The arrest, trial, and execution of Anna Marie Hahn captured the fancy of the nation’s press. For seventeen months, between August 1937 and December 1938, her story demanded front-page attention. In its day, it was the crime story that everyone wanted to read. Big-city newspapers dispatched their top reporters to the scene, and during the trial the “sob sisters”—female and male reporters who milked the story for every emotion—had a field day.

Following are the names of the reporters and the publications whose work was most rewarding in the research for this book.


Chicago Daily News. Robert J. Casey.

Chicago Daily Times. Karen Walsh and Rocco Padullo.

Chicago Herald and Examiner / Chicago Evening. Evelyn Oberman. Chicago Sunday Tribune. Thornton Smith.

Chicago Tribune. Virginia Gardner.

Cincinnati Enquirer. Lee Allen, Joseph Garretson Jr., Herbert R. Mengert, Tom Mercer, and William W. Morris.

Cincinnati Post. Rollin Everett, Norine Freeman, Edward Halloran, Pat Kirwin, George Lecky, Walter Radtke, Charles Rentrop, Alfred Segal, Eugene Segal, Robert L. Stevens, and Walter Taylor.

Cincinnati Times-Star. George Elliston, Anthony P. Flamm, Charles Ludwig, Paul Mason, and Frank Rolandelli.

Clarksburg (West Virginia) Telegram / Central Press. Ellis Rawnsley. Cleveland Plain Dealer. Ralph J. Donaldson, Regine Kurlander, and William F. McDermott.

Cleveland Press.

Colorado Springs Gazette.

Colorado Springs Gazette-Telegraph.

Columbus Citizen. Edward Bliss Jr., James T. Keenan, Mark Murphy, Charlotte Sherwood, and Arthur Robinson.

Columbus Dispatch. Lester C. Ealy, Dorothy Todd Foster, George Klenzle, and Kay Murphy.

New York Daily News. Mara Bovsun.

New York Herald Tribune. Geoffrey Parsons Jr.

New York Journal-American. James L. Kilgallen.

New York News. George Dixon.

New York Times.

New York World-Telegram.

Ohio State Journal (Columbus). Harold W. Carlisle, Sarah L. Dush, and Ben Hayes.


Associated Press. Wayne Adams, E. E. Easterly, Frank Avrin, and William T. Lewis.

International News Service. Gerald B. Healey.

Scripps-Howard Newspapers.

United Press. Ralph C. Teatsorth and Sam Brightman.


The American Weekly. Mignon G. Eberhart.

Cincinnati Magazine. Evelyn [Oberman] Lauder.

Columbus Dispatch Magazine. Phil E. Porter.

Official Detective Stories. J. Porter Henry Jr.

Time magazine.


Badal, James Jessen. In the Wake of the Butcher. Kent, Ohio: Kent State University Press, 2001.

Fogle, H. M. The Palace of Death; or, The Ohio Penitentiary Annex. Columbus, Ohio: self-published, 1908.

Fornshell, Marvin E. The Historical and Illustrated Ohio Penitentiary. Columbus, Ohio: self-published, 1908.

Galbreath, Charles B. The History of Ohio. Chicago: American Historical Society, 1925.

Hickey, Eric W. Serial Murderers, Their Victims. Belmont, Calif.: Wadsworth, 1997.

Perry, Dick. Vas You Ever in Zincinnati? Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, 1966.

Phelps, M. William. Perfect Poison. New York: Kensington, 2003.

Schurman-Kauflin, Deborah. The New Predator: Women Who Kill. New York: Algora, 2000.

Writer’s Program of the Work Projects Administration in the State of Ohio. Cincinnati: A Guide to the Queen City and Its Neighbors. Cincinnati: Wiesen-Hart Press, 1943.