275)