Megan wants Mammy to be listening to her but Mammy bees closing together with Daddy on the Big Bed and does not be hearing her and as well does not be looking at her and just bees closing together with Daddy and kissing him and cuddling also.

Lots of the days Daddy has spikes on he’s face. Megan does not like Daddy to be giving her kisses when there be spikes on he’s face and Mammy should not kiss him when him has spikes or cuddle also acause the spikes can be hurting.

Daddy has telled Megan to go in her room and get in her jammies and Mammy has said, ‘Yes, go and get your jammies on, Megan,’ and Megan is hating Daddy so so so much she will cut off he’s head maybe and maybe poo on it, maybe.

Megan is not be allowed in the Big Bed now acause she be a big girl now. When Megan beed two, Baby Peig has popped out and Megan has been wanting to lie aside the basket and watch when Baby Peig be sleeping, but Mammy has sayed no. Now she be sleeping aside Baby Peig and she can be watching her hands so squidgy soft and her breathing as well up and down, and Mammy sayed Megan bees such a big girl and a good girl for to be having Baby Peig in-with-her but that is a bit cheating acause actually Megan is happy to be getting Baby Peig in-with-her and even more when the little boy comes.

There be no goblins in Megan’s whole town, but sometimes she splains to Baby Peig anyway, just for to be sure, so Baby Peig does not be being scared: ‘I will mind you little baby,’ she says, ‘no goblins in this whole town and no bad fings in my woom.’ And as well, when she gets a snail feeling on her neck, and on her feet, she remembers really really hard that there be no snakes in Ourland and she tells that to Baby Peig also.

Megan loves her doggie jammies but it is a hard jammies to put on, because it be having a bottom and a top stuck together and buttons on her front – so many of holes in for legs and arms and hard to know which one. Her daddy has comed to the door and he be saying something and Megan say, ‘What you have sayed?’ acause he be doing that talking again that is gloopy and far away and hard to listen out the words. Her daddy walk in her room with Baby Peig sleeping and put Baby Peig down in her crib and then him pick Megan up on he’s so high arm and does a sloppy kiss on her cheek but otay cause he’s face bees not spikey today. Then he plops her down on the bed and open her jammies – the hole for one foot and then the other foot.

Then she be buttoned up so cosy and she loves Daddy.

‘Stowy Daddy.’

She does not so much hate Daddy when he not be spiking her cheek and when he bees reading her story. Daddy says yes to story so Megan says, ‘Two stowy?’ and he laughs and says, ‘Two quick stories then, but quick,’ and Megan loves Daddy and Daddy be so cosy warm. ‘Please will you lie with me, Daddy?’

Megan knows the little boy is be coming tonight – and she knows him is not be holding her hand and smiling and picking mushrooms with her together in the forest this night. Afore him come and pick mushrooms with Megan in the night, and they be having a basket for the mushrooms and a stick for pushing away the forest, but now when him comes him is just an open mouth like trying to make sounds and even like Megan is sometimes finding it tricky to pick out sounds she is knowing there be no sound in he’s froat and that is making him sad and angry as well and he’s eyes be very big and black and he’s hands be fat and small and dirty and she does be frightened some of the times when him be reaching out to touch her froat.