
A3: early radiotelephone voice encryption system

ASF: Army Service Force

ASW: antisubmarine warfare

AT: troop convoy designation, United States to UK

B-17: four-engine heavy bomber

B-24: four-engine heavy bomber (with transport and maritime patrol variants)

BA: British Army

C-54: four-engine transport aircraft

CBO: Combined Bomber Offensive

CCS: Combined Chiefs of Staff (Allied)

CIGS: Chief of Imperial General Staff (UK)

COS: Chiefs of Staff (UK)

COSSAC: Chief of Staff to Supreme Allied Commander, an organization and an officer’s title

CVE: escort aircraft carrier

CU: convoy designation, Caribbean to Liverpool

ETOUSA: European Theater of Operations, U.S. Army

HF/DF: high frequency direction

HMS: His Majesty’s Ship

HX: convoy designation, Halifax (later New York) to Liverpool

HXS: convoy designation, Halifax (later New York) to Liverpool, slow

JCS: Joint Chiefs of Staff (U.S.)

JIC: Joint Intelligence Committee

JPC: Joint Planning Committee (UK)

JSSC: Joint Strategy Survey Committee (U.S.)

JWPC: Joint War Planning Committee (U.S.)

KMF: convoy designation, Firth of Clyde to Mediterranean

MKF: convoy designation, Mediterranean to Firth of Clyde

OKW: Oberkommando der Wehrmacht, German Supreme Command of the Armed Forces

ON: convoy designation, outbound north, Liverpool to Halifax

ONS: convoy designation, outbound north slow, Liverpool to Halifax

OPD: Operations Division (U.S. Army)

OSRD: Office of Scientific Research and Development (U.S.)

RAF: Royal Air Force

RCMP: Royal Canadian Mounted Police

RMS: Royal Mail Ship

RN: Royal Navy

S-1: code name, atomic bomb development, U.S. term equivalent to Tube Alloy

SHAEF: Supreme Headquarters Allied Expeditionary Force

TA: Tube Alloy

TU: fast troop convoy designation, British Isles to United States

USA: U.S. Army

USAAF: U.S. Army Air Force

USAT: U.S. Army Transport

USN: U.S. Navy

USS: United States Ship

USSBS: U.S. Strategic Bombing Survey

UT: fast troop convoy designation, United States to British Isles

VHF: very high frequency

VLR: very long range

WSA: War Shipping Administration