Special Thanks


I could not have made this book without the support of the following individuals. You helped to evolve this book into something special. I’d like to give a special thank you to each person here who contributed to this book’s creation.



Joel Tersigni


Jordy Ruiter

Henry Colomb

Richard Hamilton

Mark Harder

Charles Vought

James Straker aka 박민규

George Trombley

Anna Li

Carl Pray

Cindy K

Stephen Johnson

Rachel "토끼" Bibb

Jacob G. Cohen

Eric C.

Edward Voss

Mike Dryer

Catarina Kwan

Hemal Gala ( INDIA )


Jasmin S


Stephen Santoro

Blake Richardson

Matthieu Hélie

Nelson Morris

Christopher Langdon

Martin Fletcher

Anthony Royce Prudencio

John S. Hudock

Merrill Grady
