- advertising, online
- Africa
- Energy Economy (EE)
- micro-crowdfunding
- mobile money transfer services
- mobile phone penetration
- prepaid meters
- remittances to
- social impact of FinTech
- aggregator websites
- algorithms
- predictive
- quantitative investing
- robo advisors
- “Alpha Capture”
- alpha, crowdsourced
- alternative investment market (AIM)
- Amazon
- analytics
- Apple
- applying to SMEs
- text analysis
- angel investing
- Angel List
- anonymity
- API (Application Programming Interface) economy
- Apple iPod
- Apple Pay
- Apple smartwatch
- Apple Touch ID
- Application Programming Interfaces (APIs)
- application stacks
- “Arrow Information Paradox”
- artificial intelligence (AI)
- Asia
- philanthropic remittances
- regulation of banks in China and India
- Singapore
- start-ups
- see also China; India
- asset management
- asset registries
- asset-centric technologies
- ATMs
- Australia
- Austria
- online banking
- Vienna, FinTech hub
- authentication
- automated investment advice
- automated text analysis
- Avoka
- B2B (business-to-business) supply chains
- commerce networks
- dynamic payments
- payment problems
- B2B2C services
- B2C (business-to-consumer) e-commerce
- Bankable
- “banking as a service”
- banking models
- banks
- collaboration with FinTechs
- conduct risk
- and the data revolution
- future of
- innovation
- loss of trust in
- response to FinTech
- BankTech, hybrid bank model
- behavioural biometrics
- for future identification
- behavioural economics
- big data
- insurance industry
- and optimization of legal contacts
- and regulatory compliance
- biometric IDs, India
- Bitcoin/bitcoins
- Bitcoin 2.0 applications
- future version of
- blockchain technologies
- blogging, financial
- BPM (Business Process Management)
- branchless banking
- business case, bank innovation
- business models
- APIs
- of banks
- client-centred
- and collaboration
- crypto-currency
- disruptive
- emergence of new
- Holland FinTech
- rethinking
- capital exchange, banks of the future
- capitalism, demise of
- cash flow
- B2B payment problems
- crowdlending
- forecasts for private customers
- management, SMEs
- cashless society of the future
- cashless transactions
- cell phones
- focus of developing country start-ups
- see also mobile phones
- “challenger banks”
- charitable giving
- China
- Alibaba
- banking regulations
- stock market
- Citi Mobile Challenge
- close loop payment networks
- cloud computing
- cloud services
- corporate financial software
- clustering of transactions
- codes of conduct
- collaboration
- B2B commerce
- between Fin and Tech
- between FinTechs and banks
- key to financial/digital inclusion
- vs competition, banks
- compliance
- computing infrastructure
- conduct risk, banks
- consumer power
- consumption, future of
- contactless payment systems
- convergence of FinTech
- cooperation technology
- corporate venture capital (CVC)
- covenants
- credit cards
- creditworthiness checks
- cross-border payments
- crowdfunding
- investor-led approach to
- micro-crowdfunding
- regulated
- crowdlending
- crowdsourced Alpha
- crowdsourced hedge funds
- crypto-currencies
- crypto-technologies
- customer expectations, change in
- customer experience (CX)
- integrating
- multi-channel
- personalization of
- smartphone apps
- vs business process management
- CVC (corporate venture capital)
- CVFs (corporate venture functions), setting up external
- DAOs (Distributed Autonomous Organizations)
- data advantage of banks
- data analytics
- data crowdsourcing
- data, innovation through
- data monetization
- data revolution
- databases/data warehouses
- for big data
- HANA platform
- identity
- for predictive analytics
- decentralized automation
- derivative market
- design
- seven guidelines
- user experience
- developing countries
- drivers for FinTech in
- financial inclusion challenges
- FinTech solutions in
- literacy, financial
- mobile and smartphone use
- mobile money services
- remittances to
- DFAs (digital financial assistants)
- digital asset management
- Digital Champions initiative, Lloyds Banking Group
- digital currencies
- digital divide
- digital exclusion, addressing
- digital financial assistants (DFAs)
- “digital immigrants”
- “Digital Lëtzebuerg” initiative
- digital money vs cash
- “digital natives”
- digital netting
- digital usage, generational differences in
- digital wallets
- digitization of legal contracts
- Disclosure Paradigm
- discrimination, Mexico
- disintermediation of banks
- “Disruption as a Service”
- disruptive innovation
- crypto-technologies (blockchain)
- innovation “consumption”
- shaping the future of banking
- distributed autonomous organizations (DAOs)
- distribution model, insurance
- diversification
- dynamic payments platform
- e-books
- e-commerce, India
- e-currencies
- e-money (prepaid) cards
- e-wallets
- earnings per share (EPS) estimates
- education
- capital market investors
- and digital divide
- financial literacy via MMS
- large-scale change required
- professional
- electronic documents, optimization of
- emerging markets
- Africa
- Asia
- financial literacy
- India
- Mexico
- new product development
- Nigeria
- smartphone use
- Energy Economy (EE)
- “entrepreneur”, meaning of
- ethics
- eToro
- Europe
- Austria
- equity crowdfunding
- France
- London
- Luxembourg
- the Netherlands
- regulations
- start-ups centres
- existence model, future change in
- exit opportunities, angel investors
- expansion capital
- Ezetap (India)
- Facebook
- Fidor
- financial bloggers
- Financial Conduct Authority (FCA), UK
- financial contracts, optimization of
- financial crisis
- financial exclusion, reducing
- financial inclusion
- financial literacy
- financial services
- business value of APIs for
- changed by emerging technologies
- future of
- financing
- future of
- impact of FinTech on
- FinTech banks
- FinTech clusters/hubs
- France
- India
- Luxembourg
- the Netherlands
- Singapore
- Vienna
- FinTech Equation
- FinTech Supermarket
- flexibility, big data
- forecasts
- cash flow, private customer accounts
- crowdsourced
- foreign exchange (FX)
- international remittances
- forward market in media buying
- France
- fraud
- friction, customer, eliminating
- future society
- futures market
- game-changers
- Generation Y
- Generation Z
- geographical trends
- Ghana, Power Bank Phones
- GIFT City, India
- Google
- 20% projects
- Compare sites, insurance
- e-wallet
- search engine
- Spanner database
- governance for innovation
- government services, digital economy
- Greece tweets
- growth capital
- growth funding
- guidelines
- design
- practice
- for setting up an external CVF
- hackers/hacking
- Hadoop framework, open-source
- hedge funds, crowdsourcing
- Holland FinTech
- Hong Kong
- hybrid digital finance platform convergence
- hybrid model for banks
- Hyper Frugality
- IBM Watson
- identity
- India
- financial hubs
- innovation areas
- regulation of banking
- Innotribe
- innovation
- banks
- India
- iterative approach to
- in online banking
- wearables
- innovation labs
- insurance sector
- claims via mobile devices
- credit insurance product, Rwanda
- ethical issues
- FinTech Supermarket
- telematics insurance, value of
- intellectual property (IP)
- intermediaries
- blockchain requirement for
- cost of
- declining need for
- and financial literacy
- internal and external data, combining
- “Internet of Money”, digital currency/bitcoin
- Internet of Things (IoT)
- interoperability, digital currency
- investment
- angel investing
- automated, robo advisors
- corporate VC
- crowdfunding
- crowdsourced alpha
- decisions, text analytics
- digital
- France
- graded investment notes
- hedge funds
- India
- in innovation
- Luxembourg
- quantitative
- Singapore
- social trading
- invoice handling
- iPod
- Israel, Yozma
- Kenya, mobile money
- KYC (Know-Your-Customer)
- Latin America
- Citi Mobile Challenge
- smartphone usage
- legacy systems, banks
- legal documents, digitization of
- legislation
- Lending Club
- lending/loans
- literacy, lack of digital
- Lloyds Banking Group
- location of FinTech hubs, importance of
- login security issues
- London, FinTech leader
- Luxembourg
- M-Changa
- M-Pesa
- management buyouts
- “marketplace banking”
- merchants
- adoption of Apple Pay
- credit card charges
- providing education and training to
- methodology, innovation
- MetroMile
- Mexico
- financial inclusion challenges
- remittances
- “micro asset managers”
- micro-crowdfunding
- middleman problem
- middleware, APIs
- millennials (digital natives)
- “mining” for bitcoin
- MMS (mobile money services)
- mobile banking
- and customer experience
- growth of
- login screens
- mobile devices
- mobile network operators (MNOs)
- mobile payments
- Apple Pay
- convergence with digital currency
- Kenya
- Vienna
- mobile phones
- financial inclusion in Africa
- penetration
- smartphones
- mobile virtual network operators (MVNOs)
- mobile wallets
- money
- money laundering
- data sources needed for detecting
- reducing in Nigeria
- regulation
- music industry
- Natural Language Processing (NLP), sentiment analysis
- the Netherlands
- network effects
- new product development
- New York
- news trading
- NFC (Near Field Communication) technology
- Nigeria
- non-bank banks, tech giants becoming
- non-banking financial companies (NBFCs)
- Ola cabs, India
- online advertising markets
- online banking
- online capital marketplace
- professionalism
- regulation
- online personal loan applications, abandonment rates
- open data/open source
- open innovation
- OpenBook, eToro
- opinion mining
- overdrafts
- P2P (peer-to-peer) lending
- partnerships
- for addressing digital and financial inclusion
- between banks and FinTech start-ups
- between FinTechs and banks
- FinTech supermarkets
- passwords
- payment ecosystem
- payment problems, B2B transactions
- payment services
- payment solutions
- PayPal
- peer-to-peer lending
- people and innovation
- Personal Financial Management (PFM)
- personalization
- of customer experience
- services of banks
- philanthropic remittances
- point of sale (POS) devices
- Austria
- and bank innovation
- contactless
- power generation
- predictive algorithms
- prepaid payments
- pre-paid cards
- prepaid meters
- pricing structures, online banking
- privacy issues
- private customer cash flow forecasts
- private equity
- proactive IT department
- professionalism
- programmatic advertising
- prototyping
- PSD (Payment Services Directive), EU
- psychology of trade
- public markets
- Pyramid of Opportunity, India
- quantitative investors (quants)
- quantitative (“quant”) strategies
- rapid prototyping
- real-time bidding
- real-time data
- real-time impact of news
- rebundling
- regulated crowdfunding portals
- regulation
- compliance systems
- of crowdfunding
- FinTech adapting to
- France
- global compliance
- online capital markets
- payment services
- supporting FinTech
- remittances
- Reputation Currency (RC)
- reputational scoring
- resources and innovation
- retail banks
- branch-focused approach
- business model change needed
- erosion of trust in
- FinTech partnerships with
- impact of FinTech on
- reward systems, substitute for money
- RFID (radio frequency identification) devices
- robo advisors
- robot takeover
- Rwanda, insurance product
- SaaS (Software as a Service)
- Safaricom, Kenya
- saving(s)
- commitment savings accounts
- in financial institutions
- financial planning apps
- future of
- low-income people
- scalability, big data technologies
- security
- banks of the future
- behavioural biometrics
- identity theft
- login
- Nigeria
- and usability
- sentiment analysis
- shadow banking system
- sharing economy of the future
- Sharpe ratio
- Silicon Valley
- Singapore
- small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs)
- crowdfunding
- FinTech solutions for
- predictive analytics
- rebundling for banks
- small businesses
- financial and digital exclusion, addressing
- in poor countries
- support for in Nigeria
- smart watches
- smartphones
- social capital
- social impact of FinTech
- social investment network
- social media
- and APIs
- enabling crowdfunding
- social login
- text analytics of tweets
- see also Facebook
- social trading
- SoftSpace (Malaysia)
- Software as a Service (SaaS)
- specialized banks
- sponsors, bank innovation
- spot market
- stakeholder engagement, bank innovation
- Starbucks
- Start-up Challenge
- start-ups
- in developing countries
- disruptive
- dynamic payments
- financing options
- France
- funding for
- Holland
- mobile payments, Vienna
- Nigeria
- shares
- tax issues
- stock prices, impact of news on
- success, setting up for
- success stories
- Avoka
- Bankable
- Citi
- eToro
- sustaining innovation
- talent
- tech giants
- see also Apple; Facebook; Google
- technology access, digital divide
- telematics insurance, value of
- text analytics
- time series clustering
- trading
- “Alpha Capture”
- and hedge funds
- social trading
- text analytics
- training
- in financial literacy
- re-vamping of
- transaction costs, reduction of
- transactions
- B2B
- dynamic payments
- three pillars of
- TransferWise, overseas money transfers
- Trulio, “identity bureau”
- trust
- in banks/financial services, erosion of
- and design of UX for FinTech
- and non-bank banks
- and reputation
- of well-known platforms
- Twitter-based evaluation of market moods
- Twitter Digits
- Twitter stock price
- the “unbanked”
- and financial inclusion
- impact of FinTech on
- India, bottom of the pyramid
- reached by mobile devices
- United States (USA)
- complex regulations
- crowdfunding regulations
- Jobs Act
- prepaid payments
- robo advisors
- universal banking model
- Universal Basic Income (UBI)
- usability and security
- user experience (UX)
- enhancing
- seven guidelines
- user interfaces (UIs), enhancing user experience
- user perception of security
- Valtech
- value chain
- value creation
- value exchange
- values, ethical
- venture capital (VC)
- verticalization of banking
- Vienna, mobile payments
- wealth management
- rebundling in
- robo advisers
- wearables
- Wedlite (Indonesia)
- WeSwap
- Wonga