First, I’d like to extend my undying gratitude to Tony Rivera and Sharon Lawson for believing in this project. (You’re obviously very disturbed individuals and should be ashamed of yourselves). I couldn’t have asked for a better home or finer hosts.
To Mel Freilicher, who saw something special in the short story that sowed the seeds of this book.
To Stephen-Paul Martin, who mentored me while developing the novel and helped get it into publishable shape.
To Randall Lahrman, Tone Milazzo, Kevin Cullen, Evan Post and Richard Carr, for every small and large thing that needed tinkering in early drafts.
To Rick Blair, Nicholas Friesen and Adam Rusch for the ripping tunes (and Rob Logic for the recording).
To Valerie, for all the nights I’ve been locked away, thank you for being patient.
And to you, the reader, for being brave and open.