The thing about rewiring your brain toward gratitude is that you begin to see gratitude everywhere. These acknowledgments are really just an extension of my own personal gratitude practice.
Gratitude to the Real Food Whole Life and Feel Good Effect podcast community. This book would not have possible without you. Thank you for reading and listening; thank you to each of you who experienced the Feel Good Effect in your own life and then worked to spread the mission and message outward. Words cannot express my humble appreciation.
To my agent, Laura Lee Mattingly, for believing in this mission and message, for your thoughtful feedback throughout, and for your commitment to representing authors with perspectives that challenge the status quo.
To my editor, Kelly Snowden, for championing this project from the beginning, for your guidance throughout the process, and for your insightful—sometimes hilarious—comments and feedback.
To my copy editor Janet Silver Ghent for exquisite attention to detail, Annie Marino for a thoughtful beautiful design, Doug Ogan for the editorial work, and to the entire team at Ten Speed Press.
To Briana Summers, for bringing the Feel Good Effect to life through your gorgeous illustrations, patterns, and washes.
To my dad, David, for giving me a brain that thinks in frameworks and models—one that never seems to turn off (thanks a lot for that last part). Gratitude for reminding me that I’m capable of great things, for your endeavors on student success, and for all the ways your work has influenced mine. Also, for your homemade margaritas and serving as my unofficial, unpaid CTO.
To my mom, Judy, for your unwavering and constant encouragement throughout, for your central role as anchor parent, for raising your daughters to be strong and powerful and kind and compassionate, and for all the ways you sacrificed to make opportunity possible for us. Also, for being my very first email subscriber and the absolute best grandma, ever.
To my, sisters, Laurel and Genevieve, and the next generation of Conley women; Ayla, Lily, and Evelyn.
Gratitude to the many phenomenal public teachers and educators who have helped shape who I am, especially those from Oregon’s South Eugene High School and International High School and the Special Education Department at Central Washington University. Also to public libraries for providing access to books, especially during times in my own life when buying new books wasn’t an option.
To all my fierce founder friends and virtual colleagues who, while working to change the world, manage to support me through the ups and downs of business building and authorship, including Taesha Butler, Kait Hurley, Ali Edwards, Ashley Neese, and Sonja Overhiser.
To the incredibly thoughtful and supportive women of my book club—Leah, Amy, Sharon, Diedra, Jennifer, Lisa, Heather, Erin, Jill, and Amy—and my most beautiful friendships, including Erin Vranas, Kelli Greenwald, and Julianna Gassman Hayes.
Gratitude to my city, Portland, Oregon, for endless inspiration and for providing a backdrop for a different kind of wellness, including Powell’s Books, Forest Park, Grand Central Bakery (gratitude for endless coffee refills), and YoYo Yogi; as well as the fitness and wellness community, especially the studios and instructors who are changing the fitness conversation and creating space for real health and happiness.
To Elle, my smart, fierce, strong-willed, kind, loving girl—you are my greatest teacher. You taught me courage before you were ever born and then taught me to slow down and find self-compassion after. Thank you for reminding me to let go of the daily weight of endless to-do lists in favor of presence, in favor of being, in favor of now. It’s you, my Elle, who teaches me that time is our most precious resource, that gentle is the only option, and that since this is the only moment we’ve got, we ought to spend it doing the things that really matter.
Finally, to Andrew. You are the reason this is possible. This book. This work. This life. All of it. Thank you for always saying “Yes.” When I say, “Here’s this crazy idea I have,” you say “Yes.” And when I say, “Will you please collaborate with me on this research so I can write a book?” you say “Yes.” And when I say, “I am having a crisis of confidence and I don’t believe in myself right now, can you please believe in me on my behalf?” you say “Yes.” And for the million other “yeses” you have said and will continue to say. Thank you for always standing beside me, and also behind me, together, equal; for your willingness to serve behind-the-scenes. Thank you for choosing to spend this life with me. I am forever grateful.