1. b)
2. c)
3. a)
4. c)
5. b)
6. a)
7. c)
8. a)
9. Hemp and marijuana
10. Aroma, bittering, and dual-purpose
11. Activated at high temperatures
12. 45 degrees
13. Hop cone resin
14. Aroma
15. Cocoa
16. Oregon State University
1. False
2. False
3. True
4. False—they are among the worst!
5. True
6. False
7. True
8. False
9. False
10. True
11. True
12. False—they just cause those aromas to dissipate
13. False—it’s more like 40ºF
14. True
15. False—it’s much safer with cans!
1. Fortified beer
2. Pilsner—light lager also accepted
3. Saison—farmhouse ale also accepted
4. Irish stout
5. IPA
6. Trappist or Abbey ale
7. Imperial stout
8. Brown ale
9. Witbier—hefenweizen also accepted
(Alphabetically by place):
Bamberg/Hell; Bend/Inversion IPA; Berlin/weisse; Brussels/gueuze; Cologne/Kölsch; Flanders/Arabier; Leipzig/Ritterguts; London/Deucebox; Portland/Flemish Kiss; San Francisco/Old Foghorn; Seattle/Ricola cough-drop ale; Wallonia/Orval